Reclaiming the Everglades: South Florida's Natural History, 1884-1934


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Rights and Reproductions

The following statement is made by the University of Miami Libraries, the Historical Museum of Southern Florida, and Florida International University, from whose collections the materials reproduced here are drawn.

Materials digitized for the Reclaiming the Everglades collection are drawn from the holdings of the project partners:

  • The University of Miami Libraries
  • The Historical Museum of Southern Florida
  • Florida International University

The consortium partners encourage use of these materials to the extent permitted under the fair use clause of the 1976 Copyright Act and other statutory exemptions. The American Memory Learning Page provides guidance on fair use for teachers and classroom use.

For any item used, we do ask that a credit line be included with each item, citing the title or caption and the contributing repository.

Sample credit lines:

  • Minnie Moore Willson seated in a chair, courtesy of the University of Miami Libraries
  • Jaudon Realty Company advertisement for land adjacent to Tamiami Trail in Collier County, courtesy of the Historical Museum of Southern Florida

Materials in this collection are either mounted with permission of copyright holders or are not protected by copyright as far as the consortium partners are aware. Those mounted with permission of the copyright holder include items from the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Papers at the University of Miami. Additionally, the reproduction of some materials may be restricted by privacy and/or publicity rights. The responsibility for making an independent legal assessment of an item and securing any necessary permissions ultimately rests with persons desiring to use the item.

If you wish to publish or reproduce materials from Reclaiming the Everglades in any physical or digital form beyond that permitted by fair use, or use them for any commercial purpose, including display or Web page use, you must obtain prior written permission from the owning repository. This is identified in the Repository field of the description for each item. Contact information for these repositories can be found on the How to Order Reproductions section.

The project partners have provided in the catalog records for these materials all known information regarding the author, photographer, publisher or other persons associated with the materials. This information is provided as a service to aid users in determining the appropriate use of an item, but that determination ultimately rests with the user. The nature of historical archival collections means that copyright or other information about restrictions may be difficult or even impossible to determine. The owning repository would like to hear from anyone who may have additional information regarding any image found in this online collection.


How to Order Reproductions

The materials digitized for Reclaiming the Everglades are drawn from the collections of three repositories.

  • University of Miami Library
  • Historical Museum of Southern Florida
  • Florida International University

To request reproductions, contact the owning institution, identified in the "Repository" field of the description of the item. Contact information is provided below.

For permission to use or to order reproductions of images in the University of Miami portion of this collection, contact the Archives and Special Collections Department, University of Miami Library.

Archives and Special Collections Department
University of Miami Library
1300 Memorial Drive
Coral Gables, FL 33146
(305) 284-3247

For permission to use or to order reproductions of images in the Historical Museum of Southern Florida's portion of this collection, contact the Research Center, Historical Museum of Southern Florida.

Research Center
Historical Museum of Southern Florida
101 West Flagler Street
Miami, Florida 33130
(305) 375-1492

For permission to use or to order reproductions of images in Florida International University's portion of this collection, contact the Green Library, Department of Special Collections and University Archives.

Department of Special Collections and University Archives,
Green Library, Florida International University
University Park, GL 422
Miami, FL 33199
(305) 348-3136
