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RRB Strategic Plan
November 2003 View this document in PDF

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Prepared by Public Affairs 312-751-4777

The Railroad Retirement Board (RRB), like other Federal agencies, is required by the Government Performance and Results Act to submit a strategic plan to Congress and the Office of Management and Budget outlining the agency's mission and its general goals and objectives. These plans cover a six-year period, define how the agency will meet those goals and objectives, and are updated every three years. The RRB submitted its "Strategic Plan" for the years 2003-2008 to the Congress and the Office of Management and Budget in September 2003. Its previous Strategic Plan for the years 2000-2005 was submitted in September 2000.

The following questions and answers provide information on the RRB's Strategic Plan for the years 2003-2008.

1. What are the purposes of the Government Performance and Results Act?

In summary, the purposes of this Act are to improve the confidence of the American people in the Federal Government by holding agencies accountable for achieving program results; improve Federal program effectiveness and public accountability by focusing on results, service quality and customer satisfaction; enable Congress to more accurately evaluate an agency's performance by providing more objective information on the objectives and costs of Federal programs; and improve the internal management of the Federal Government.

To achieve these purposes, the Act requires that agencies set program goals and prepare plans for meeting those goals. The Act provides a framework whereby an agency's performance will be measured against the goals it has set and also requires each agency to publicly report on the progress it has made.

2. What are the goals and objectives of the RRB's Strategic Plan?

The RRB has two strategic goals; and for each goal several strategic objectives have been established to enable the agency to focus on achieving that goal.

The first strategic goal is to provide excellent customer service. The second strategic goal is to serve as responsible stewards for its customers' trust funds and agency resources.

3. What strategic objectives were established to achieve the goal of providing excellent customer service?

To satisfy its customers' expectation for quality service, both in terms of service delivery options and levels and manner of performance, the RRB has established the following four strategic objectives that focus on the specifics of achieving this goal.

  • Pay benefits accurately and timely.
  • Provide relevant, timely and accurate information which is easy to understand.
  • Provide a range of choices in service delivery methods.
  • Ensure efficient and effective business interactions with covered railroad employers.

4. What strategic objectives were established to achieve the goal of responsible stewardship?

Committed to fulfilling its fiduciary responsibilities to the rail community, the RRB has established the following four objectives that direct its focus on this goal.

  • Ensure that trust fund assets are projected, collected, recorded, and reported appropriately.
  • Ensure the integrity of benefit programs.
  • Ensure effectiveness, efficiency, and security of operations.
  • Effectively carry out the responsibilities of the Railroad Retirement Board under the Railroad Retirement and Survivors' Improvement Act of 2001 with respect to the activities of the National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust (NRRIT).

5. What is the NRRIT?

The NRRIT was created by the Railroad Retirement and Survivors' Improvement Act of 2001 in order to manage and invest railroad retirement assets. The RRB's responsibilities include reviewing the NRRIT's monthly reports, annual management reports, and annual audit reports of its financial statements in order to ensure the NRRIT's compliance with the provisions of the Railroad Retirement Act.

6. How did the RRB develop this Strategic Plan?

This plan continues a cooperative and intensive effort on the part of the RRB's management and staff and reflects input from its customers and other stakeholders.

The RRB's primary stakeholders are the employees and employers of the rail industry. Stakeholders also include Congressional committees, the Office of Management and Budget, other Federal agencies with whom the RRB interacts, and the National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust.

7.What steps does the RRB take to ensure achievement of the Strategic Plan's goals?

In order to ensure achievement of strategic goals, the Government Performance and Results Act requires that each agency also develop an annual performance plan, which is submitted along with the agency's budget request for a fiscal year. The annual performance plans lay out specific goals and objectives, along with performance indicators and specific measurable targets. After the fiscal year, each agency must also report on how well it met the plan's goals.

The RRB's latest performance report, for fiscal year 2002, was included with the agency's annual performance plan for fiscal year 2005. The report compared actual performance to goals, with the RRB meeting or exceeding 77 percent of the reportable indicators. In those areas where the agency fell short, a number of steps have been taken to ensure performance levels are met in subsequent years.

The RRB is proud of its strategic plan and expects that the plan will guide the agency as it continues its long and distinguished tradition of excellence in service to its customers. The RRB has a proven track record of carrying out its plans and achieving results. The RRB believes that this strategic plan, along with the annual performance plans and sufficient budget resources, will help the agency to achieve the results its customers need and deserve.

The complete plan is available on the RRB's Web site at www.rrb.gov.


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Date posted: 01/05/2006
Date updated: 11/01/2003