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The Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (Move Act)


On Thursday, July 23, the Senate agreed by voice vote to include the provisions of S. 1415, the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act, into S. 1390, the Defense Authorization Bill, as amendment SA 1764. The Senate passed S. 1390 late in the night on Thursday the 23rd. The Defense Authorization Bill is expected to be the subject of a House-Senate conference committee later this year.

The MOVE ACT is intended to make it easier for absentee military troops and other overseas voters to register and vote, and to help ensure that their ballots arrive in time to be counted. These voters have historically faced a number of barriers to voting and have lower rates of registration and voter turnout than voters living in the U.S. At a hearing on May 13th, Rules Committee Chairman Charles E. Schumer released a Congressional Research Service survey showing that, in some states, over 25% of the ballots requested by troops stationed overseas went uncounted in the 2008 elections. The legislation requires the use of electronic transmission methods to help voters obtain voting material more quickly and requires states to send out ballots to these voters not less than 45 days before an election. Chairman Schumer and Ranking Member Bennett introduced amendments, incorporating feedback from their Senate colleagues and state and local election officials, at the July 15th markup, which were passed unanimously. Following these amendments, the Rules Committee discharged the MOVE Act by voice vote on Wednesday, July 15th.

Chairman Schumer and Senators Saxby Chambliss and Ben Nelson, also Rules Committee Members, were the original sponsors of S. 1415. A total of 59 Senators had agreed to cosponsor the legislation before it was incorporated into S. 1390.

TEXT OF AMENDMENT -- SA 1764 -- (Senate - July 22, 2009)

A State may delegate its responsibilities in carrying out the requirements under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (42 U.S.C. 1973ff et seq.) imposed as a result of the provisions of and amendments made by this Act to jurisdictions of the State.

[Page: S7932] GPO's PDF

SA 1764.

Mr. SCHUMER (for himself, Mr. CHAMBLISS, Mr. NELSON of Nebraska, Mr. BENNETT, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. ISAKSON, Ms. CANTWELL, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mr. BURRIS, Mr. VITTER, Mr. CASEY, Mr. PRYOR, Mr. BYRD, Mr. UDALL of New Mexico, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. DURBIN, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. WARNER, Mrs. HUTCHISON, Mr. ALEXANDER, Mr. CONRAD, Mr. BROWNBACK, Mr. SPECTER, Mr. WICKER, Mr. BURR, Mr. LIEBERMAN, Mr. ROBERTS, Mr. RISCH, Mrs. LINCOLN, Mr. THUNE, Mr. BOND, Mr. BAYH, Mr. NELSON of Florida, Mr. FRANKEN, Mr. ENSIGN, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. BEGICH, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. INHOFE, Mr. COCHRAN, Mr. WEBB, Mr. ENZI, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. CORKER, Mr. KERRY, Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. GREGG, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. DEMINT, Mr. JOHANNS, Mr. COBURN, Mr. LUGAR, Ms. MURKOWSKI, Mr. TESTER, Mr. CRAPO, and Mr. KAUFMAN) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 1390, to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2010 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

On page 166, before line 18, insert the following:

Subtitle H—Military Voting


This subtitle may be cited as the ‘‘Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act’’.


Congress makes the following findings:

(1) The right to vote is a fundamental right.

(2) Due to logistical, geographical, operational and environmental barriers, military and overseas voters are burdened by many obstacles that impact their right to vote and register to vote, the most critical of which include problems transmitting balloting materials and not being given enough time to vote.

(3) States play an essential role in facilitating the ability of military and overseas voters to register to vote and have their ballots cast and counted, especially with respect to timing and improvement of absentee voter registration and absentee ballot procedures.

(4) The Department of Defense educates military and overseas voters of their rights under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act and plays an indispensable role in facilitating the procedural channels that allow military and overseas voters to have their votes count.

(5) The local, State, and Federal Government entities involved with getting ballots to military and overseas voters must work in conjunction to provide voter registration services and balloting materials in a secure and expeditious manner.


A State may delegate its responsibilities in carrying out the requirements under the
Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (42 U.S.C. 1973ff et seq.) imposed as a result of the provisions of and amendments made by this Act to jurisdictions of the State. 


    (a) In General.--Section 102 of the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (42 U.S.C. 1973ff-1) is amended--

    (1) in subsection (a)--

    (A) in paragraph (4), by striking ``and'' at the end;

    (B) in paragraph (5), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; and''; and

    (C) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

    ``(6) in addition to any other method of registering to vote or applying for an absentee ballot in the State, establish procedures--

    ``(A) for absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters to request by mail and electronically voter registration applications and absentee ballot applications with respect to general, special, primary, and runoff elections for Federal office in accordance with subsection (e);

    ``(B) for States to send by mail and electronically (in accordance with the preferred method of transmission designated by the absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter under subparagraph (C)) voter registration applications and absentee ballot applications requested under subparagraph (A) in accordance with subsection (e); and

    ``(C) by which the absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter can designate whether they prefer for such voter registration application or absentee ballot application to be transmitted by mail or electronically.''; and

    (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection:

    ``(e) Designation of Means of Electronic Communication for Absent Uniformed Services Voters and Overseas Voters to Request and for States to Send Voter Registration Applications and Absentee Ballot Applications, and for Other Purposes Related to Voting Information.--

    ``(1) IN GENERAL.--Each State shall, in addition to the designation of a single State office under subsection (b), designate not less than 1 means of electronic communication--

    ``(A) for use by absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters who wish to register to vote or vote in any jurisdiction in the State to request voter registration applications and absentee ballot applications under subsection (a)(6);

    ``(B) for use by States to send voter registration applications and absentee ballot applications requested under such subsection; and

    ``(C) for the purpose of providing related voting, balloting, and election information to absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters.

    ``(2) CLARIFICATION REGARDING PROVISION OF MULTIPLE MEANS OF ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION.--A State may, in addition to the means of electronic communication so designated, provide multiple means of electronic communication to absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters, including a means of electronic communication for the appropriate jurisdiction of the State.

    ``(3) INCLUSION OF DESIGNATED MEANS OF ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION WITH INFORMATIONAL AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS THAT ACCOMPANY BALLOTING MATERIALS.--Each State shall include a means of electronic communication so designated with all informational and instructional materials that accompany balloting materials sent by the State to absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters.

    ``(4) AVAILABILITY AND MAINTENANCE OF ONLINE REPOSITORY OF STATE CONTACT INFORMATION.--The Federal Voting Assistance Program of the Department of Defense shall maintain and make available to the public an online repository of State contact information with respect to elections for Federal office, including the single State office designated under subsection (b) and the means of electronic communication designated under paragraph (1), to be used by absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters as a resource to send voter registration applications and absentee ballot applications to the appropriate jurisdiction in the State.

    ``(5) TRANSMISSION IF NO PREFERENCE INDICATED.--In the case where an absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter does not designate a preference under subsection (a)(6)(C), the State shall transmit the voter registration application or absentee ballot application by any delivery method allowable in accordance with applicable State law, or if there is no applicable State law, by mail.


    ``(A) SECURITY PROTECTIONS.--To the extent practicable, States shall ensure that the procedures established under subsection (a)(6) protect the security and integrity of the voter registration and absentee ballot application request processes.

    ``(B) PRIVACY PROTECTIONS.--To the extent practicable, the procedures established under subsection (a)(6) shall ensure that the privacy of the identity and other personal data of an absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter who requests or is sent a voter registration application or absentee ballot application under such subsection is protected throughout the process of making such request or being sent such application.''.

    (b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply with respect to the regularly scheduled general election for Federal office held in November 2010 and each succeeding election for Federal office.


    (a) In General.--Section 102 of the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (42 U.S.C. 1973ff-1), as amended by section 584, is amended--

    (1) in subsection (a)--

    (A) in paragraph (5), by striking ``and'' at the end;

    (B) in paragraph (6), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; and''; and

    (C) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

    ``(7) in addition to any other method of transmitting blank absentee ballots in the State, establish procedures for transmitting by mail and electronically blank absentee ballots to absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters with respect to general, special, primary, and runoff elections for Federal office in accordance with subsection (f).''; and

    (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection:

    ``(f) Transmission of Blank Absentee Ballots by Mail and Electronically.--

    ``(1) IN GENERAL.--Each State shall establish procedures--

    ``(A) to transmit blank absentee ballots by mail and electronically (in accordance with the preferred method of transmission designated by the absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter under subparagraph (B)) to absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters for an election for Federal office; and

    ``(B) by which the absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter can designate whether they prefer for such blank absentee ballot to be transmitted by mail or electronically.

    ``(2) TRANSMISSION IF NO PREFERENCE INDICATED.--In the case where an absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter does not designate a preference under paragraph (1)(B), the State shall transmit the ballot by any delivery method allowable in accordance with applicable State law, or if there is no applicable State law, by mail.


    ``(A) SECURITY PROTECTIONS.--To the extent practicable, States shall ensure that the procedures established under subsection (a)(7) protect the security and integrity of absentee ballots.

    ``(B) PRIVACY PROTECTIONS.--To the extent practicable, the procedures established under subsection (a)(7) shall ensure that the privacy of the identity and other personal data of an absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter to whom a blank absentee ballot is transmitted under such subsection is protected throughout the process of such transmission.''.

