Tuesday, August 25, 2009
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The storage system of the Columbia supercomputer, built by SGI for NASA, holds 440 terabytes of data. (Photo credit: Stephen Shankland)
The storage system of the Columbia supercomputer, built by SGI for NASA, holds 440 terabytes of data. (Photo credit: Stephen Shankland)
The Library contains documents created by and for the CIO Council. It has guidance for the IT community from the Office of Management and Budget, documents created by the Council committees, and presentations given at CIO Council events.

All Documents

Date Sort Up Title Sort Up
07.09.1975 Privacy Act Implementation, July 9, 1975 OMB .pdf
12.04.1975 40 FR 56741, Supplemental Privacy Act Implementation Guidance OMB .pdf
04.11.1983 48 FR 15556, Guidelines on the Relationship of the Debt Collection Act of 1982 to the Privacy Act of 1974 OMB .pdf
05.24.1985 Privacy Act Guidance Update OMB .pdf
04.20.1987 52 FR 12990, Guidance on Privacy Act Implications of Call Detail Programs OMB .pdf
01.08.1988 Computer Security Act of 1987, January 8, 1988 Congress .html
06.19.1989 54 FR 25818, Final Guidance Interpreting the Provisions of Public Law 100-503, the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988 OMB .pdf
04.23.1991 56 FR 18599, Proposed Guidance on the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Amendments of 1990 OMB .pdf
12.01.1992 Information Technology: An Audit Guide for Assessing Acquisition Risk, December 1992 GAO .pdf
01.01.1994 Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994 and Simplified Acquisition Threshold Acquisitions Not Available .html
01.01.1995 Federal Acquisition Reform Act of 1995 Not Available .html
01.01.1995 Government Paperwork Elimination Act - P.L, 105-277, Title XVII Not Available .html
01.01.1995 Paperwork Reduction Act 1995 CIO Council .html
10.04.1995 Consolidation of Agency Data Centers- OMB Bulletin 96-02, October 4, 1995 OMB .html
02.10.1996 Clinger-Cohen Act, February 10, 1996 Congress .html
04.04.1996 M-96-20, Implementation of the Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996, April 4, 1996 OMB .html
06.01.1996 Executive Guide: Effectively Implementing the Government Performance and Results Act, June 1996 OMB .pdf
07.16.1996 EO 13011 Federal Information Technology, July 16, 1996 CIO Council .html
02.01.1997 Information Technology Investment Evaluation Guide. Assessing Risks and Returns: A Guide for Evaluating Federal Agencies' IT Investment Decision-Making. February, 1997 GAO .pdf
02.11.1997 EO 13035 President's Information Technology Advisory Committee February 11, 1997 - (last amended on May 31, 2001) CIO Council .html
06.18.1997 M-97-16, Information Technology Architectures, June 18, 1997 CIO Council .html
01.01.1998 Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 Not Available .html
01.01.1998 Department of Education Generic Computer Competencies and Job-Function Computer Competencies 1998-2002 (Department of Education) Department of Education .html
02.01.1998 Agencies' Annual Performance Plans Under the Government Performance and Results Act: An Assessment Guide to Facilitate Congressional Decisionmaking Version 1, February 1998 GAO .html
02.01.1998 Document Management System Interoperability -- The Need, The Answer: A White Paper for Federal Agency CIOs and IT Architects, February 1998 (Department of Justice) U.S. Department of Justice .html
02.02.1998 The New Role in Information Security and What It Entails Citibank, Chief Information Security Officer .ppt
02.04.1998 EO on Y2K Conversion, February 4, 1998 The White House - Office of the Press Secretary .html
03.01.1998 Statement of John Koskinen, Chairman, President's Council on the Y2K Conversion Not Available .html
05.01.1998 Executive Guide: Information Security Management: Learning From Leading Organizations May, 1998 GAO .pdf
05.14.1998 Presidential Memorandum on Privacy: Privacy and Personal Information in Federal Records, May 1998 "The White House, Office of the Press Secretary .html
05.29.1998 Implementing Capital Planning and Information Technology Investment Processes: An Assessment, May 29, 1998 CIO Council, Capital Planning and IT Investment Co .pdf
