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Reference Information Papers (RIP)

Reference Information Papers describe National Archives materials on specific topics found in several different record groups. The form and style of these papers vary, and the records are described at the record group, series, or item level.

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Reference Information Papers Descriptions include:

  • Title
  • Compiler
  • (Date of publication)
  • Number of pages
  • Description of the scope of the publication (Omitted when the title is sufficiently explanatory.)
  • Additional availability information
  • Date span the included records cover (Omitted when the date span is in the title.)
  • Measurements

Currently Available Reference Information Papers

(41) The Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, comp. by Elizabeth H. Buck (1952), 77 pp.
Covers government and politics, diplomatic relations, military affairs, geography, economic affairs, social conditions, science, medicine and public health, emigration, and Russian nationals in the United States.
Dates of records: 1789-1946
Size: 5 7/8" x 8 3/4"

(44) The Middle East, comp. by Elizabeth H. Buck (1955), 96 pp.
Discusses records relating to Iran, Arabia, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and Turkey.
Dates of records: 1818-1948
Size: 5 7/8" x 8 3/4"

(45) The Independence of Latin American Nations, comp. by George S. Ulibarri (1968), 19 pp.
Dates of records: 1810-19130
Size: 5 7/8" x 8 3/4"

(46) Rumania, comp. by James S. Vivian (1970), 18 pp.
Surveys records relating to Rumanian history, affairs, and relationships from the mid-19th to mid-20th century.
Size: 6" x 9"

(49) Major Sources in Customs Bureau Records for Statistical Data on Exports and Imports of the United States to 1900, by Jerome Finster (1973), 13 pp.
Prepared for the National Archives conference on Statistical Reporting, May 27-28, 1968.
Dates of records: 1789-1900
Size: 6" x 9"

(51) Early Business Statistical Operations of the Federal Government, by Meyer H. Fishbein (1973), 35 pp.
Explores the statistics kept before the development of modern statistics.
Prepared for the National Archives conference on Statistical Reporting, May 27-28, 1968.
Dates of records: 1789-1890
Size: 6" x 9"

(52) National Crime Reporting, 1930-1967, by Dorothy H. Gersack (1973), 10 pp.
Details the development of statistical systems for reporting crimes.
Prepared for the National Archives conference on Statistical Reporting, May 27-28, 1968.
Size: 6" x 9"

(53) Commerce Data Among State Department Records, by Milton O. Gustafson (1973), 8 pp.
Prepared for the National Archives conference on Statistical Reporting, May 27-28, 1968.
Dates of records: 1789-1946
Size: 6" x 9"

(55) Statistical Data on the National Wealth and Money Supply To Be Derived From Internal Revenue Records, by Hope K. Holdkamper (1973), 5 pp.
Prepared for the National Archives conference on Statistical Reporting, May 27-28, 1968.
Dates of records: 1798-1913
Size: 6" x 9"

(56) The Valuation Records of the Interstate Commerce Commission as a Source of Statistical Data Relating to American Railroads During the 19th Century, by Joseph B. Howerton (1973), 36 pp.
Prepared for the National Archives conference on Statistical Reporting, May 27-28, 1968.
Size: 6" x 9"

(58) Economic and Social Data Among Pre-Federal Records, by Kathryn M. Murphy (1973), 10 pp.
Covers a variety of records.
Prepared for the National Archives conference on Statistical Reporting, May 27-28, 1968.
Dates of records: Pre-1789
Size: 6" x 9"

(59) Statistics and Statistical Materials in the Records of the War Relocation Authority, by James Paulauskas (1973), 6 pp.
The War Relocation Authority was responsible for relocating Japanese-Americans from the West Coast. They kept statistical information on individual evacuees.
Prepared for the National Archives conference on Statistical Reporting, May 27-28, 1968.
Dates of records: 1942-1946
Size: 6" x 9"

(60) Statistical Records Concerning National Forest Timber Sales, 1908-37, by Harold T. Pinkett (1973), 7 pp.
Prepared for the National Archives conference on Statistical Reporting, May 27-28, 1968.
Size: 6" x 9"