    (b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply with respect to the regularly scheduled general election for Federal office held in November 2010 and each succeeding election for Federal office.


    (a) In General.--Section 102 of the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (42 U.S.C. 1973ff-1(a)(1)), as amended by section 585, is amended--

    (1) in subsection (a)--

    (A) in paragraph (6), by striking ``and'' at the end;

    (B) in paragraph (7), by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon; and

    (C) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

    ``(8) transmit a validly requested absentee ballot to an absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter--

    ``(A) except as provided in subsection (g), in the case where the request is received at least 45 days before an election for Federal office, not later than 45 days before the election; and

    ``(B) in the case where the request is received less than 45 days before an election for Federal office--

    ``(i) in accordance with State law; and

    ``(ii) if practicable and as determined appropriate by the State, in a manner that expedites the transmission of such absentee ballot.''.

    (2) by adding at the end the following new subsection:

    ``(g) Hardship Exemption.--

    ``(1) IN GENERAL.--If the chief State election official determines that the State is unable to meet the requirement under subsection (a)(8)(A) with respect to an election for Federal office due to an undue hardship described in paragraph (2)(B), the chief State election official shall request that the Presidential designee grant a waiver to the State of the application of such subsection. Such request shall include--

    ``(A) a recognition that the purpose of such subsection is to allow absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters enough time to vote in an election for Federal office;

    ``(B) an explanation of the hardship that indicates why the State is unable to transmit absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters an absentee ballot in accordance with such subsection;

    ``(C) the number of days prior to the election for Federal office that the State requires absentee ballots be transmitted to absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters; and

    ``(D) a comprehensive plan to ensure that absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters are able to receive absentee ballots which they have requested and submit marked absentee ballots to the appropriate State election official in time to have that ballot counted in the election for Federal office, which includes--

    ``(i) the steps the State will undertake to ensure that absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters have time to receive, mark, and submit their ballots in time to have those ballots counted in the election;

    ``(ii) why the plan provides absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters sufficient time to vote as a substitute for the requirements under such subsection; and

    ``(iii) the underlying factual information which explains how the plan provides such sufficient time to vote as a substitute for such requirements.

    ``(2) APPROVAL OF WAIVER REQUEST.--After consulting with the Attorney General, the Presidential designee shall approve a waiver request under paragraph (1) if the Presidential designee determines each of the following requirements are met:

    ``(A) The comprehensive plan under subparagraph (D) of such paragraph provides absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters sufficient time to receive absentee ballots they have requested and submit marked absentee ballots to the appropriate State election official in time to have that ballot counted in the election for Federal office.

    ``(B) One or more of the following issues creates an undue hardship for the State:

    ``(i) The State's primary election date prohibits the State from complying with subsection (a)(8)(A).

    ``(ii) The State has suffered a delay in generating ballots due to a legal contest.

    ``(iii) The State Constitution prohibits the State from complying with such subsection.

    ``(3) TIMING OF WAIVER.--

    ``(A) IN GENERAL.--Except as provided under subparagraph (B), a State that requests a waiver under paragraph (1) shall submit to the Presidential designee the written waiver request not later than 90 days before the election for Federal office with respect to which the request is submitted. The Presidential designee shall approve or deny the waiver request not later than 65 days before such election.

    ``(B) EXCEPTION.--If a State requests a waiver under paragraph (1) as the result of an undue hardship described in paragraph (2)(B)(ii), the State shall submit to the Presidential designee the written waiver request as soon as practicable. The Presidential designee shall approve or deny the waiver request not later than 5 business days after the date on which the request is received.

    ``(4) APPLICATION OF WAIVER.--A waiver approved under paragraph (2) shall only apply with respect to the election for Federal office for which the request was submitted. For each subsequent election for Federal office, the Presidential designee shall only approve a waiver if the State has submitted a request under paragraph (1) with respect to such election.''.

    (b) Runoff Elections.--Section 102(a) of the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (42 U.S.C. 1973ff-1(a)), as amended by subsection (a), is amended--

    (1) in paragraph (7), by striking ``and'' at the end;

    (2) in paragraph (8), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; and''; and

    (3) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

    ``(9) if the State declares or otherwise holds a runoff election for Federal office, establish a written plan that provides absentee ballots are made available to absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters in manner that gives them sufficient time to vote in the runoff election.''.

    (c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply with respect to the regularly scheduled general election for Federal office held in November 2010 and each succeeding election for Federal office.