06.01.1998 Implementing Best Practices: Strategies at Work, June 1998 CIO Council, Capital Planning and IT Investment Committee .pdf
06.03.1998 Implementing Best Practices: Strategies at Work, June 1998 CIO Council, Capital Planning and IT Investment Committee .pdf
06.30.1998 Biennial Privacy Act and Computer Matching Reports, June 30, 1998 OMB .html
08.01.1998 P.L. 105-220 Section 508 Accessibility, August 1998 Not Available .html
08.26.1998 Investing in Human Capital Department of State .html
09.30.1998 EO 13103 Computer Software Piracy, September 30, 1998 The White House .pdf
12.25.1998 Guide for Developing Security Plans for Information Technology (SP 800-18 December 1998) NIST .pdf
01.01.1999 Best Practices: Investing in Human Capital - an Organizational Priority Department of State .html
01.04.1999 Agency Capital Planning & IT Investment Self-Assessment, January 4, 1999 CIO Council, Capital Planning and IT Investment Co .html
01.07.1999 M-99-05, Instructions on Complying with President's Memorandum of May 14, 1998, OMB .html
01.07.1999 Privacy Act Guidance Update Instructions on complying with President's Memorandum on Privacy and Personal Information in Federal Records, M-99-05 OMB .pdf
01.26.1999 M-99-00, Revised Reporting Guidance on Year 2000 Efforts, January 26, 1999 OMB .pdf
02.01.1999 What Every CIO Needs to Know about Metadata, February 1999 (Architecture Working Group/ Enterprise Interoperability Committee) CIO Council, IT Architecture Working Group .html
02.01.1999 Recruiting and Retaining IT Professionals, February 1999 CIO Council .html
02.03.1999 Third Transmittal Allocation Table, February 3, 1999 (OMB) OMB .xls
04.06.1999 Fourth Transmittal Allocation Table, April 6, 1999 OMB .xls
05.01.1999 Federal IRM Training Roadmap: A Guide for Federal CIOs, May 1999 CIO Council .pdf
05.01.1999 *Limited Personal Use* of Government Equipment Recommended Model and Memo, May 1999 GSA, Office of Governmentwide Policy .pdf
05.16.1999 ROI and the Value Puzzle, April 1999 (Capital Planning and IT Investment Committee) CIO Council, Capital Planning and IT Investment Co .pdf
06.01.1999 Meeting the Federal IT Workforce Challenge, June 1999 CIO Council .pdf
06.01.1999 Clinger-Cohen Core Competencies -- Recommendations of the IT Workforce Committee of the CIO Council, September 1998 (IT Workforce Committee) N/A .html
06.02.1999 M 99-18, Privacy Policies on Federal Web Sites, June 2, 1999 OMB .html
06.02.1999 M-99-18, Privacy Policies for Federal Web Sites, June 1999 OMB .html
06.02.1999 Privacy Policies on Federal Web Sites, OMB Memo M-99-18 OMB .pdf
06.20.1999 Circular No. A-76 Revised Supplemental Handbook Performance of Commercial Activities OMB .pdf
06.22.1999 Statement of Jacob J. Lew, Director of the Office of Management and Budget before the Committee on Appropriations and the Senate Special Committee on the Year 2000 Technology Problem, June 22, 1999 (OMB) Not Available .pdf
06.23.1999 M-99-20, Security of Federal Information Resources, Jun 23, 1999 OMB .html
07.01.1999 EO 13130 National Infrastructure Assurance Council, July 14, 1999 The White House - Office of the Press Secretary .html
08.01.1999 CIO University Federal Executive Competencies, August 1999 (IT Workforce Committee/GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy) CIO Council .pdf
08.05.1999 Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework, Version 1.1, September 1999 CIO Council .pdf
11.01.1999 Information Security Risk Assessment: Practices of Leading Organizations. November, 1999 GAO .pdf
11.01.1999 Guidelines for Implementing EO 13103 on Computer Software Piracy, November 5, 1999 CIO Council .html
12.01.1999 State Department Offers Incentive Pay for 1Kx2K Certificate, December 6, 1999 (Department of State) CIO Council .html
01.01.2000 National Defense Authorization Act Not Available .pdf
01.01.2000 Guidelines for Implementing the Executive Order on Computer Software Piracy (EO 13103) January 2000 GSA, Associate Administrator for Government-wide P .html
01.01.2000 Implementing the Executive Order on Computer Software Piracy (Toolkit), January 2000 CIO Council .html
01.01.2000 Job Shadow Day Link CIO Council .html
