` Chief Information Officers Council
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
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Enterprise Architecture >Enterprise Architecture Assessment Framework

Enterprise Architecture Assessment Framework v3.0
Issued By: OMB - Effective Date: 12.01.2008, 0.537K, PDF
Abstract: The scope of Enterprise Architecture Assessment Framework (EAAF) Version 3.0 spans planning, investment, and operations activities required to work in concert to improve agency performance through the management and use of information and information technology. EAAF Version 3.0 features extensive use of key performance indicators (KPIs) measuring outcomes across strategic planning, EA, CPIC, and performance data. To support automation and accuracy in producing the KPIs, EAAF Version 3.0 moves agency EA submissions to a template-based model similar to the current agency budget submission process for the Exhibit 53 and Exhibit 300. Source: