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Complete Summary


Pediatric weight management evidence-based nutrition practice guideline.


  • American Dietetic Association (ADA). Pediatric weight management evidence-based nutrition practice guideline. Chicago (IL): American Dietetic Association (ADA); 2007 Jun. Various p. [458 references]


This is the current release of the guideline.

The guideline will undergo a complete revision every three to five years.


 METHODOLOGY - including Rating Scheme and Cost Analysis



Pediatric overweight and obesity




Family Practice




Overall Objectives

  • To help dietetic practitioners, patients and consumers make shared decisions about health care choices in specific clinical circumstances
  • To provide evidence-based recommendations for pediatric weight management that reduce adiposity, prevent further weight gain, and maintain improvements in adiposity over a prolonged period

Specific Objectives

  • To define evidence-based recommendations for registered dietitians (RDs) that are carried out in collaboration with other health care providers
  • To guide practice decisions that integrate medical, nutritional, and behavioral elements
  • To promote consistency of practice among RDs
  • To promote self-management strategies that empower the patient and family to take responsibility for day-to-day management, and to provide the RD with data to make recommendations to adjust medical nutrition therapy or recommend other therapies to achieve target clinical outcomes
  • To enhance the quality of life for the patients and their families by utilizing customized strategies based on the individual's preferences, lifestyle, and goals
  • To develop content for intervention that can be tested for impact on clinical outcomes
  • To define the highest quality of care within cost constraints of the current health care environment and family situation


  • Children (6 to 12 years) and adolescents (13 to 18 years) with pediatric obesity (childhood obesity is defined as body mass index [BMI] > 95th percentile by child age)
  • Population groups, medical conditions, or coexisting diagnoses, where the pediatric weight management recommendations may be indicated, include:
    • Coronary heart disease
    • Diabetes mellitus (type 2)
    • Gynecological abnormalities
    • Hypertension (HTN)
    • Metabolic syndrome
    • Sleep apnea
    • Stress incontinence

Note: This guideline is not intended:

  • For treating obesity among children under five years of age
  • For prevention of child and adolescent obesity
  • As a replacement for interventions typically within the scope of practice of an athletic trainer or behavioral or psychological professional, for which adequate training in physical activity interventions and behavioral therapy is necessary



  1. Referral to a registered dietitian
  2. Nutrition assessment
    • Biochemical data, medical tests and procedures, including relevant laboratory tests
    • Anthropometric measurements including height, weight, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference
    • Physical examination
    • Food and nutrition history, including:
      • Measurement or estimation of energy needs
      • Comprehensive diet history, including current dietary intake and receptivity to change
      • Family history and involvement
      • Physical activity patterns
      • Psychosocial and economic issues impacting nutrition therapy
    • Client history, including
      • Medical history
      • Comorbid conditions and need for additional modifications in nutrition care plan


  1. Individualized nutrition prescription
    • Goals and intervention strategies
      • Comprehensive, multicomponent weight management program
    • Nutrition counseling and education
    • Dietary interventions
      • Energy restriction
      • Altered macronutrient diets
      • Specific foods
    • Physical activity interventions
    • Behavioral interventions
    • Family influences and participation
    • Pharmacotherapy (weight loss medications) or bariatric surgery, when indicated
  1. Monitoring and evaluation

Note: The following interventions were considered but not recommended:

  • Very low carbohydrate diet for long-term management of pediatric overweight
  • Protein Sparing Modified Fast Diet for long-term weight management for overweight children or adolescents
  • Very low fat diet (<20% of total daily energy) for use in pediatric weight management


  • Morbidity
  • Mortality
  • Quality of life
  • Weight loss
  • Body mass index percentile
  • Adiposity
  • Maintenance of weight loss
  • Percentage of individuals who meet their treatment goal
  • Cost of medical care



Hand-searches of Published Literature (Primary Sources)
Searches of Electronic Databases


Searches of PubMed and hand searches of other relevant literature were performed on the following topics:

  • Family involvement in treatment of childhood obesity
  • Behavioral intervention approaches
  • Daily intervention patterns
    • Regulating energy intake
    • Eating patterns
    • Macronutrient composition
    • Specific foods
  • Physical activity interventions
  • Weight loss drugs in treating obesity
  • Weight loss surgery in children and adolescents

General Exclusion Criteria

As a general rule, studies are excluded if the:

  • Study sample size is less than 10 in each treatment group
  • Drop-out rate was >20%

Inclusion Criteria

  • Study design preferences: clinical trials preferred
  • Limited to articles in English

The American Dietetic Association (ADA) has determined that for narrowly focused questions dealing with therapy or treatment, six well designed randomized controlled trials that demonstrate similar results is sufficient to draw a conclusion.

No one study design was preferred for all questions. The preferred study design depended on the type of question. The ADA uses the following principles in the table below for identifying preferred study design.

Type of Question Preferred Study Designs (in order of preference)
Diagnosis questions Sensitivity & specificity of diagnostic test

Cross-sectional study
Etiology, causation, or harm questions Prospective cohort

Case control study

Cross-sectional study
Therapy and prevention questions Randomized controlled trial

Nonrandomized trial
Natural history and prognosis questions Cohort study


Not stated


Weighting According to a Rating Scheme (Scheme Given)


Grading the Strength of the Evidence for a Conclusion Statement or Recommendation Conclusion Grading Table

Strength of Evidence Elements Grade I

Grade II

Grade III

Grade IV

Expert Opinion Only
Grade V

Grade Not Assignable
  • Scientific rigor/validity
  • Considers design and execution
Studies of strong design for question

Free from design flaws, bias and execution problems
Studies of strong design for question with minor methodological concerns


Only studies of weaker study design for question
Studies of weak design for answering the question


Inconclusive findings due to design flaws, bias or execution problems
No studies available

Conclusion based on usual practice, expert consensus, clinical experience, opinion, or extrapolation from basic research
No evidence that pertains to question being addressed

