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Labor Employer Reporting Instructions
Part VIII - Employer Reporting System (ERS) Internet User Instructions
Chapter 6:  E-Mail:  Notices to Employers and Employer Comments to RRB  

Purpose of E-Mail Notices

The purpose of the e-mail notices is to alert employers that new forms have been posted to the Internet site so that the employer can log onto the Internet and access the new items. The e-mail messages are a service to help employers receive timely information. Without the notices, an employer would have to access the RRB site every day to ensure timely receipt of new forms.

Tracing Notices

The Internet system also generates tracing notices when a reply is not made to an Internet request within the specified time, usually 30 days. Tracing notices are sent to the same persons as the original notices. Only one tracing notice is sent to the employer. A second tracing notice is sent, as an alert, to RRB staff who will then contact the employer by phone.

One tracing notice is also sent if a user updates a Form BA-4 on ERS but the form has not been approved for 30 days. There is no timeframe for approving Form BA-4. This notice is merely a reminder.

Who gets E-Mail Notices

When a new request form or informational notice is posted to the ERS Internet site for a particular employer, the system generates an e-mail notice to all users from that employer who have access to that form and who also have an e-mail address on the ERS. The system initially obtains e-mail addresses from the Form BA-12, Application for Employer Reporting System but each user maintains this information.

How to Modify an E-Mail Address

To add, change, or delete an e-mail address, sign on to the system and select “Modify my Account” from the main menu and make any changes.

Note: Any changes to your e-mail address on the ERS Internet system will only change that system. If you are also a designated contact official, your e-mail address may also be stored in our centralized contact official database. Generally, the RRB uses the centralized contact official database to address paper forms being sent by mail but RRB staff may also refer to the database to contact you. In the future, the RRB plans to integrate these systems. Until that time, if you change your e-mail address on ERS and you want this change to be made universally; please let us know by selecting the e-mail function on the main ERS menu and typing a message to that effect.

Am I Required to Provide an E-Mail

It is not a requirement that a user provide an e-mail address to ERS. The RRB provides E-mail notices as a service. If you want to discontinue receiving e-mail notices, you may delete your e-mail address by logging onto the system and selecting “Edit My Account.”

An employer is still responsible for all requests and notices sent via the Internet whether or not the employer is receiving e-mail notices. Therefore, an employer should ensure that at least one user will either be receiving e-mail notices for each form or will be logging onto ERS at least once a week to check for outstanding requests and notices.

Send Comment or Question to RRB via ERS

The ERS site also includes a function for sending e-mail to the RRB. The purpose of the e-mail function is so users can easily express an opinion or ask a question. To access this area, click the menu item “E-mail” along the top menu bar. Type your message or question and click “send.” This is secure e-mail. The message is actually created behind the RRB firewall; it is not transmitted from your PC to the RRB. If your message requires a reply, you should receive a reply within three days. If you do not receive a reply, please telephone the Quality Reporting Service Center.

You can also send e-mail to this site via your usual e-mail program by typing webcomments@rrb.gov in the “to” area, however this is not secure. The webcomments mailbox is reserved for comments and questions related to ERS. Please direct general inquiries to: 

Quality Reporting Service Center
Railroad Retirement Board
844 North Rush Street
Chicago, Illinois 60611-2092

Phone: (312) 751-4992
Fax: (312) 751-7190
E-mail: QRSC@rrb.gov
Experience Rating Specialist: (312) 751-4550

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