` Chief Information Officers Council
Thursday, August 13, 2009
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OMB Documents and Guidance >Policy Letters and Memos

Interim Guidance Regarding Communications With Registered Lobbyists About Recovery Act Funds
Issued By: OMB - Effective Date: 04.07.2009, 112.537K, pdf
Abstract: On March 20, 2009, the President issued an Executive Branch-wide Memorandum entitled, "Ensuring Responsible Spending of Recovery Act Funds." Section 3 of the Memorandum mandates, on an initial basis, specific protocols for oral communications between agency officials and Federally registered lobbyists. The purpose of the President's Memorandum is to promote transparency in communications with Federally registered lobbyists and facilitate Federal agencies' merit-based decision-making in awarding Recovery Act funds.

To help employees understand and comply with their responsibilities under the President's Memorandum, Executive Branch departments and agencies, with the assistance of OMB, are required to distribute guidance to their employees. The attached sample interim guidance memorandum for departments and agencies may be used as a template for the guidance you distribute to your employees. This internal guidance should be adapted to include your internal agency points of contact and should be distributed to your staff as expeditiously as possible. The sample interim guidance outlines the actions employees are required to take, pursuant to the President's Memorandum, whenever they receive or participate in oral communications with any outside persons or entities regarding Recovery Act funds.