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Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the
American Shipbuilding Association (ASA)
August 4, 2004

  1. Alliance Background

    Date Signed

    July 15, 2003


    The Alliance focuses on using OSHA's and ASA's collective expertise to help advance a culture of injury and illness prevention while sharing best practices and technical knowledge and promoting safe and healthful working conditions for shipyard employees. The goals of the Alliance include:

    Outreach and communication:
    • Develop and disseminate injury and hazard information at conferences, events and/or through print and electronic media, including links from OSHA's and ASA's Web sites.
    • Familiarize OSHA personnel with the shipbuilding industries' safety and health best practices and share information on the best practices of ASA's members/worksites, as jointly determined by OSHA and ASA, with others in the industry.

    • Share current injury, hazard and workforce trends to help identify the top priorities for the development of employee safety and health training and outreach programs for the shipbuilding industry.

    • Promote and encourage ASA members' participation in OSHA's cooperative programs such as compliance assistance, the Voluntary Protection Programs, Consultation and SHARP. In addition, act as mentors to ASA members that aspire to excellence in safety and health.

    • Create and update electronic assistance tools for OSHA's Web page that address shipbuilding safety and health hazards.

    • Work with other Alliance participants on specific issues and projects for the maritime industry that are addressed and developed through the Alliance Program.

    Promoting the national dialogue on workplace safety and health:
    • Raise awareness through speeches and appearances by ASA leaders of their positive and successful worksite programs and their commitment to workplace safety and health.
    • Convene and/or participate in roundtable discussions or other forums to discuss issues, as jointly identified as top priorities by ASA and OSHA, in order to develop innovative solutions to specific injury and hazard issues in shipyards.
    Implementation Team Members

    Jim Thornton Director, Environment, Health & Safety, Northrop Grumman Ship Systems – Newport News Operation
    Steve Butler Office of Maritime Enforcement
    Bob Curtis Program Support Division, Salt Lake Technical Center (SLTC)
    Kristi Dearing Program Support Division, SLTC
    Debra Gabry Office of Science and Technology Assessment
    Earl Hicks Office of Outreach Services and Alliances (OOSA)
    Jim Maddux Office of Maritime Standards
    Jess McCluer OOSA
    Clyde Payne Region IV, Jackson Area Director
    Tom Pope Region III, Norfolk Area Director
    Lisa Ramber OOSA
    Amy Wangdahl Office of Maritime Standards
Evaluation Period:

July 15, 2003 – July 14, 2004
  1. Implementation Team Meetings
  • July 15-17, 2003
  • August 21, 2003

  • November 6, 2003
  • November 18-20, 2003
  • March 10, 2003
Shipyard Employment eTool Editorial Board Meeting, Pascagoula, MS
Joint Kick-off meeting with National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP) Alliance, OSHA, Washington, DC
Joint Meeting with NSRP, OSHA, Washington, DC
Shipyard Employment eTool Editorial Board Meeting, New Orleans, LA
Joint Meeting with NSRP and Shipbuilders Council of America (SCA) Alliance, Pascagoula, MS

  1. Events and Products

    Outreach and Communication


    • Shipyard Employment eTool

      OSHA and ASA, together with the NSRP and the SCA Alliances, are providing input in the development of OSHA's Shipyard Employment eTool that will provide information and guidance to help protect shipyard employees' health and safety by minimizing or eliminating exposure to shipyard safety and health hazards.

      The Shipyard Employment eTool describes common hazards and possible solutions for tasks performed during the maritime industries' ship repair, ship building, ship breaking, and barge cleaning processes. The Shipyard Shipyard Employment eTool's Ship Repair module was completed and posted to OSHA's Web site in 2003. Further, the Ship Building, Ship Breaking, and Barge Cleaning modules are under development. Jim Thornton is a member of the Shipyard Employment eTool Editorial Board.

      The Ship Building, Ship Breaking, and Barge Cleaning modules are expected to be completed by the end of FY04.

      Articles about the Alliance's participation in the development of the eTool were included in both the March 2004 and June 2004 issues of the Alliance Quarterly Review.

    • Maritime Industry Safety and Health Topics Page Editorial Board

      Jim Thornton is a member of the OSHA Maritime Industry Safety and Health Topics page's Editorial Board.

    • Forklift Safety Information Packet

      ASA distributed 15 copies of the Forklift Safety Information Packet to its members. The information packet, prepared by OSHA, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), and the Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division, is designed to increase awareness of the hazards of powered industrial forklift use by young workers. The packet includes: OSHA's Safety and Health Information Bulletin on "Protecting Young Workers: Prohibition Against Young Workers Operating Forklifts"; NIOSH's "Forklift Alert"; the Wage and Hour Division's "Forklift Stop Sticker" (to be affixed to forklifts as a warning to young workers); and a DOL Compliance Assistance Fact Sheet.

    • OSHA and ASA Alliance Web Page

      The OSHA and ASA Alliance Web page on OSHA's Web site contains information on the Alliance, Products and Resources, Activities and Events, and Milestones and Successes. The page is updated regularly.

    • Media Coverage

      - July 15, 2003 - OSHA distributed a news release announcing the Alliance

      - July 15, 2003 - OSHA includes information on the OSHA/ASA Alliance signing in its bi-weekly e-newsletter; QuickTakes.

       - July 16, 2003 - Northrop Grumman Ship Systems distributed a news release announcing the Alliance.

      - July 21, 2003 - "OSHA Seeks to Shore Up Shipyard Safety Through New Alliances"

      - August, 2003 - ASA included information on the Alliance signing in the August 2003 issue of American SHIPBUILDER.