(62) Cost Determination Data for World War I Naval Vessels, by Harry Schwartz (1973), 12 pp.
Prepared for the National Archives conference on Statistical Reporting, May 27-28, 1968.
Dates of records: 1917-1919
Size: 6" x 9"

(68) Cartographic Records in the National Archives of the United States Useful for Urban Studies, by Ralph E. Ehrenberg (1973), 14 pp.
Includes thematic maps, city plans, enumeration district maps and description, real property surveys, and aerial photography.
Size: 6" X 9"

(70) Audiovisual Records in the National Archives of the United States Relating to World War II, comp. by Barbara Burger, William Cunliffe, Jonathan Heller, William T. Murphy, and Les Waffen (rev. 1992), 92 pp.
Size: 6" x 9"

(71) Cartographic Records in the National Archives of the United States Relating to American Indians, comp. by Laura E. Kelsay (1974), 35 pp.
Describes groups of cartographic records pertaining to explorations in the Indian country, locations of Indian tribes, the settlement of Indians on reservations and their loss of land, and population, transportation, and industry on the reservations.
Dates of records: 1804-1959
Size: 6" x 9"

(72) Records and Policies of the Post Office Department Relating to Place-Names, comp. by Arthur Hecht and William J. Heynen (1975), 16 pp.
Size: 6" X 9"

(75) Agricultural Maps in the National Archives of the United States, ca. 1860-1930, comp. by William J. Heynen (1976), 25 pp.
Discusses Federally produced maps that may be useful in researching agricultural history, historical geography, and the history of mapping.
Size: 6" x 9"

(78) Records Relating to Personal Participation in World War II: "The American Soldier" Surveys, comp. by Ben DeWhitt and Heidi Ziemer (rev. 2007), 34 pp.
Describes a large set of opinion surveys conducted among Army personnel during the war by the Army Research Branch of the Army Service Forces.
Size: 6" X 9"

(79) World War II Records in the Cartographic and Architectural Branch of the National ArchivesPDF (13.74 MB), comp. by Daryl Bottoms (1992), 87 pp.
Primarily relate to World War II military activities. Some other records are included.
Dates of records: 1939-1945
Size: 6" X 9"

(80) Records Relating to Personal Participation in World War II: American Prisoners of War and Civilian Internees, comp. by Ben DeWhitt and Jennifer Davis Heaps (rev. 2008), 181 pp.
Covers records pertaining to both American military personnel who were captured by Axis forces and American civilians who were detained by the Axis forces during World War II.
Size: 6" X 9"

(82) Records Relating to Personal Participation in World War II: American Military Casualties and Burials, comp. by Ben DeWhitt (1993), 61 pp.
Covers records pertaining to individuals serving in the U.S. military services or contracted by the services as civilian employees who were casualties of World War II. The term casualties refers both to those who were wounded and recovered and those who died.
Size: 6" X 9"

(83)Records in the National Archives—Pacific Sierra Region for the Study of Ethnic History, Out of stock. Available only online.

(90) Records Relating to American Prisoners of War and Missing in Action from the Vietnam War, 1960-94., comp. by Charles E. Schamel (1996), 127 pp.
Dates of records: ca. 1950-1993
Size: 6" x 9"

(91) Records Relating to North American Railroads, comp by David E. Pfeiffer (2000), 200 pp.
Covers documentation concerning the railroads and their interaction with the U.S. Government from the beginning of railroading to 1996.
Size: 6" x 9"

(92) Records Relating to Personal Participation in World War II: Military Awards and Decorations, comp. by Benjamin L. DeWhitt (rev. 2007), 52 pp.
Covers records pertaining to individuals serving in the U.S. military services who received awards and decorations from those services.
Dates of records: 1941-1945
Size: 6" X 9"

(99) Chinese Immigration and Chinese in the United States: Records in the Regional Archives of the National Archives and Records Administration (1996), 33 pp.
Primarily concerned with enforcement of the various Chinese exclusion laws.
Contact NARA's Pacific Region (San Francisco) for a copy of this Reference Information Paper.
Dates of records: ca. 1882-1943
Size: 8 1/2" x 11"

(100) Records in the National Archives—Pacific Region for the Study of Science, Technology, Natural Resources, and the Environment (1996), 34 pp.
Contact NARA's Pacific Region (San Francisco) for a copy of this Reference Information Paper.
Size: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"

(101) Records in the National Archives — Pacific Sierra Region for the Study of Labor and Business History (1996), 20 pp.
Contact NARA's Pacific Region (San Francisco) for a copy of this Reference Information Paper.