01.01.2000 Wikinomics .ppt
02.22.2000 Memorandum for the Heads of Departments and Agencies on Security of Federal Information Systems, Feb 2000 The White House, Office of the Press Secretary .html
02.25.2000 Privacy Impact Assessments for Information Technology, February 25, 2000 CIO Council .pdf
02.28.2000 M-00-07, Incorporating and Funding Security in Information Systems Investments, Feb 28 2000 OMB .html
03.03.2000 Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies - Action by Federal Agencies to Safeguard Against Internet Attacks, March 3, 2000 The White House, Office of the Press Secretary .html
03.14.2000 Critical Infrastructure Protection Day, March 14, 2000 [Fernando Burbano Presentation] Department of State .ppt
03.14.2000 Critical Infrastructure Protection Day, March 14, 2000 [Jeffrey Hunker Presentation] National Security Council (NSC) .ppt
03.14.2000 Critical Infrastructure Protection Day, March 14, 2000 [Judith Spenser Presentation] GSA .ppt
03.14.2000 Critical Infrastructure Protection Day, March 14, 2000 [Harris Miller Presentation] The Information Technology Association of America .ppt
03.14.2000 Critical Infrastructure Protection Day, March 14, 2000 [Marguerite Coffey Presentation] U.S. Department of State, Chairperson CIP Governan .ppt
03.14.2000 Critical Infrastructure Protection Day, March 14, 2000 [Dr Reynolds Presentation] James Madison University, Center for Research in I .ppt
03.14.2000 Critical Infrastructure Protection Day, March 14, 2000 [Dr Jajodia Presentation] George Mason University, Center for Information Sy .ppt
03.14.2000 Critical Infrastructure Protection Day, March 14, 2000 [Dr Epstein Presentation] Executive Office of the President, White House Off .ppt
03.14.2000 Critical Infrastructure Protection Day, March 14, 2000 [Richard Hale Presentation] DoD, Defense Information Systems Agency .ppt
03.14.2000 Critical Infrastructure Protection Day, March 14, 2000 [Glenn Schlarman Presentation] OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs .ppt
03.24.2000 Treasury Dept CIO Testimony before House Subcommittee on Government Management, Information and Technology, March 24, 2000 Not Available .html
03.24.2000 Treasury Dept CIO Testimony before House Subcommittee on Government Management Treasure Department, House Subcommittee .html
04.01.2000 Federal Bridge Certification Authority Demonstrated at EMA Challenge (Slide Presentation), April 2000 (PKI Steering Committee) GSA .ppt
05.01.2000 Information Technology Investment Management: An Overview of GAO's Assessment Framework (Exposure Draft) May 2000 GAO .pdf
05.01.2000 OMB Circular A-110, Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and Other Non-Profit Organizations, May 1, 2000 OMB .html
06.06.2000 Bulletin No. 00-04, Integrating the Performance Plan and Budget, June 6, 2000 OMB .html
06.22.2000 M-00-13, Privacy Policies and Data Collection on Federal Web Sites OMB .html
06.22.2000 Privacy Policies and Data Collection on Federal Web Sites, M-00-13 OMB .pdf
07.07.2000 Memorandum for CIOs on Best Security Practices Repository, July 2000 CIO Council .html
07.19.2000 OMB Circular A-11, July 19, 2000 OMB .pdf
07.19.2000 Update on Information Technology Activities of the CIO Council IT Workforce Committee, July 19, 2000 (IT Workforce Committee) CIO Council .html
07.20.2000 Capital Planning Budget Reporting, Exhibits 52, 53, and 300B OMB .pdf
07.26.2000 Statement of John Spotila, Administrator, OIRA, OMB, before the Committee on Government Reform Subcommittee on Government Management, Information and Technology, July 26, 2000 OMB .html
07.28.2000 Letter to John Spotila, re: Privacy Policies CIO Council, Security, Privacy, and Critical Infra .html
07.31.2000 Sample Agency IT Investment Portfolio (Exhibit 53) July 31, 2000 Not Available .pdf
09.01.2000 Clinger-Cohen Core Competencies September 2000 Not Available .html
09.05.2000 Letter from John Spotila, re: Privacy Policies OMB, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs .html
09.06.2000 Memorandum to Members of Congress and Congressional Committee Staff, September 2000 CIO Council .html
