` Chief Information Officers Council
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
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OMB Documents and Guidance >Policy Letters and Memos

Cost Savings Achieved Through E-Government and Line of Business Initiatives
Issued By: OMB - Effective Date: 08.08.2006, 72.607K, zip
Abstract: Key goals of the E-Government (E-Gov) and Line of Business (LoB) initiatives are to improve services to citizens, to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the government, and to provide savings to the taxpayer. With the E-Gov initiatives deployed and operational, and the LoB initiatives underway, we are currently realizing the goals of improved citizen services and increased efficiency and effectiveness. We must now concentrate on identifying and realizing the cost savings these initiatives are providing on a government-wide basis. Please provide your completed Baseline Cost Reporting templates to Stacie Boyd (sboyd@omb.eop.gov / 202.395.0346) no later than September 30, 2006.