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Association News

Keep an eye out for our new, fresh Web site!  Lamaze International has been “laboring” this summer to bring you an updated Web site with new navigation, fresh content and exciting new tools.  In order to manage this; we will be on “maternity leave” from 8/26 – 9/2 for site maintenance and upgrades. The Web site won’t be accessible except for a few functions that you will be able to access from the splash page (www.lamaze.org).  For information during this time, feel free to contact Lamaze International Headquarters at 800-368-4404 or info@lamaze.org.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience during this time. We hope to see you at the birth of our new web site on September 2!

  • August is National Breastfeeding Awareness Month
  • Lamaze Member Needs Assessment Survey
  • Pregnant Bellies and Baseball
  • Healthy Birth Your Way: Six Steps to a Safer Birth
  • If Breast is Best, Why are 70% of US Hospitals Pushing Formula? 
  • We Are Pleased to Announce that the April 2009 Exam Results Are in!
  • One Woman is Turning the Tide of Natural Birth in Her Community
  • Bookmark and Share


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    Copyright 2009 Lamaze International. All Rights Reserved · 2025 M Street, NW, Suite 800 · Washington, D.C. 20036-3309
    800/368-4404 · 202/367-1128 · 202/367-2128 (fax)