09.11.2000 Statement of John Spotila, Administrator, OIRA, OMB, before the Committee on Government Reform Subcommittee on Government Management, Information and Technology, September 11, 2000 OMB .html
09.12.2000 Statement of Sally Katzen, Deputy Director for Management, OMB, before the Committee on Government Reform Subcommittee on Government Management, Information and Technology, September 12, 2000 Not Available .html
09.21.2000 Federal Agency Section 508 IT Accessibility Coordinators, September 21, 2000 Section 508 .html
09.25.2000 M-00-15, OMB Guidance on Implementing the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, September 25, 2000 OMB .html
09.28.2000 Smart Practices in Capital Planning, A Joint Effort of the CIO Council and the Industry Advisory Council, October 2000 CIO Council, Capital Planning and IT Management Co .pdf
09.29.2000 Draft Federal Information Security Assessment Framework, Sept 2000 (NIST) CIO Council .html
09.29.2000 WTOP's Ask the CIO Interview with Ira Hobbs, September 29, 2000 CIO Council .html
10.01.2000 Information Collection Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2001 Executive Office .pdf
10.02.2000 Statement of Sally Katzen, Deputy Director, Management, OMB, Before the House Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on Government Management, Information and Technology (FirstGov Testimony), October 2, 2000 OMB .html
10.09.2000 Companion Tool for Smart Practices in Capital Planning, A Joint Effort of the CIO Council and the Industry Advisory Council, October 2000 CIO Council, Industry Advisory Council .xls
10.11.2000 Statement of Sally Katzen, Deputy Director for Management, OMB, Submitted to the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications, Trade, and Consumer Protection, Committee on Commerce (Privacy Testimony), October 11, 2000 Not Available .html
10.29.2000 Memorandum for CIOs of All Agencies Re: Agency Interaction with GSA's FedCIRC, October 29, 2000 CIO Council .pdf
10.30.2000 Government Information Security Act (GISRA), October 30, 2000 Not Available .html
11.08.2000 Federal Agency Use of Public Key Technology for Digital Signatures and Authentication, October 2000 (NIST and Federal PKI Steering Committee) NIST .pdf
11.28.2000 Information Technology Security Assessment Framework, November 28, 2000 NIST .html
11.28.2000 Management of Federal Information Resources, OMB Circular A-130 OMB .pdf
12.01.2000 Presentation to the Department of the Interior e/Everything IT Conference 2000, December 2000 (Treasury) (PowerPoint Presentation) Federal IT Workforce Committee .ppt
12.01.2000 Presentation to International Personnel Management Conference, December 2000 (Treasury) (PowerPoint Presentation) Federal IT Workforce Committee .ppt
12.04.2000 Memo for CIOs from Chair and Vice Chair, CIO Council, re: Federal Information Technology Security Assessment Framework, December 4, 2000 CIO Council .pdf
12.04.2000 GAO Memo to Sally Katzen, Chair, CIO Council re: Information Technology Security Assessment Framework, December 4, 2000 GAO .pdf
12.20.2000 M-01-05, Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies re:Guidance on Inter-Agency Sharing of Personal Data-Protecting Personal Privacy, December 20, 2000 OMB .html
12.20.2000 Guidance on Inter-Agency Sharing of Personal Data - Protecting Personal Privacy, M-01-05 OMB .pdf
12.21.2000 Memo to CIOs: Final Regulations Implementing Section 508, December 21, 2000 CIO, Department of Education and CIO, Department o .html
12.27.2000 Draft Certificate Policy for the Federal Bridge Certification Authority, December 27, 2000 (CIO Council) CIO Council .html
12.29.2000 Architecture Alignment and Assessment Guide, October 2000 (CIO Council) CIO Council .pdf
01.01.2001 Electronic Authentication Policy, January 2001 Department of Treasury, Financial Management Servi .html
01.03.2001 Electronic Authentication Policy, January 2001 Department of Treasury, Financial Management Servi .pdf
01.16.2001 Guidance On Implementing the Government Information Security Reform Act, January 16, 2001 OMB .html
01.16.2001 M-01-08, Memorandum for Heads of Departments and Agencies re: Guidance On Implementing the Government Information Security Reform Act, January 2001 OMB .html