Of findings across studies
Findings generally consistent in direction and size of effect or degree of association, and statistical significance with minor exceptions at most Inconsistency among results of studies with strong design


Consistency with minor exceptions across studies of weaker designs
Unexplained inconsistency among results from different studies


Single study unconfirmed by other studies
Conclusion supported solely by statements of informed nutrition or medical commentators NA
  • Number of studies
  • Number of subjects in studies
One to several good quality studies

Large number of subjects studies

Studies with negative results having sufficiently large sample size for adequate statistical power
Several studies by independent investigators

Doubts about adequacy of sample size to avoid Type I and Type II error
Limited number of studies

Low number of subjects studies and/or inadequate sample size within studies
Unsubstantiated by published studies Relevant studies have not been done
Clinical Impact
  • Importance of studies outcomes
  • Magnitude of effect
Studied outcome relates directly to the question

Size of effect is clinically meaningful

Significant (statistical) difference is large
Some doubt about the statistical or clinical significance of effect Studies outcome is an intermediate outcome or surrogate for the true outcome of interest


Size of effect is small or lacks statistical and/or clinical significance
Objective data unavailable Indicates area for future research

To population of interest
Studied population, intervention and outcomes are free from serious doubts about generalizability Minor doubts about generalizability Serious doubts about generalizability due to narrow or different study population, intervention or outcomes studied Generalizability limited to scope of experience NA

This grading system was based on the grading system from: Greer N, Mosser G, Logan G, Wagstrom Halaas G. A practical approach to evidence grading. Jt Comm. J Qual Improv. 2000; 26:700-712. In September 2004, The ADA Research Committee modified the grading system to this current version.


Systematic Review with Evidence Tables


Step 1: Formulate the question

Specify a question in a defined area of practice; or state a tentative conclusion or recommendation that is being considered. Include the patient type and special needs of the target population involved the alternatives under consideration, and the outcomes of interest.

Step 2: Gather and classify evidence reports

Conduct a systematic search of the literature to find evidence related to the question, gather studies and reports, and classify them by type of evidence. Classes differentiate primary reports of new data according to study design, and distinguish them from reports that are a systematic review and synthesis of primary reports.

Step 3: Critically appraise each report

Review each report for relevance to the question and critique for scientific validity. Abstract key information from the report and assign a code to indicate the quality of the study by completing quality criteria checklist.

Step 4: Summarize evidence in a narrative and an overview table

Combine findings from all reports in a table that pulls out the important information from the article worksheets. Write a brief narrative that summarizes and synthesizes the information abstracted from the articles that is related to the question asked.

Step 5: Develop a conclusion statement and grade the strength of evidence supporting the conclusion

Develop a concise conclusion statement (the answer to the question), taking into account the synthesis of all relevant studies and reports, their class and their quality ratings. Assign a grade to indicate the overall strength or weakness of evidence informing the conclusion statement.


Expert Consensus


The expert work group, which includes practitioners and researchers with a depth of experience in the specific field of interest, develops the disease-specific guideline. The guideline development involves the following steps.

Review Evidence Based Conclusions

The work group meets to review the materials resulting from the evidence analysis, which may include conclusion statements, evidence summaries, and evidence worksheets.

Formulate Recommendations for the Guideline Integrating Conclusions from Evidence Analysis

The work group uses an expert consensus method to formulate recommendations, taking into account the following:

  • Recommendations for what the dietitian should do and why
  • Rating of recommendations based on strength of supporting evidence
  • Label of Conditional (clearly define a specific situation) or Imperative (broadly applicable to the target population without restraints on the pertinence)
  • Risks and Harms of Implementing the Recommendations, including potential risks, harms, or adverse consequences
  • Conditions of Application, including organizational barriers or conditions that may limit application
  • Potential Costs Associated with Application
  • Recommendation Narrative
  • Recommendation Strength Rationale, evidence strength and methodological issues
  • Minority Opinions, when the expert working group cannot reach consensus on a recommendation
  • Supporting Evidence


Criteria for Recommendation Rating

Statement Rating Definition Implication for Practice
Strong A Strong recommendation means that the workgroup believes that the benefits of the recommended approach clearly exceed the harms (or that the harms clearly exceed the benefits in the case of a strong negative recommendation), and that the quality of the supporting evidence is excellent/good (grade I or II)*. In some clearly identified circumstances, strong recommendations may be made based on lesser evidence when high-quality evidence is impossible to obtain and the anticipated benefits strongly outweigh the harms. Practitioners should follow a Strong recommendation unless a clear and compelling rationale for an alternative approach is present.
Fair A Fair recommendation means that the workgroup believes that the benefits exceed the harms (or that the harms clearly exceed the benefits in the case of a negative recommendation), but the quality of evidence is not as strong (grade II or III)*. In some clearly identified circumstances, recommendations may be made based on lesser evidence when high-quality evidence is impossible to obtain and the anticipated benefits outweigh the harms. Practitioners should generally follow a Fair recommendation but remain alert to new information and be sensitive to patient preferences.
Weak A Weak recommendation means that the quality of evidence that exists is suspect or that well-done studies (grade I, II, or III)* show little clear advantage to one approach versus another. Practitioners should be cautious in deciding whether to follow a recommendation classified as Weak, and should exercise judgment and be alert to emerging publications that report evidence. Patient preference should have a substantial influencing role.
Consensus A Consensus recommendation means that Expert opinion (grade IV)* supports the guideline recommendation even though the available scientific evidence did not present consistent results, or controlled trials were lacking. Practitioners should be flexible in deciding whether to follow a recommendation classified Consensus, although they may set boundaries on alternatives. Patient preference should have a substantial influencing role.
Insufficient Evidence An Insufficient Evidence recommendation means that there is both a lack of pertinent evidence (grade V)* and/or an unclear balance between benefits and harms. Practitioners should feel little constraint in deciding whether to follow a recommendation labeled as Insufficient Evidence and should exercise judgment and be alert to emerging publications that report evidence that clarifies the balance of benefit versus harm. Patient preference should have a substantial influencing role.

