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Archive for 2008

Training Information from our Website

Fall is often a busy time for orienting new staff, house staff or incoming students. We have several things on our website’s Training and Educational Opportunities page to help you train others and keep up-to-date yourself. (more…)

Announcing the NN/LM PSR E-Licensing Program

We are pleased to announce the NN/LM PSR E-Licensing Program! The following series of questions and answers will help you decide if you would like to participate in this new venture. These questions and answers are also available on the NN/LM PSR web site on the Licensing Electronic Resources page. Please contact Julie Kwan at the RML office if you have any questions. (more…)

2008 AIDS Community Outreach Projects Funded

In September 2008, the National Library of Medicine announced funding awards for the 15th round of AIDS Community Information Outreach Projects. (more…)

New version of PubMed’s My NCBI Launched!

A redesign of PubMed’s My NCBI interface was released on September 25, 2008. The My NCBI Sign-In page now has additional features to help users easily access their accounts. (more…)

Older Adults and Online Health Information – A Resource for Trainers

Older Adults and Health Information

Do you provide consumer health services and resources in your library? Specifically, are you providing health information to seniors? Many older adults are interested in finding health information on their own, but they may lack the necessary computer or Internet searching skills. If you have ever wanted to provide training to this user group, read on for some exciting news! (more…)

Service Continuity Planning: Online Training to Jumpstart YOUR Plan!

An emergency can be as wide-scale as an earthquake or flash flood or as local as a burst pipe in the book stacks. Do you know how to ensure the continuation of your primary services and access to your primary resources in the event of an emergency at your library? (more…)

Membership Changes: New Members, New DOCLINE Libraries, Library Closures


Welcome New EFTS Members!

Welcome to our new EFTS members! There are now 195 EFTS members in the Pacific Southwest, representing 48.4% of our DOCLINE libraries! In addition, our region now has the second largest number of EFTS libraries; only the Middle Atlantic Region has more. (more…)

DOCLINE Mini-Tutorial: How to Find EFTS Libraries in your Region

Now that so many libraries are joining EFTS, it’s time to rethink your routing table! Here’s how you can add EFTS libraries to it. (more…)

NLM Emergency Preparedness and Response Initiatives

In addition to its work on emergency preparedness and response with the NN/LM program, the National Library of Medicine has embarked on the following initiatives: (more…)