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'' Information Quality Guidelines
'' Information Quality Correction Procedure
Information Quality Introduction

Do not seek correction of personal information through the procedures described below. To seek correction of information related to individual records, benefits, or earnings, please contact the RRB field office nearest you.

OMB Section 515 Information Quality Guidelines Background  

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued government-wide guidelines under section 515 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2001. The OMB section 515 guidelines:

  • Are intended to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility and integrity of information disseminated by Federal agencies
  • Direct each Federal agency to issue its own information quality guidelines
  • Require each agency to establish procedures that allow people to seek correction of information disseminated by the agency on or after October 1, 2002, that is subject to section 515 and which does not comply with the agency or OMB guidelines

RRB Section 515 Information Quality Guidelines

You can review the RRB section 515 information quality guidelines.  These guidelines conform to the guidance, scope of applicability, and intent of the guidelines issued by OMB.

Information Quality Correspondence

At this time, the RRB has received no information quality correction requests; however, the RRB will update this page if it receives any requests.

What's NOT Covered under Section 515

Information that is NOT subject to the RRB Information Quality Guidelines includes:

Benefit Information

  • personal information received as a result of agency adjudicative decisions, such as notices
  • program publications that explain benefit programs and how to apply for benefits, such as pamphlets
  • information about individual Railroad Retirement records

If the information you want to correct falls into any of the categories listed above, or in any way involves the status of your benefits, please contact the field office nearest you.

Other Excluded Information

  • procedural and policy manuals, and other information pertaining to basic Agency operations
  • management information that is produced primarily for internal use
  • research reports clearly identified as not representing RRB positions, whether prepared by RRB staff or grantees whose research we funded.

What IS Covered under Section 515

Information that IS subject to the RRB Information Quality Guidelines includes:

  • statistical or actuarial information prepared for public dissemination
  • reports, studies and summaries prepared to inform the public about the impact of Railroad Retirement programs or for use in formulating broad program policy.

How to seek corrections

If you want to seek correction of information from us that is subject to section 515 Information Quality Guidelines, please follow the procedure for seeking correction of such RRB information.

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Date posted: 12/20/2006
Date updated: 12/03/2005