*Conclusion statements are assigned a grade based on the strength of the evidence. Grade I is good; grade II, fair; grade III, limited; grade IV signifies expert opinion only and grade V indicates that a grade is not assignable because there is no evidence to support or refute the conclusion. The evidence and these grades are considered when assigning a rating (Strong, Fair, Weak, Consensus, Insufficient Evidence - see chart above) to a recommendation.

Adapted by the American Dietetic Association from the American Academy of Pediatrics, Classifying Recommendations for Clinical Practice Guideline, Pediatrics. 2004;114;874-877.


An analysis was performed of potential costs associated with application of the recommendations in the guideline.


External Peer Review
Internal Peer Review


Each guideline is reviewed internally and externally using the AGREE (Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation) instrument as the evaluation tool. The external reviewers consist of a multidisciplinary group of individuals (may include dietitians, doctors, psychologists, pharmacists, nurses, etc.). The review is done electronically. The guideline is adjusted by consensus of the expert panel and approved by American Dietetic Association's Evidence-Based Practice Committee prior to publication on the Evidence Analysis Library (EAL).



Note from the National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC) and the American Dietetic Association (ADA): Recommendations for the determination of energy expenditure and energy requirements for children and adolescents draw from 2005 US Institutes of Medicine Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids (Macronutrients) (available online at http://www.nap.edu/catalog/10490.html -- especially Chapter 5 and Appendix I).

Ratings for the strength of the recommendations (Strong, Fair, Weak, Consensus, Insufficient Evidence), conclusion grades (I-V), and statement labels (Conditional versus Imperative) are defined at the end of "Major Recommendations."

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Comprehensive, Multicomponent Weight Management Program for Treating Childhood Overweight

PWM: Multicomponent Program

Interventions to reduce pediatric overweight should be multicomponent and include diet, physical activity, nutrition counseling, and parent/caregiver participation. A large body of strong research indicates that clinically supervised, multicomponent weight management programs are more successful than single component programs for short-term and longer-term (>1 year) improvement in child and adolescent overweight.

Strong, Imperative

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • Conclusion statements are Grades I and II

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Treating Overweight in Children Ages 2-5

PWM: Children Ages 2-5 Years Old

Weight maintenance is generally recommended in overweight children 2-5 years old within a multicomponent weight management intervention with active participation of parent/caregiver. Weight loss may be recommended when the child has serious medical complications. Research was not identified on the efficacy and safety of weight loss interventions among children ages 2-5.

Consensus, Imperative

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • No evidence grade given

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Assessing Foods and Pediatric Overweight

PWM: Foods Associated with an Increased Risk of Overweight

Dietary factors that may be associated with an increase in the risk of overweight and should be included in Nutrition Assessment are: increased total dietary fat intake and increased calorically sweetened beverages. American Dietetic Association (ADA) Evidence Analysis has shown that these factors are positively associated with childhood overweight.

Strong, Imperative

PWM: Foods Associated with a Decreased Risk of Overweight

Dietary factors that may be associated with a decrease in the risk of overweight and should be included in Nutrition Assessment are: increased fruit and vegetable intake. ADA Evidence Analysis has shown that these factors may be negatively associated with childhood overweight.

Strong, Imperative

PWM: Assessment - Total Energy Intake and 100% Fruit Juice

Dietitians should be aware of the research on the following dietary factors when carrying out their Nutrition Assessment: reported total energy intake and 100% fruit juice intake. ADA Evidence Analysis has found that these factors may or may not be related to pediatric overweight, but the research is still unclear on the relationship.

Fair, Imperative

PWM: Assessment - Dairy and Calcium

Dietitians should be aware of the observational research that indicates an inadequate intake of dairy and calcium may be related to an increase in the risk of pediatric overweight. Consideration should be given to including dairy and calcium intake as part of the nutrition assessment.

Fair, Imperative

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • Conclusion statements are Grades II and III

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Assessing Child and Family Diet Behaviors in Pediatric Overweight

PWM: Family Diet Behaviors - Increased Risk of Overweight

Child and family diet behavior factors that may be associated with an increase in the risk of overweight and should be included in Nutrition Assessment are: parental restriction of highly palatable foods, consumption of food away from home, increased portion size of meals, breakfast skipping. ADA Evidence Analysis has shown that these factors are positively associated with childhood overweight.

Fair, Imperative

PWM: Family Diet Behaviors - Relationship Unclear

Dietitians should be aware of the research on the following child and family diet behavior factors when carrying out their Nutrition Assessment: parental encouragement/pressure to eat, parental control over child's dietary intake, meal frequency, snacking frequency or snack food intake, and using food as a reward. ADA Evidence Analysis has found that these factors may not be related to pediatric overweight, or that the research is still unclear on the relationship.

Fair, Imperative

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • Conclusion statements are Grades II and III

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Assessing Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors

PWM: Behavior - Increase the Risk of Pediatric Overweight

Physical activity and sedentary behavior factors that may be associated with an increase in the risk of overweight and should be included in Nutrition Assessment are: excessive television viewing and excessive use of video games. ADA Evidence Analysis has shown that these factors are positively associated with childhood overweight.

Fair, Imperative

PWM: Behavior - Decrease the Risk of Pediatric Overweight

Physical activity and sedentary behavior factors that may be associated with a decrease in the risk of overweight and should be included in Nutrition Assessment are: regular physical activity and sports participation. ADA Evidence Analysis has shown that these factors may be negatively associated with childhood overweight.

Fair, Imperative

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • Conclusion statements are Grades II and III

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Determination of Total Energy Expenditure

PWM: Option for Determining Energy Expenditure

If possible, resting metabolic rate (RMR) should be measured (e.g., indirect calorimetry). If RMR cannot be measured, then the equations for estimating total energy expenditure in overweight youth provided in the 2005 US Institutes of Medicine "Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids (Macronutrients)," may be used. Estimated energy needs should be based on Total Energy Expenditure (TEE).

