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My Position: America needs to invest in creating its own energy, particularly cleaner and greener energy sources.

As chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, I have sponsored and supported bills that provide tax incentives for producing renewable energy and spurring conservation. Moving forward, our agenda on energy should:

  • increase the production of clean and renewable fuels;
  • increase the efficiency of products, buildings, and vehicles;
  • promote research on and deploy greenhouse gas capture and storage; and
  • improve the energy performance of the Federal Government.

As someone who has focused my public service on helping the disadvantaged and disconnected members of society, I know that production and consumption of greener energy leads to cleaner air and water and enhances the quality of life for all Americans, especially those in poor health or who live in unhealthy environments. Investing in clean domestic energy will produce and save thousands of jobs as unemployment and underemployment continue to rise and hurt our national economy.  The U.S. Department of Energy recently found that each $1 billion invested in energy efficiency supports 52,000 jobs.  

A green and energy-independent society requires cooperation and leadership at the local, state, and federal levels of government.  My office is working with advocacy groups in my district and Columbia University to find ways to promote renewable energy and find green jobs.  I support infrastructure development that helps cities become more sustainable with mass transit, parks and other green spaces, smart electrical grids, energy-efficient capital investments, and building weatherization.

The time has come to seriously and soberly tackle the problems of global warming, national security, and increasing costs of fuel. We have an obligation to find renewable sources of energy, conserve what we have, and test alternative sources such as the wind, water, and sun. During this critical moment in our history, President Obama has introduced an economic recovery plan that will get our country back on track. In that plan, he has made unleashing our renewable energy potential a top priority.  

The House responded to working with the President by passing H.R. 1, The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The bill contains energy tax relief provisions crafted by my Committee which we believe are vital to getting our economy running again by putting money back into the pockets of American individuals and businesses.  Provisions include expanded tax credits for renewable energy facilities, removal of dollar limits on certain energy credits, additional clean renewable energy bonds, and tax credit increases for energy-efficient home improvements and installing alternative fuel pumps.  Congress must pass this legislation quickly so that the President can enact it into law.

The issue of energy is one that will affect our children and grandchildren.  During this period of time we have to confront the tough questions as it relates to climate control, our dependence on fossil fuels, lives lost due to the insecurity of the world's oil reserves, environmental conservation, and job creation.  We must commit to working together and making the monumental changes needed on the local, State, and national level in order to have a healthy, prosperous and independent future. ■



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Rangel Hosts More Than 500 Leaders at Upper Manhattan Economic Recovery Summit

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