Recently in Clarification Category

“The tragic shooting of Officer Omar Edwards highlights the need for additional training of our police officers, and I am pleased that Commissioner Kelly recognizes a racial factor is involved.

“I am calling on Attorney General Eric Holder to review the problems in the New York City Police Department when black officers are killed by whites, which too often is the case.

“It was entirely inappropriate to bring the President and his wife into this discussion during their visit to New York, and I hope my off-the-cuff comment did not cause embarrassment to anyone.”

Rangel's Words On Palin Misinterpreted

Congressman Charles Rangel released the following statement regarding recent comments attributed to him about Republican Vice-Presidential candidate and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin:

Sometimes in the heat of a political campaign you choose words that can be misinterpreted. Governor Palin is an obviously healthy person who in no way fits the description of disabled. I meant to say then, and I am saying now, that she entered the campaign with a disadvantage in the area of foreign policy.

Any inference that my words were in any way connected to her son, Trig, who was born with Down Syndrome, is a real stretch--and I would have to think--a way to make political points out of my poor choice of words.

I am the father of two grown children and three grandchildren who, thank God, are all healthy. I would never intentionally say anything to slight a child who is physically challenged or the parents who care for them. We may disagree politically, but I have nothing but the greatest respect for Governor Palin and her husband's loving care of their wonderful child.












Rangel Apologizes for Giuliani Comments

Congressman Charles B. Rangel released the following statement late Monday in regards to recent comments made in the October 16 issue of the New York Observer:

“I was recently quoted being very critical of Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s personal life. I wish I could say those comments were taken out of context, but I cannot.

I apologize to him and his family."