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Archive for 2005

PubMed RSS Feeds: It’s as Easy as One, Two, Three!

By Josephine Tan
Education and Information Consultant, Clinical Programs
Library and Center for Knowledge Management
University of California, San Francisco


CDCynergy — A New Training Opportunity for a Health Communications Tool

After four years of working with CDCynergy, a health communications tool developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) convened a Train-the-Trainer workshop on August 24-25, 2005, at the National Library of Medicine.


New EFTS Participants in the Pacific Southwest

As of October 11, 32% of DOCLINE libraries in the Pacific Southwest now participate in EFTS, DOCLINE’s electronic billing component. (more…)

Localize PubMed More Easily Using a Shared My NCBI Account

My NCBI account settings can now be shared using a special URL, allowing you to create settings in My NCBI that your users can see without having to sign in themselves! This feature may be used to activate filter tabs and library icons, select an Outside Tool, and set a Document Delivery preference.


National Community Health Workers/Promotores Conference

I attended the 8th Annual National Community Health Workers/Promotores Conference in Phoenix at the end of August, 2005. Promotores are a very interesting and diverse group of (mostly) women. (more…)

Announcing the NLM/AAHSL Leadership Fellows Program Class of 2006

We congratulate the members of the 2005-2006 class of the NLM/AAHSL Leadership Fellows Program. (more…)

National Medical Librarians Month — 2005

The Medical Library Association has declared October as National Medical Librarians Month. In honor of this event, the National Library of Medicine and your NN/LM Regional Network Office are celebrating the contributions of medical librarians in two ways — by providing a letter of recognition to hospital administrators and by promoting Network member outreach projects. (more…)

DOCLINE Library Groups: Let’s Get Ready for Routing by Library Group!

At MLA, NLM announced that Routing by Library Group is a development goal for DOCLINE in 2005, to be implemented sometime in 2006. (more…)

Rx for Survival — PBS Television Series and Engagement Campaign, November 1-3, 2005

Editor’s Note: This article was submitted to us by Keith Cogdill, Outreach Librarian from NLM’s NN/LM National Network Office. It describes a six-part PBS television series on public health concerns that will air on November 1-3, 2005. The article outlines specific suggestions for how Network member libraries might collaborate with their local television stations. Two stations from the Pacific Southwest Region are leading coalitions in this effort; they are KVIE, Sacramento, CA, and KPBS, San Diego, CA. For a preview of the show, go to (more…)

NN/LM PSR Web Site Receives Facelift!

The NN/LM PSR Web Site has a new look! (more…)