Refer to the original guideline document for types of TEE indices and calculations.

Consensus, Conditional

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • No evidence grade given

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Assessing Family Climate Factors

PWM: Family Climate - Increased Risk of Overweight

Family climate factors that may be associated with an increase in the risk of overweight and should be included in Nutrition Assessment are: parental dietary disinhibition and restraint, negative aspects of family functioning (such as lack of parental support or over-possessiveness), and parental concern about child's weight status. ADA Evidence Analysis has shown that these factors are positively associated with childhood overweight.

Fair, Imperative

PWM: Family Climate - Decreased Risk of Overweight

Family climate factors that may be associated with a decrease in the risk of overweight and should be included in Nutrition Assessment are: positive aspects of family functioning (such as family cohesion, expressiveness, democratic style, parental support and cognitive stimulation at home). ADA Evidence Analysis has shown that these factors may be negatively associated with childhood overweight.

Fair, Imperative

PWM: Family Climate - Relationship Unclear

Dietitians should be aware of the research on the following family climate factors when carrying out their Nutrition Assessment: household food insecurity. ADA Evidence Analysis has found that these factors may not be related to pediatric overweight, or that the research is still unclear on the relationship.

Fair, Imperative

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • Conclusion statements are Grades II and III

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Nutrition Prescription in the Treatment of Pediatric Overweight

PWM: Nutrition Prescription

A nutrition prescription should be formulated as part of the dietary intervention in a multicomponent pediatric weight management program. The exact specification of nutrients and energy is often translated into a specific eating plan. Nutrition interventions are selected based on the nutrition prescription. Research shows that when individualized nutrition prescription is included, improvements in weight status in children and adolescents are consistent. When an individualized nutrition prescription is not included, results are less consistent.

Strong, Imperative

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • Conclusion statements are Grades I, II and III

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Energy Restricted Diets

PWM: Energy-Restricted Diets - Children 6 to 12 years Old

If energy restriction is appropriate based on the registered dietitian's professional judgment, then a balanced macronutrient diet that contains no fewer than 900 kilocalories (kcal) per day is recommended to improve weight status within a multicomponent pediatric weight management program in children ages 6 -12 who are medically monitored. Research indicates that balanced macronutrient diets at 900 to 1200 kcal per day are associated with both short term and longer term (>1 year) improved weight status and body composition among 6 to 12-year-old children.

Strong, Conditional

PWM: Energy-Restricted Diets - Adolescents

If energy restriction is appropriate based on the registered dietitian's professional judgment, then a balanced macronutrient diet that contains no fewer than 1200 kcal per day is recommended to improve weight status within a multicomponent pediatric weight management program in adolescents ages 13-18 who are medically monitored. Research indicates that energy restricted balanced macronutrient diets no lower than 1200 kcal per day are associated with both short term and longer term (>1 year) improved weight status and body composition among 13 to 18-year-old adolescents.

Strong, Conditional

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • Conclusion statements are Grade I

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Reduced Glycemic Load Diet

PWM: Reduced Glycemic Load Diet - Children 6 to 12 Years

If an ad libitum reduced glycemic load diet is selected for use in children (age 6-12), then this diet could be used to produce modest, short term improvement in weight status. Limited research shows that an ad libitum reduced glycemic load diet results in short term improvement in weight status in this age group.

Weak, Conditional

PWM: Reduced Glycemic Load Diet - Adolescents

If an ad libitum reduced glycemic load diet is selected for use in adolescents (age 13-18), then this diet could be used to produce modest, short term and longer term improvement in weight status and body composition. Limited research shows that an ad libitum reduced glycemic load diet results in short term improvement in weight status and body composition in this age group. One study shows weight status improvement at 1 year.

Fair, Conditional

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • Conclusion statements are Grade III

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Very Low Carbohydrate Diet

PWM: Very Low Carbohydrate Diet - Adolescents

If a low carbohydrate diet is selected for use in adolescents, then it is recommended for short term (up to 12 weeks) use. The use of an ad libitum very low carbohydrate diet which is defined as a diet containing 20 to 60 grams of carbohydrates to treat overweight adolescents has shown short-term improvement in weight status. However, due to the lack of evidence, it is not recommended for long-term treatment of pediatric overweight.

Weak, Conditional

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • No evidence grade given

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Using Protein Sparing Modified Fast Diets for Pediatric Weight Loss

PWM: Protein Sparing Modified Fast Diets: Short-term Treatment

If overweight (>120% ideal body weight [IBW]) children and adolescents with serious medical complications would benefit from rapid weight loss, then a Protein Sparing Modified Fast Diet (PSMF) could be utilized in a short-term intervention (typically 10 weeks) under the supervision of a multidisciplinary team of healthcare providers who specialize in pediatric overweight. Research shows that short term use of a PSMF brings about short term and longer term improvement in weight status and body composition when part of a medically supervised, multicomponent program.

Weak, Conditional

PWM: Protein Sparing Modified Fast Diets: Long-term Treatment

The Protein Sparing Modified Fast Diet is not recommended for long-term weight management for overweight children or adolescents. There are few well designed studies to support the use of this intervention for longer than 10 weeks.

Weak, Imperative

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • Conclusion statements are Grades III and V

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Very Low Fat Diet (Less than 20% Daily Energy Intake from Fat)

PWM: Very Low Fat Diet

Use of a very low fat diet (<20% of total daily energy) is not recommended for use in pediatric weight management. The efficacy of a very low fat diet defined as <20% of total daily energy intake from fat in the treatment of pediatric overweight has not been studied.

