` Chief Information Officers Council
Thursday, August 13, 2009
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IT Workforce >IT Quarterly Forum

Solving Business Problems Using Enterprise Architecture
Issued By: 2006 Federal IT Summit - Effective Date: 10.04.2006, 2.958K, PPT
Abstract: This presentation made was at the 2006 Federal IT Summit by Mr. Richard Burk Chief Enterprise Architect, Office of Management and Budget, Ms. Lisa Schlosser, Chief Information Officer, Department of Housing and Urban Development and Dr. Scott Bernard, Deputy Chief Information Officer of the Federal Railroad Administration. The title of the presentation was Enterprise Architecture--Solving Business Problems Using Enterprise Architecture. It was presented on October 4, 2006 at the FDIC training center to over 300 federal IT workers. The event was co-sponsored by the Office of Management and Budget’s Office of E-Government and the Federal CIO Council’s IT Workforce Committee.