` Chief Information Officers Council
Thursday, August 13, 2009
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SmartBUY >SmartBUY Waivers

SmartBUY Waiver Process
Issued By: CIO Council - Effective Date: 07.06.2004, 36.352K, DOC
Abstract: This document outlines agency procedures to obtain a SmartBUY waiver from GSA. GSA will notify agencies at least 30 days prior to the intention to award a SmartBUY contract for software market category, line of business or for a specific software title. Request for waivers are discouraged, although for compelling reasons, will be considered and granted. When requesting a waiver, agencies are to follow the internal processes, including approvals, of the Department/Agency. The request is sent to GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy. Attachment A contains a sample waiver request including details of the potential agreement and justification particulars. GSA, after coordination with OMB E-Government Administrator, will respond to the agency before award of the SmartBuy contract. If a waiver is granted, the agency can proceed with the acquisition.