Welcome to Recycle City! There's lots to do here - people and places to visit and plenty of ways to explore how the city's residents recycle, reduce, and reuse waste.

To get started, just click on any section of Recycle City that you want to tour, or click on the Dumptown Game. You can create your own Recycle City scavenger hunt or go to the Activities area and see other ways you can explore Recycle City.

When you leave this place, you'll know much more about what you can do to help protect the environment. If you need to print a section of Recycle City, you can save paper by using the printer-friendly version.

In October of 2003, we made some updates to Recycle City, thanks to feedback from recyclers around the world! Check out what's new in Recycle City!

Have fun!

P.S. Click here to read about the history of Recycle City -- the former Dumptown

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