The Journal of Travel Medicine

The Journal of Travel Medicine

Official Publication of the International Society of Travel Medicine

The Journal of Travel Medicine is published 6 times per year. All ISTM memberships include a subscription to it. Current ISTM members may access the Journal online by clicking here (login required).

The Journal of Travel Medicine transports you to the challenging areas of your field with up-to-date research and original, peer-reviewed articles on

  • Prevention and self-treatment of disease
  • Clinic management
  • Patient and staff education
  • Immunizations
  • Impact of travel on host countries, military medicine, and problems of refugees
  • Diseases such as malaria, travelers' diarrhea, hepatitis, vector-borne illnesses, TB, STDs and AIDS, jet lag, altitude sickness, trauma, special hosts and more

Subscription rates for persons who do not choose to join ISTM begin at $170. Details are available at E-mail inquires to

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