` Chief Information Officers Council
Thursday, August 13, 2009
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IT Workforce >IT Quarterly Forum

Who is Afraid of E-Discovery? Cautionary Tales Every CIO and Every IT Person Needs to Know to Survive into FY2008, and Beyond
Issued By: IT Workforce Committee - Effective Date: 08.14.2007, 1.2K, PPT
Abstract: This presentation was made by Jason R. Baron, Director of Litigation at the National Archives and Records Administration, Jonathan M. Redgrave, founding partner of the law firm Redgrave Daley Ragan & Wagner, and Rachel Spector, senior attorney at the General Law Division of the Department of the Interior. The session focused on how CIOs and those who work in IT shops can best interact with lawyers and senior agency managers, based on lessons learned from some of the “worst case” disasters that have happened in recently reported cases, including involving email and backup tapes. This is one of two presentations made during a Quarterly IT Forum co-hosted by the IT Workforce Committee of the CIO Council and GSA's Office of Technology Strategy on August 14, 2007 at GSA.