Insufficient Evidence, Imperative

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • Conclusion statement is Grade V

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Nutrition Education in the Treatment of Pediatric Overweight

PWM: Tailor Nutrition Education to Nutrition Prescription

In a multicomponent program, if there is a nutrition diagnosis for food and nutrition-related knowledge deficit, then Nutrition education should be tailored to the nutrition prescription. Research shows that if nutrition education is not tailored to nutrition prescription, improvement in weight status is not consistent.

Fair, Conditional

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • Conclusion statements are Grades I, II, and III

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Nutrition Counseling and Behavior Therapy Strategies in the Treatment of Overweight in Children and Adolescents

PWM: Nutrition Counseling

Nutrition counseling delivered by a registered dietitian (RD) (which is inclusive of goal setting, self monitoring, stimulus control, problem solving, contingency management, cognitive restructuring, use of incentives and rewards, and social supports) should be a part of the behavior therapy component of a multicomponent pediatric weight management program.

Consensus, Imperative

PWM: Behavioral Therapy

Behavior therapy strategies should be included as part of a multicomponent pediatric weight management program. Research shows that when behavior therapy strategies are included within the context of a multidisciplinary team, weight status and body composition improve.

Strong, Imperative

PWM: Family-Based Counseling

Family-based counseling that includes parent training or modeling should be included as part of a multicomponent weight management program that targets children ages 6 to 12 years. During the development of a multicomponent treatment program for children ages 12 years and younger, the registered dietitian should advise the health care team on the advantages of incorporating parent training or modeling as part of the treatment program. Research studies including parent training or modeling as part of a multicomponent weight management program for children 12 years and younger showed positive changes in a child's weight status and adiposity.

Strong, Imperative

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • Conclusion statements are Grade I

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Family Participation in Treating Pediatric Overweight in Children and Adolescents

PWM: Family Participation - Children 6 to 12 Years Old

Parent/caregiver should be included in multicomponent pediatric weight management programs as an agent of change when treating children ages 6-12. A strong body of research indicates that including parents/caregivers as agents of change in the treatment of their child's overweight is associated with both short-term and longer term (>1 year) improvements in weight status. A more limited body of research indicates that treating 6 to 12-year-old children without parental participation is not effective.

Strong, Imperative

PWM: Family Participation - Adolescents

Parent/caregiver may be included in multicomponent pediatric weight management programs when treating adolescents. A limited body of research indicates that programs with or without parent/caregiver participation may be effective for improvements in weight status and adiposity in adolescents.

Fair, Conditional

PWM: Family Participation - Treatment Format

If parent/caregiver participation is included in child and adolescent weight management programs, health professionals should tailor the format (e.g., group versus individual format, parent/caregiver with child versus parent/caregiver and child separate, etc.) to meet individual, family, and program needs. Research does not show a clear superiority of one format versus another for parent/caregiver participation.

Consensus, Conditional

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • Conclusion statements are Grades I, II, and III

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Nutrition Counseling: Setting Weight Goals with Patient and Family

PWM: Weight Goals

Weight goals should be individualized for the child. Because of growth occurring within children and adolescents, the goal of pediatric weight management programs may be weight stabilization rather than weight loss. Research indicates that weight stabilization in children and adolescents may be associated with improvements in body mass index (BMI) and other measures of adiposity.

Consensus, Imperative

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • No evidence grade given

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Coordination of Care in Pediatric Weight Management

PWM: Coordination of Care

Dietitian should collaborate with members of the healthcare team (as available) in planning and implementing behavior, physical activity, and adjunct therapy strategies. Effective multicomponent pediatric weight management interventions benefit from the diverse expertise of different healthcare professionals.

Consensus, Imperative

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • Conclusion statements are Grades I, II, and III

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Decreasing Sedentary Behaviors in Children and Adolescents

PWM: Decreasing Sedentary Behaviors - Children

Children should be counseled to reduce or limit sedentary activities (e.g., TV, video games, "screen time"). Intervention research indicates that reducing sedentary activities may have both short term and longer term benefits in terms of pediatric overweight. Observational research also indicates that TV time may also be associated with increased consumption of energy dense foods.

Fair, Imperative

PWM: Decreasing Sedentary Behaviors - Adolescents

Adolescents should be counseled to reduce or limit sedentary activities (e.g., TV, video games, "screen time"). Limited intervention research indicates that reducing sedentary activities may have both short term benefits in terms of overweight.

Weak, Imperative

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • Conclusion statements are Grades II and III

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Physical Activity in the Treatment of Childhood and Adolescent Overweight

PWM: Physical Activity

Physical activity should be included as part of a multicomponent pediatric weight management program. Research indicates that increasing physical activity as part of a multicomponent program results in significant improvements in weight status and/or body composition in children and adolescents.

Strong, Imperative

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • Conclusion statement is Grade III

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Adjunct Therapies: Use of Weight Loss Medications in Treating Overweight in Adolescents

PWM: Collaboration with Health Care Team

The dietitian should collaborate with the health care team regarding the use of weight loss medications as an adjunct therapy within a multicomponent pediatric weight management program for adolescents. Clinical outcomes are likely to be enhanced with the participation of a dietitian.

Consensus, Imperative

PWM: Weight Loss Medication

If a weight loss medication is selected as an adjunct therapy, then an over the counter or prescription gastrointestinal lipase inhibitor (e.g., orlistat) approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in adolescents may be recommended to treat overweight adolescents participating in a multicomponent pediatric weight management program. Research indicates that a gastrointestinal lipase inhibitor further improves weight status and body composition in some individuals within a multicomponent adolescent weight management program. However, the FDA has not studied or approved the use of this class of medication for children under the age of 12.

Fair, Conditional

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • Conclusion statement is Grade II

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Adjunct Therapies: Weight Loss Surgery and Adolescent Overweight

PWM: Weight Loss Surgery

Dietitians should collaborate with other members of the health care team regarding the appropriateness of weight loss surgery for severely overweight adolescents who have not achieved weight loss goals with less invasive weight loss methods and who meet specified criteria (see Conditions of Application in the original guideline document). Research indicates that for a subset of adolescents who meet the recommended criteria, weight loss surgery may be effective in bringing about significant short term and long term weight loss. Overweight children (< 13 years of age) are generally not considered to be appropriate candidates for weight loss surgery.

