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NACO Network of Care

NACBHDD is the only national voice for county and local behavioral health and developmental disability authorities in Washington, DC. Through education, policy analysis, and advocacy, NACBHDD brings the unique perspective of our members to Congress and the Executive Branch and promotes national policies that recognize and support the critical role counties play in caring for people affected by mental illness, addiction, and developmental disabilities.

NACBHDD is also an active partner in efforts to improve access to, funding for, and quality of behavioral health services, especially those that serve the most vulnerable in our communities. Key issues include: protecting Medicaid coverage, ending the stigma of mental illness, better treatment for veterans, achieving parity in insurance coverage for behavioral health care, affordable housing and vocational training for those with mental illness or developmental disabilities, and many more.


April 2009 

NACBHDD Vice Chair Invited to White House Health Reform Forum

The White House recently held a series of Regional Health Forums on Health Reform in Michigan, Vermont, Iowa, North Carolina, and California.  According to the White House website for health reform, http://www.healthreform.gov/, the forums "bring together Americans across the region, key health care stakeholders, and elected officials from both sides of the aisle to discuss what must be done to change our health care system." Dan Ohler, Vice Chair of the NACBHDD Board and Executive Director, Ohio MRDD Board's Association, attended the first regional forum in Dearborn, Michigan on March 12. 

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Legislative News

DC Update
May 1, 2009

Former Kansas Governor, Kathleen Sebelius, Named Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services

FY 2010 Budget Resolution Passes House and Senate

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2009 Legislative and Policy Conference was a great success!!

From March 9-11, 2009 participants in the 2009 conference heard informative and engaging presentations, met with Members of Congress, learned about the prospects and process for health care reform, attended a Congressional Reception where Representatives Patrick Kennedy, Allyson Schwartz and Jackie Speier spoke to them, and celebrated NACBHDD's 20th anniversary as a NACo affiliate! It was a jam-packed three days that participants said were educational, memorable and fun!

A highlight of the 2009 Conference was the 20th Anniversary Reception that celebrated NACBHDD's two decades as an official NACo affiliate. We were pleased that NACo's Executive Director, Larry Naake, came by to speak to us accompanied by NACo President-elect Teresa Altemus from Virginia who said a few words as well. Long time NACBHDD Board Member David Wiebe (Johnson County, KS) was the evenings Master of Ceremonies and presented the "Outstanding Leadership Award" to the longest serving Board Member, Mr. Lynn Ferrell of Polk County, IA. Wiebe read remarks prepared by Ferrell's Iowa colleage and NACBHDD Board member, Linda Hinton, Counsel for the Iowa State Association of Counties, about Ferrell. The speech was entitled "Lynn Ferrell: the Unsung Hero."


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