` Chief Information Officers Council
Thursday, August 13, 2009
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Council Announcements and Events >Founding Documents

Federal CIO Council Transition Guide
Issued By: CIO Council - Effective Date: 01.12.2009, 2331.142K, pdf
Abstract: The Federal Chief Information Officers Council Transition Guide is provided for newly designated Agency heads and other senior leaders during this time of transition to both understand the role of the Federal CIO Council and to begin the conversation of identifying additional opportunities to share information and improve the Government's performance, effectiveness and efficiency.

The Transition Guide outlines the responsibilities of the Federal CIO Council and describes on-going efforts and past accomplishments, including work on E-Government (e-GOV) initiatives and Lines of Business (LoB). The guide also begins a dialogue on opportunities to continue to change and provides relevant reference material, to include the current Federal CIO Council Strategic Plan and the Federal CIO Roadmap.