Consensus, Imperative

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • No evidence grade given

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Treatment Format Options: Group versus Individual Intervention

PWM: Group Versus Individual Interventions

Either group or individual nutrition intervention may be used as part of a multicomponent pediatric weight management program. Limited research that compares individual versus group format does not indicate differences in overall pediatric weight status. However, two studies suggest that some dietary outcome measures may be improved with an individual counseling format.

Weak, Imperative

Recommendation Strength Rationale

  • Conclusion statement is Grade III

Pediatric Weight Management (PWM) Optimal Length of Weight Management Therapy in Children and Adolescents

PWM: Optimal Length of Treatment

During the intensive treatment phase, Medical Nutrition Therapy for pediatric overweight should last at least three months or until initial weight management goals are achieved. Because overweight is a chronic, often life-long, condition, it is critical that a weight management plan be implemented after the intensive phase of treatment. A greater frequency of contacts between the patient and practitioner may lead to more successful weight loss and maintenance.

Consensus, Imperative

  • No evidence grade given
  • Definitions:

    Conditional versus Imperative Recommendations

    Recommendations can be worded as conditional or imperative statements. Conditional statements clearly define a specific situation, while imperative statements are broadly applicable to the target population without restraints on their pertinence. More specifically, a conditional recommendation can be stated in if/then terminology (e.g., If an individual does not eat food sources of omega-3 fatty acids, then 1g of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acid supplements may be recommended for secondary prevention).

    In contrast, imperative recommendations "require," or "must," or "should achieve certain goals," but do not contain conditional text that would limit their applicability to specified circumstances. (e.g., Portion control should be included as part of a comprehensive weight management program. Portion control at meals and snacks results in reduced energy intake and weight loss).

    Levels of Evidence

    Strength of Evidence Elements Grade I

    Grade II

    Grade III

    Grade IV

    Expert Opinion Only
    Grade V

    Grade Not Assignable
    • Scientific rigor/validity
    • Considers design and execution
    Studies of strong design for question

    Free from design flaws, bias and execution problems
    Studies of strong design for question with minor methodological concerns


    Only studies of weaker study design for question
    Studies of weak design for answering the question


    Inconclusive findings due to design flaws, bias or execution problems
    No studies available

    Conclusion based on usual practice, expert consensus, clinical experience, opinion, or extrapolation from basic research
    No evidence that pertains to question being addressed

    Of findings across studies
    Findings generally consistent in direction and size of effect or degree of association, and statistical significance with minor exceptions at most Inconsistency among results of studies with strong design


    Consistency with minor exceptions across studies of weaker designs
    Unexplained inconsistency among results from different studies


    Single study unconfirmed by other studies
    Conclusion supported solely by statements of informed nutrition or medical commentators NA
    • Number of studies
    • Number of subjects in studies
    One to several good quality studies

    Large number of subjects studies

    Studies with negative results having sufficiently large sample size for adequate statistical power
    Several studies by independent investigators

    Doubts about adequacy of sample size to avoid Type I and Type II error
    Limited number of studies

    Low number of subjects studies and/or inadequate sample size within studies
    Unsubstantiated by published studies Relevant studies have not been done
    Clinical Impact
    • Importance of studies outcomes
    • Magnitude of effect
    Studied outcome relates directly to the question

    Size of effect is clinically meaningful

    Significant (statistical) difference is large
    Some doubt about the statistical or clinical significance of effect Studies outcome is an intermediate outcome or surrogate for the true outcome of interest


    Size of effect is small or lacks statistical and/or clinical significance
    Objective data unavailable Indicates area for future research

    To population of interest
    Studied population, intervention and outcomes are free from serious doubts about generalizability Minor doubts about generalizability Serious doubts about generalizability due to narrow or different study population, intervention or outcomes studied Generalizability limited to scope of experience NA

    This grading system was based on the grading system from: Greer N, Mosser G, Logan G, Wagstrom Halaas G. A practical approach to evidence grading. Jt Comm. J Qual Improv. 2000; 26:700-712. In September 2004, The ADA Research Committee modified the grading system to this current version.

    Criteria for Recommendation Rating

    Statement Rating Definition Implication for Practice
    Strong A Strong recommendation means that the workgroup believes that the benefits of the recommended approach clearly exceed the harms (or that the harms clearly exceed the benefits in the case of a strong negative recommendation), and that the quality of the supporting evidence is excellent/good (grade I or II)*. In some clearly identified circumstances, strong recommendations may be made based on lesser evidence when high-quality evidence is impossible to obtain and the anticipated benefits strongly outweigh the harms. Practitioners should follow a Strong recommendation unless a clear and compelling rationale for an alternative approach is present.
    Fair A Fair recommendation means that the workgroup believes that the benefits exceed the harms (or that the harms clearly exceed the benefits in the case of a negative recommendation), but the quality of evidence is not as strong (grade II or III)*. In some clearly identified circumstances, recommendations may be made based on lesser evidence when high-quality evidence is impossible to obtain and the anticipated benefits outweigh the harms. Practitioners should generally follow a Fair recommendation but remain alert to new information and be sensitive to patient preferences.
    Weak A Weak recommendation means that the quality of evidence that exists is suspect or that well-done studies (grade I, II, or III)* show little clear advantage to one approach versus another. Practitioners should be cautious in deciding whether to follow a recommendation classified as Weak, and should exercise judgment and be alert to emerging publications that report evidence. Patient preference should have a substantial influencing role.
    Consensus A Consensus recommendation means that Expert opinion (grade IV)* supports the guideline recommendation even though the available scientific evidence did not present consistent results, or controlled trials were lacking. Practitioners should be flexible in deciding whether to follow a recommendation classified Consensus, although they may set boundaries on alternatives. Patient preference should have a substantial influencing role.
    Insufficient Evidence An Insufficient Evidence recommendation means that there is both a lack of pertinent evidence (grade V)* and/or an unclear balance between benefits and harms. Practitioners should feel little constraint in deciding whether to follow a recommendation labeled as Insufficient Evidence and should exercise judgment and be alert to emerging publications that report evidence that clarifies the balance of benefit versus harm. Patient preference should have a substantial influencing role.

