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Prenatal Drug Exposure: Kinetics and Dynamics

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 60 [Printed in 1985]

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Table of Contents

Introduction and Overview-----1
C. Nora Chiang and Charles C. Lee

Animal Models for Study of Fetal Drug Exposure-----5
Abraham M. Rudolph

Biotransformation of Drugs and Foreign Chemicals in the Human Fetal-Placental Unit-----17

Pharmacokinetics of Drugs and Metabolites in the Maternal-Placental-Fetal Unit: General Principles-----25
Laurene H. Wang, Abraham M. Rudolph, and Leslie Z. Benet

The Pharmacodynamics of Prenatal Chemical Exposure-----39
Richard K. Miller and Carol K. Kellogg

Opioids and Development: New Lessons From Old Problems-----58
Ian S. Zagon

Pharmacodynamics of Fetal Exposure to Narcotics-----78
Hazel H. Szeto and Jason G. Umans

Positron-Emission Tomography: A New Approach to Feto-Maternal Pharmacokinetics-----88
Bo S. Lindberg, Per Hartvig, Anders Lilja, Hans Lundqvist. Bengt Langstrom, Petter Malmborg, Anders Rane, Annika Rimland, and Hans Svard

Placental Transfer of Drugs, Alcohol, and Components of Cigarette Smoke and Their Effects on the Human Fetus-----98
Betty R. Kuhnert and Paul M. Kuhnert

Appendix--Maternal-Fetal Transfer of Abused Substances: Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Data-----110
Charles C. Lee and C. Nora Chiang

List of NIDA Research Monographs-----148

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