01.19.2001 Securing Electronic Government, January 19, 2001 CIO Council .html
01.20.2001 Evaluating Information Technology Investments, January 20, 2001 CIO Council with assistance from the GAO (GAO) .html
02.01.2001 Executive Guide: Maximizing the Success of Chief Information Officers: Learning from Leading Organizations. February 2001 GAO .pdf
02.25.2001 Introduction to Public Key Technology and the Federal PKI Infrastructure (SP 800-32 February 2001) NIST .pdf
03.01.2001 Comparative Study of Information Technology Pay Systems Executive Study, March 2001 (National Academy of Public Administration) National Academy of Public Administration .pdf
03.21.2001 Update: Implementation of the Federal IT Workforce Challenge Recommendations, March 21, 2001 (Federal IT Workforce Committee) CIO Council .html
04.01.2001 A Blueprint for New Beginnings: A Responsible Budget for America's Priorities, April 2001 Executive Office .pdf
04.01.2001 Exhibit 300 Template for FY 2003 A-11 Submission Not Available .doc
04.01.2001 FY 2003 OMB Circular A-11 OMB .pdf
04.24.2001 Sean O'Keefe's statement before the before the House Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Natural Resources and Regulatory Affairs (Paperwork Reduction Act Testimony), April 24, 2001 CIO Council .html
05.01.2001 Information Technology Investment Management: A Framework for Assessing and Improving Process Maturity (Exposure Draft) May 2001 GAO .pdf
06.19.2001 M-01-23, Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies, Improving Regulatory Impact Analyses, June 19, 2001 OMB .html
06.22.2001 M-01-24, Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies, Reporting Instructions for the Government Information Security Reform Act, June 22, 2001 (OMB) CIO Council .ppt
06.22.2001 M-01-24, GISRA Reporting Instructions, June 22, 2001 OMB .doc
06.25.2001 Engineering Principles for Information Technology Security - A Baseline for Achieving Security (SP 800-27 June 2001) NIST .pdf
07.01.2001 FY 2002 The President's Management Agenda OMB .pdf
07.11.2001 Sean O'Keefe's statement before the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs (E-gov Testimony), July 11, 2001 CIO Council .html
07.17.2001 Capital Planning and Investment Control Processes and Budget Reporting (A-11), July 2001 (OMB PowerPoint presentation) Office of Management & Budgets, Office of Informa .ppt
07.17.2001 IT Workforce Roadmap CIO Council .doc
07.18.2001 M-01-28, Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies re: Citizen-Centered E-Government:Developing the Action Plan, July 18, 2001 CIO Council .html
08.01.2001 The Transforming Power of Information Technology (Full Report) - August 2001 National Academy of Public Administration, NAPA .pdf
08.01.2001 NAPA Summary Report: Making the Federal Government an Employer of Choice National Academy of Public Administration, NAPA .pdf
08.01.2001 NAPA and IT Workforce Challenge Assignment CIO Council .doc
09.01.2001 September 2001 Update of the Plan for Implementing the Federal IT Workforce Challenge Recommendations CIO Council IT Workforce Committee .pdf
09.01.2001 2001 Update of the Plan for Implementing the Federal IT Workforce Challenge Recommendations CIO Council IT Workforce Committee .pdf
09.01.2001 CIO University Learning Objectives Derived from Clinger-Cohen Core Competencies (Revised 9/00) CIO Council .html
09.24.2001 Progress Report on Implementing the Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA), September 24, 2001 OMB .pdf
09.26.2001 Applied IT Economics for Veterans Administration, September 1, 2001 CIO Council, Capital Planning and IT Management Co .pdf
09.26.2001 Balanced Scorecard Methodology for USDA, September 1, 2001 CIO Council, Capital Planning and IT Management Co .pdf
10.01.2001 FY 2001 Report to Congress on Federal Government Information Security Reform OMB .pdf
10.04.2001 Mark Forman's testimony on managing Federal IT and acquisition workforces, October 4, 2001 CIO Council .html
10.08.2001 EO 13228 Establishing the Office of Homeland Security and the Homeland Security Council, October 8, 2001 The White House .pdf
10.16.2001 EO 13231 Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Information Age, October 16, 2001 The White House .html