    *Conclusion statements are assigned a grade based on the strength of the evidence. Grade I is good; grade II, fair; grade III, limited; grade IV signifies expert opinion only and grade V indicates that a grade is not assignable because there is no evidence to support or refute the conclusion. The evidence and these grades are considered when assigning a rating (Strong, Fair, Weak, Consensus, Insufficient Evidence - see chart above) to a recommendation.

    Adapted by the American Dietetic Association from the American Academy of Pediatrics, Classifying Recommendations for Clinical Practice Guideline, Pediatrics. 2004;114;874-877.


    The following algorithms are provided in the original guideline document:

    • Pediatric Weight Management Screening
    • Pediatric Weight Management: Nutrition Care Process
    • Pediatric Weight Management: Nutrition Assessment
    • Pediatric Weight Management: Nutrition Intervention



    The type of supporting evidence is identified and graded for each recommendation (see "Major Recommendations").

    The guideline contains conclusion statements that are supported by evidence summaries and evidence worksheets. These resources summarize the important studies pertaining to the conclusion statement and provide the study details. Each study is given a quality rating (positive, negative, neutral) and the type of study is also identified.



    A priority aim and benefit of implementing the recommendations in this guideline would is to improve the number of children and adolescents who are able to meet their treatment goal, whether by reducing body weight, preventing weight gain, improving body composition, or maintaining weight loss.


    Overall Risk/Harm Considerations

    Safety issues should be considered for each form of treatment recommended. Factors to consider when exploring treatment options include:

    • Certain factors, such as age, socioeconomic status, cultural issues and disease conditions, need to be taken into consideration in the application of these guidelines.
    • Clinical judgment in the application of these guidelines is necessary for patients with certain conditions such as pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, oncology treatment, severe psychiatric disorders and metabolic diseases such as Prader-Willi Syndrome.
    • Application of this guideline to children less than 6 years of age is not appropriate except where indicated.
    • Classification of obesity and determination of energy needs may not apply to certain individuals.
    • Reduction of caloric intake may result in nutritional inadequacies. Therefore, special attention should be paid to maintaining adequate intake of vitamins and minerals.
    • Intense physical activity in some individuals who are overweight or obese may contribute to disability or death, thus consultation with a physician prior to beginning an exercise program is recommended.
    • Adverse side effects have been observed in some patients receiving pharmacotherapy for weight management. Only those drugs approved by the FDA for long-term use in a pediatric population have data to support long-term safety and efficacy.
    • Weight loss can produce adverse effects and regular monitoring by health professionals is advised.

    Recommendation Specific Risks/Harms

    Energy Restricted Diets

    • Children and adolescents on energy restricted diets should be monitored for adequate micronutrient intake as well as adequate growth and development.

    Very Low Carbohydrate Diet

    • Electrolyte imbalance, especially hypokalemia, can be a side effect of very low carbohydrate diet especially when an adolescent is in a state of ketoacidosis.
    • Electrolytes should be monitored and potassium should be supplemented through dietary supplements when this diet is implemented.
    • Constipation may occur secondary to an inadequate fiber and fluid intakes.
    • A daily multivitamin supplements containing 100% of the daily reference intake (DRI) should be prescribed with the diet to ensure adequate vitamin and mineral intake especially since fruit, vegetable and dairy consumption may be limited.

    Protein Sparing Modified Fast Diets (PSMF)

    • Electrolyte imbalance, especially hypokalemia, can be a side effect of the PSMF.
    • Electrolytes should be monitored and potassium should be supplemented through dietary supplements when this diet is implemented.
    • A daily multivitamin supplements containing 100% of the DRI should be prescribed with the diet to ensure adequate vitamin and mineral intake especially since fruit, vegetable and dairy consumption may be limited.
    • Adequate fluid intake should be encouraged to prevent dehydration.

    Physical Activity

    • Intense physical activity in some overweight and obese individuals may contribute to disability or death.
    • Consultation with a physician and exercise specialist prior to beginning an exercise program is needed.

    Gastrointestinal Lipase Inhibitor

    • Adverse effects from the use of a gastrointestinal lipase inhibitor were determined by the intake level of dietary fat (the higher the intake of dietary fat the higher the likelihood of adverse effects). Adverse effects generally improved over time. Commonly occurring adverse effects include:
      • Malabsorption of fat soluble vitamins
      • Increased defecation
      • Oily spotting on clothing
      • Soft stools
      • Increased flatus
      • Fatty/oily stools
      • Fecal incontinence

    Weight Loss Surgery

    • Surgical complications
    • Micronutrient deficiencies (e.g., vitamin D for African Americans, vitamin K)

    Optimal Length of Weight Management Therapy

    • Pediatric weight management can affect growth, development, metabolic parameters and sometimes produce unintended effects such as excessive weight loss and nutritional deficiencies; therefore, continued monitoring by health care professionals is warranted.



    Clinical judgment is crucial in the application of this guideline. Careful consideration should be given to certain conditions, such as pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, oncology treatment, severe psychiatric disorders, and metabolic diseases such as Prader-Willi Syndrome.



