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Archive for April, 2009

Membership Changes

As we close out Year 3 of our current contract with NLM, we are pleased to announce the new members who have joined the NN/LM Pacific Southwest Region since September 2008. Please extend a welcome! More complete information about these members is available in the NN/LM Members Directory. (more…)

Announcing the new NLM Applied Informatics Grants

On September 26, 2008, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) announced the suspension of two informatics grant programs, “Planning Grants for Integrated Advanced Information Management Systems (IAIMS)” and “Knowledge Management & Applied Informatics Grants.” The suspension notices also stated that in the future NLM would solicit applications for knowledge management planning projects by means of a Request for Application (RFA) funding announcement rather than a standing funding announcement. NLM has now released the complete program announcement and first RFA for knowledge management grants with the new funding program, NLM Applied Informatics Grants, The announcement includes complete eligibility information, key dates for submission deadlines, and application review criteria. (more…)