` Chief Information Officers Council
Thursday, August 13, 2009
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IT Workforce >IT Quarterly Forum

Using Technology to Protect Privacy
Issued By: IT Workforce Committee - Effective Date: 10.23.2008, 2.294K, ppt
Abstract: This presentation made was at the 2008 Federal Privacy Summit by Matt Canavan, Director of Client Services, VA Enterprise Infrastructure Engineering, Department of Veterans Affairs, Ned D. Goldberg, CISO and Associate Director for Information Security and Privacy, FDIC and Steve A. Kautsch, Associate Commissioner, Office of Systems Electronic Services, SSA. The slides used by the presenters are combined into one presentation here and were presented on October 23, 2008 at the Department of Commerce to more than 500 federal IT workers. The event was co-sponsored by the Office of Management and Budget’s Office of E-Government and the Privacy Committee of the Federal CIO Council.