      - March 8, 2004 - "MACOSH Workgroups Propose New Rules, Outreach Efforts at Meeting"

      - March 11, 2004 - "MACOSH Approves Recommendations Including Ergonomics, Outreach, Regulations" BNA Occupational Health and Safety Reporter

    Promoting the National Dialogue on Workplace Safety and Health

    Specific activities have not yet been planned to meet the Alliance goals of promoting the national dialogue on workplace safety and health. These goals will continue to be discussed by the Implementation Team during the Alliance's second year.
  2. Results

    Once the Shipyard Employment eTool's Ship Building, Ship Breaking, and Barge Cleaning modules are posted on the OSHA public Web page, one of the Outreach and Communications goals of the Alliance will be achieved. This includes making employers and employees in the shipbuilding industry aware of industry hazards along with relevant reference materials including training materials in order to help reduce exposure to safety and health hazards in the shipbuilding industry.

    In addition to the Shipyard Employment eTool, the Implementation Team is currently in the process of working on several different projects, including providing input into the development of OSHA's Safety and Health Injury Prevention Sheet(s) (SHIPS) and Fatality Videos, coordinating a panel presentation at the National Safety Congress (NSC), and a Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) Seminar for the maritime industry.

    Through the Alliance Program, ASA, along with the other maritime Alliances, NSRP and SCA, will offer their expertise in the development of OSHA's Safety and Health Injury Prevention Sheet(s) that will cover topics such as rigging and ship fitting. ASA, NSRP and SCA will help with the development of Fatality Videos, which will be computer animated hazard awareness videos based on actual shipyard fatalities.

    A representative from the ASA Alliance plans to participate in a Shipyard Alliances workshop, along with representatives from the NSRP and SCA Alliances and OSHA, which will take place at the NSC in September 2004. The workshop will focus on the products developed for the maritime industry through the Alliance Program.

    Representatives from the Directorates of Cooperative and State Programs, Enforcement Programs and Standards and Guidance along with representatives from Region III and Region IV have worked with ASA to develop products through the Alliance. These products include the Shipyard Employment eTool modules along with the presentation at the September 2004 NSC workshop. Both OSHA and ASA representatives have indicated that, through the development of these products, they have gained valuable information that will be used as day-to-day business is conducted.

    ASA representative, Jim Thornton is Chairman of the OSHA Maritime Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health (MACOSH). NSRP representative, Dan Nadeau and SCA representative, Teresa Preston are also members of the committee. As a result, Lee Anne Jillings, Director, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances made presentations at the March 2004 and June 2004 MACOSH meetings to provide an update on the activities of the Alliances.

    Finally, the Alliance is the process of developing the agenda for a VPP Seminar, similar to the one held by the Airline Industry Alliance in June 2003, to be held in conjunction with an SCA Alliance Safety Seminar in New Orleans, LA in September 2004. This project will address the Outreach and Communication goal of the Alliance by promoting participation in OSHA's cooperative programs. ASA member Northrop Grumman Ship Systems – Newport News will participate in the seminar as it is one of two shipyards participating in VPP.
Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and
Electronic Distribution, etc.)
Number of Individuals
Reached or Trained
OSHA and ASA Alliance Web page on OSHA's Web site 2708 (Note: The count includes data from Oct. 2003 to June 2004)
May 15, 2004 - "MACOSH to Discuss Proposed Rule On Hexavalent Chromium at Next Meeting" BNA Occupational Data Not Available
Safety and Health Reporter  
March 11, 2004 - "MACOSH Approves Recommendations Including Ergonomics, Outreach, Regulations" BNA Occupational Health and Safety Reporter Data Not Available
March 8, 2004 - " MACOSH Workgroups Propose New Rules, Outreach Efforts at Meeting" Data Not Available
August, 2003 - ASA included information on the Alliance signing in the August 2003 issue of American SHIPBUILDER Data Not Available
July 16, 2003 - Northrop Grumman Ship Systems distributed a news release announcing the Alliance Data Not Available
July 15, 2003 - OSHA includes information on the OSHA/ASA Alliance signing in its bi-weekly e-newsletter; QuickTakes 38,000
July 15, 2003 - OSHA distributed a news release announcing the Alliance 25 News Services
Maritime Industries Safety and Health Topics page 6116 (Note: The count includes data from Oct. 2003 to June 2004)
Shipyard Employment eTool 2713 (Note: The count includes data from Oct. 2003 to June 2004)
TOTAL 49,537
  1. Upcoming Milestones

    Through the Alliance Program, ASA, along with the other maritime Alliances, NSRP and SCA, will continue to offer their expertise in the development of OSHA's Safety and Health Injury Prevention Sheet(s) that will cover topics such as rigging and ship fitting. ASA, NSRP and SCA will also continue to help with the development of Fatality Videos, which will be computer animated hazard awareness videos based on actual shipyard fatalities.

    ASA representatives will continue to serve on the Maritime Industry Safety and Health Topics pages and work with the Shipyard Employment eTool Editorial Board to complete development of the Ship Building, Ship Breaking, and Barge Cleaning modules. Should funding be available in FY '05, additional modules of the Shipyard Employment eTool such as Fire Protection and Test Yourself will be developed with input from ASA and the other maritime Alliances.

    ASA will continue to hold joint Implementation Team meetings with NSRP and SCA along with representatives from the Directorates of Cooperative and State Programs, Enforcement Programs and Standards and Guidance and Region III and Region IV.

    Finally, the Alliance is the process of developing the agenda for a VPP Seminar, similar to the one held by the Airline Industry Alliance in June 2003, to be held in conjunction with an SCA Alliance Safety Seminar in New Orleans, LA in September 2004. ASA member Northrop Grumman Ship Systems – Newport News will participate in the seminar, as it is one of two shipyards participating in VPP.

Report prepared by: Jess McCluer, Alliance Coordinator, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, August 4, 2004
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