    (a) In General.--The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (42 U.S.C. 1973ff et seq.) is amended by inserting after section 103 the following new section:


    ``(a) Establishment of Procedures.--The Presidential designee shall establish procedures for collecting marked absentee ballots of absent overseas uniformed services voters in regularly scheduled general elections for Federal office, including absentee ballots prepared by States and the Federal write-in absentee ballot prescribed under section 103, and for delivering such marked absentee ballots to the appropriate election officials.

    ``(b) Delivery to Appropriate Election Officials.--

    ``(1) IN GENERAL.--Under the procedures established under this section, the Presidential designee shall implement procedures that facilitate the delivery of marked absentee ballots of absent overseas uniformed services voters for regularly scheduled general elections for Federal office to the appropriate election officials, in accordance with this section, not later than the date by which an absentee ballot must be received in order to be counted in the election.

    ``(2) COOPERATION AND COORDINATION WITH THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE.--The Presidential designee shall carry out this section in cooperation and coordination with the United States Postal Service, and shall provide expedited mail delivery service for all such marked absentee ballots of absent uniformed services voters that are collected on or before the deadline described in paragraph (3) and then transferred to the United States Postal Service.


    ``(A) IN GENERAL.--Except as provided in subparagraph (B), the deadline described in this paragraph is noon (in the location in which the ballot is collected) on the seventh day preceding the date of the regularly scheduled general election for Federal office.

    ``(B) AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH ALTERNATIVE DEADLINE FOR CERTAIN LOCATIONS.--If the Presidential designee determines that the deadline described in subparagraph (A) is not sufficient to ensure timely delivery of the ballot under paragraph (1) with respect to a particular location because of remoteness or other factors, the Presidential designee may establish as an alternative deadline for that location the latest date occurring prior to the deadline described in subparagraph (A) which is sufficient to provide timely delivery of the ballot under paragraph (1).

    ``(4) NO POSTAGE REQUIREMENT.--In accordance with section 3406 of title 39, United States Code, such marked absentee ballots and other balloting materials shall be carried free of postage.

    ``(5) DATE OF MAILING.--Such marked absentee ballots shall be postmarked with a record of the date on which the ballot is mailed.

    ``(c) Outreach for Absent Overseas Uniformed Services Voters on Procedures.--The Presidential designee shall take appropriate actions to inform individuals who are anticipated to be absent overseas uniformed services voters in a regularly scheduled general election for Federal office to which this section applies of the procedures for the collection and delivery of marked absentee ballots established pursuant to this section, including the manner in which such voters may utilize such procedures for the submittal of marked absentee ballots pursuant to this section.

    ``(d) Absent Overseas Uniformed Services Voter Defined.--In this section, the term `absent overseas uniformed services voter' means an overseas voter described in section 107(5)(A).

    ``(e) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be appropriated to the Presidential designee such sums as may be necessary to carry out this section.''.

    (b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 101(b) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 1973ff(b)) is amended--

    (1) by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (6);

    (2) by striking the period at the end of paragraph (7) and inserting ``; and''; and

    (3) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

    ``(8) carry out section 103A with respect to the collection and delivery of marked absentee ballots of absent overseas uniformed services voters in elections for Federal office.''.

    (c) State Responsibilities.--Section 102(a) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 1973ff-1(a)), as amended by section 586, is amended--

    (1) in paragraph (8), by striking ``and'' at the end;

    (2) in paragraph (9), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; and''; and

    (3) by adding the following new paragraph:

    ``(10) carry out section 103A(b)(1) with respect to the processing and acceptance of marked absentee ballots of absent overseas uniformed services voters.''.

    (d) Tracking Marked Ballots.--Section 102 of such Act (42 U.S.C. 1973ff-1(a)), as amended by section 586, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

    ``(h) Tracking Marked Ballots.--The chief State election official, in coordination with local election jurisdictions, shall develop a free access system by which an absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter may determine whether the absentee ballot of the absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter has been received by the appropriate State election official.''.

    (e) Protecting Voter Privacy and Secrecy of Absentee Ballots.--Section 101(b) of the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (42 U.S.C. 1973ff(b)), as amended by subsection (b), is amended--

    (1) by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (7);

    (2) by striking the period at the end of paragraph (8) and inserting ``; and''; and

    (3) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

    ``(9) to the greatest extent practicable, take such actions as may be necessary--

    ``(A) to ensure that absent uniformed services voters who cast absentee ballots at locations or facilities under the jurisdiction of the Presidential designee are able to do so in a private and independent manner; and

    ``(B) to protect the privacy of the contents of absentee ballots cast by absentee uniformed services voters and overseas voters while such ballots are in the possession or control of the Presidential designee.''.

    (f) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply with respect to the regularly scheduled general election

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