    • American Dietetic Association (ADA) evidence-based nutrition practice guidelines are intended as a general framework for care of patients/clients with particular health problems and not for application to the treatment of all patients/clients in all circumstances. Complicating conditions such as severe illness or comorbidity, for example, may require different treatments or considerations. The independent skill and judgment of the registered dietitian or referring health care provider must always determine treatment decisions. Protocols/guides for practices are provided with the express understanding that they do not establish or specify particular standards of care for legal, medical, or other purposes.
    • While the guideline represents a statement of best practice based on the latest available evidence at the time of publishing, they are not intended to overrule professional judgment. Rather, they may be viewed as a relative constraint on individual clinician discretion in a particular clinical circumstance.



    The publication of this guideline is an integral part of the plans for getting the American Dietetic Association Medical Nutrition Therapy (ADA MNT) evidence-based recommendations on pediatric weight management to all dietetics practitioners engaged in, teaching about, or researching weight management as quickly as possible. National implementation workshops at various sites around the country and during the ADA Food Nutrition Conference Expo (FNCE) are planned. Additionally, there are recommended dissemination and adoption strategies for local use of the ADA Pediatric Weight Management Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guideline.

    The guideline development team recommended multi-faceted strategies to disseminate the guideline and encourage its implementation. Management support and learning through social influence are likely to be effective in implementing guidelines in dietetic practice. However, additional interventions may be needed to achieve real change in practice routines.

    Implementation of the Pediatric Weight Management Guideline will be achieved by announcement at professional events, presentations and training. Some strategies include:

    • National and Local Events – State dietetic association meetings, an ADA House of Delegates training session and media coverage will help promote the guideline
    • Local Feedback Adaptation – Presentation by members of the work group at peer review meetings and opportunities for continuing education unites (CEUs) for courses completed
    • Education Initiatives – The guideline and supplementary resources are freely available for use in the education and training of dietetic interns and students in approved Commission on Accreditation of Dietetics Education (CADE) programs
    • Champions – Local champions have been identified and expert members of the guideline team will prepare articles for publications. Resources are provided that include PowerPoint presentations, full guidelines, and pre-prepared case studies
    • Practical Tools – Some of the tools that will be developed to help implement the guideline include specially designed resources such as clinical algorithms, slide presentation(s), training, and toolkits

    Specific distribution strategies include:

    Publication in Full – The guideline will be available electronically at the ADA Evidence Analysis Library website (www.adaevidencelibrary.com) and will be announced to all the ADA dietetic practice groups and affiliates. The ADA website will also provide downloadable supporting information.


    Clinical Algorithm

    For information about availability, see the "Availability of Companion Documents" and "Patient Resources" fields below.



    Getting Better
    Living with Illness





    • American Dietetic Association (ADA). Pediatric weight management evidence-based nutrition practice guideline. Chicago (IL): American Dietetic Association (ADA); 2007 Jun. Various p. [458 references]



    2007 Jun


    American Dietetic Association - Professional Association


    American Dietetic Association


    Pediatric Weight Management Treatment Evidence-Based Guideline Workgroup

    Family Nutrition and Physical Activity Work Group

    ADA Pediatric Weight Management Position Paper Work Group


    Pediatric Weight Management (Treatment) Workgroup Members: Christina Biesemeier MS RD LD FADA, Chair; Joyce Bittle PhD, RD, LDN; Nancy Copperman, MS, RD, CND; Heather Holden Med RD LD CDE; Shelly Kirk PhD, RD, LD; Aida Miles, MMSc, RD, LD; Lorrene Ritchie PhD, RD; Denise Sofka MPH, RD

    Family Nutrition and Physical Activity Workgroup Members: Pat Crawford DrPH, RD; Dana Gerstein MPH, RD; Karen Peterson PhD, RD; Lorrene Ritchie PhD, RD; Greg Welk PhD

    Position Paper Workgroup Authors: Lorrene D. Ritchie PhD, RD, Center for Weight and Health, University of California, Berkeley, CA; Patricia B. Crawford DrPH, RD, Center for Weight and Health, University of California, Berkeley, CA; Deanna M. Hoelscher PhD, RD, University of Texas School of Public Health, Houston, TX; Melinda S. Sothern PhD, School of Public Health, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA


    In the interest of full disclosure, ADA has adopted the policy of revealing relationships workgroup members have with companies that sell products or services that are relevant to this topic. Workgroup members are required to disclose potential conflicts of interest by completing the ADA Conflict of Interest Form. It should not be assumed that these financial interests will have an adverse impact on the content, but they are noted here to fully inform readers.

    Workgroup members have disclosed the following:

    Nancy M. Copperman, received Honorarium for the Certificate of Training in Child and Adolescent Weight Management Course.

    Heather S. Holden, currently holds memberships with the American Diabetes Association and the American Association of Diabetes Educators.

    Lorrene Ritchie, received Grants/Research Support Foundation Iacocca Foundation, Atkins Foundation, Gilbert


    This is the current release of the guideline.

    The guideline will undergo a complete revision every three to five years.




    None available


    This NGC summary was completed by ECRI Institute on November 10, 2008. The information was verified by the guideline developer on December 9, 2008.




    The National Guideline Clearinghouse™ (NGC) does not develop, produce, approve, or endorse the guidelines represented on this site.

    All guidelines summarized by NGC and hosted on our site are produced under the auspices of medical specialty societies, relevant professional associations, public or private organizations, other government agencies, health care organizations or plans, and similar entities.

    Guidelines represented on the NGC Web site are submitted by guideline developers, and are screened solely to determine that they meet the NGC Inclusion Criteria which may be found at http://www.guideline.gov/about/inclusion.aspx .

    NGC, AHRQ, and its contractor ECRI Institute make no warranties concerning the content or clinical efficacy or effectiveness of the clinical practice guidelines and related materials represented on this site. Moreover, the views and opinions of developers or authors of guidelines represented on this site do not necessarily state or reflect those of NGC, AHRQ, or its contractor ECRI Institute, and inclusion or hosting of guidelines in NGC may not be used for advertising or commercial endorsement purposes.

    Readers with questions regarding guideline content are directed to contact the guideline developer.


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