(102) Records Relating to American Prisoners of War and Missing-in-Action from the Korean Conflict and During the Cold War Era, comp. by Tim Wehrkamp (1997), 158 pp.
Includes textual, electronic, and audiovisual records.
Dates of records: ca. 1945-1991
Size: 6" X 9"

(103) The Korean War, compiled by Rebecca L. Collier (2004) 260 pp.
Dates of Records: 1950-1953
Size: 6" x 9"

(104) Presidential Libraries Holdings Relating to Prisoners of War and Missing in Action, comp. by Dale C. Mayer (rev.2007), 114 pp.
Covers World War II, Korea, The Cold War, the Vietnam era, and the Pueblo incident. Includes personal papers of the Presidents and Presidential records.
Size: 6" X 9"

(105) Records of Military Agencies Relating to African Americans from the Post-World War I Period to the Korean WarPDF, comp. by Lisha B. Penn (2000), Revised 2006, 168 pp.
Size: 6" x 9"

(107) National Archives Records Relating to the Cold War, comp. by Tim Wehrkamp (1998), 36 pp.
Representative records, not intended to be inclusive.
Dates of records: 1945-91
Size: 6" x 9"

(108) Black Family Research: Using the Records of Post-Civil War Federal Agencies at the National Archives, comp. by Reginald Washington (2000), 24 pp.
Describes records of the Freedmen's Bureau, the Freedman's Savings and Trust, and the Commissioners of Claims.
Dates of records: 1865-80
Size: 6" x 9"

(109) Military Service Records at the National Archives, comp. by Trevor K. Plante (2007), 122 pp.
Describes military service records held at the National Archives and Records Administration. The National Archives is the official repository for records of military personnel who have been discharged from the U.S. Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Coast Guard.
Size: 6" x 9"

(110) Using Civilian Records for Genealogical Research in the National Archives, Washington, DC, Area, comp by Constance Potter (2004) 34 pp.
Describes records available and how to use them, including both commonly used and less well known record series.
Dates of records: N/A
Size 6" x 9"

(111)A Guide to Records of Asian Aemricans and Pacific Islanders at the National Archives and Records Administration Pacific Region--San Francisco, comp by Bill Greene, Bob glass, and Daniel Nealand, (2004) 48 pp. Describes reords relating to groups and inidividuals from throughout the Far East. Also describes records documenting Federal programs and policies.
Dates of Records: 1850–1960
Size 8.5" x 11" Contact NARA's Pacific Region (San Francisco) for a copy of this Reference Information Paper.

(112) Federal Records Relating to Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954), comp. by Walter B. Hill, Jr. and Trichita M. Chestnut (2004), 34 pp.
Describes records that relate to or assist in the understanding of the landmark 1954 Supreme Court decision that prohibited segregation in public schools.
Dates of records: 1896–1977
Size 6" x 9"

(113) Federal Records Relating to Civil Rights in the Post-World War II Era. comp. by Walter B. Hill and Lisha B. Penn (2006), 390 pp.
Describes textual records of Federal agencies, commissions, and courts that formulated civil rights guidelines, programs, and judicial decisions; housed in NARA's Washington, DC facilities, regional archives, and presidential libraries.
Dates of records: 1945-1981
Size: 6" x 9"

(114) Research in the Land Entry Files of the General Land Office. comp. by Kenneth Hawkins (rev. 2007), 24 pp.
Describes records that document the transfer of public lands to private ownership.
Dates of records: 1812--1950
Size: 6" x 9"

(115) The Mauthausen Concentration Complex: World War II and Postwar Records. comp. by Amy Schmidt and Gudrun Loehrer (2008), 376 pp.
Identifies and describes records developed through wartime intelligence and reconnaisance, captured during the liberation of the camp, and generated through postwarmilitary invvestigations and trubunals.
Dates or Records: 1938–1945
Size: 6" x 9"

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