10.17.2001 Government Information Security Reform Act -- Guidance on Developing Corrective Action Plans CIO Council .html
11.09.2001 Mark Forman's statement before the subcommittee on Government Efficiency, Financial Management, and Intergovernmental Relations November 9, 2001 OMB .pdf
11.25.2001 Security Self Assessment Guide for Information Technology (SP 800-26 November 2001) Department of Commerce .pdf
12.30.2001 Underlying Technical Models for Information Technology Security (SP 800-33 December 2001) NIST .pdf
01.01.2002 Federal CIOC NAPA Study Statement CIO Council .html
01.01.2002 NAPA Study CIO Council .html
01.01.2002 Department of Labor's IT Project Management Guide (January, 2002) Depertment of Labor, Office of the Chief Informati .pdf
01.25.2002 Risk Management Guide for Information Technology Systems (SP 800-30 January 2002) NIST .pdf
02.01.2002 Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2003 CIO Council .html
02.04.2002 OIS Newsletter, Issue 11: XML Applications in Government CIO Council .html
02.27.2002 E-Government Strategy (HTML Version), February 27, 2002 OMB .html
02.27.2002 E-Government Strategy, February 27, 2002 OMB .pdf
03.01.2002 Update: Implementation of the Federal IT Workforce Challenge Recommendations, March 2002 CIO Council Workforce and Human Capital for IT Com .pdf
03.01.2002 A Summary of First Practices and Lessons Learned in IT Portfolio Management March 2002 CIO Council, Best Practices Committee .pdf
03.15.2002 A Practical Guide to Federal Enterprise Architecture, Version 1.1, February 2001 (CIO Council) CIO Council .pdf
03.19.2002 EO 13260 Establishing the President's Homeland Security Advisory Council and Senior Committees for Homeland Security, March 19, 2002 Federal Register .pdf
04.11.2002 Statement of John D. Graham, Administrator of Information and Regulatory Affairs, before the House Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Natural Resources and Regulatory Affairs (Paperwork Reduction Act testimony) April 11, 200 CIO Council .html
04.20.2002 OMB FY2004 A-11 Training CIO Council .html
04.21.2002 March 21, 2002 Testimony before the Subcommittee on Technology and Procurement Policy CIO Council .html
05.02.2002 One-Stop Business Compliance Best Practices White Paper, May 2, 2002 CIO Council .doc
05.02.2002 Geospatial One Stop Best Practices White Paper, May 2, 2002 CIO Council .doc
05.02.2002 Mark Forman's Statement before the Subcommittee on Government Efficiency, Financial Management, and Intergovernmental Relations and the Subcommittee on Technology and Procurement Policy (Security Testimony) May 2, 2002 Not Available .pdf
05.02.2002 Ron Miller's Statement before the Subcommittee on Government, Efficiency, Financial Management, and Intergovernmental Relations and the Subcommittee on Technology and Procurement Policy (Security Testimony) May 2, 2002 Not Available .pdf
05.17.2002 One-Stop Recruitment Best Practices White Paper, May 17, 2002 PWC Consulting .pdf
06.01.2002 FY 2003 Report on Information Technology (IT) Spending for the Federal Government (Exhibit 53), June 1, 2002 N/A .xls
06.02.2002 M-00-12, Requirements for Development of the FY 2002 Transition Budget, June 2, 2002 Not Available .html
06.07.2002 Mark Forman's Statement before the House Subcommittee on Technology and Procurement Policy (Homeland Security Testimony) June 7, 2002 CIO Council .html
06.25.2002 Contingency Planning Guide for Information Technology Systems (SP 800-34 June 2002) NIST .pdf
06.27.2002 • FY 2004 OMB Circular A-11, June 27, 2002* OMB
07.02.2002 CIO Council Mentoring Program Guide, July 2, 2002 CIO Council .doc
07.10.2002 Presidential Memorandum to Agencies on Electronic Government's Role in Implementing the President's Management Agenda, July 10, 2002 CIO Council .html
07.10.2002 The President's Technology Agenda Book, July 10, 2002 N/A .pdf
07.22.2002 Federal Enterprise Architecture Business Reference Model Version 1.0 (July 24, 2002) OMB, FEA-PMO .pdf
08.01.2002 FY 2004 Section 53 Guidance and Template OMB .doc
08.04.2002 Exhibit 300 Template for FY 2004 A-11 Submission N/A .doc
08.09.2002 Additional Instructions for Submitting Joint 300s, August 9, 2002 N/A .pdf
08.19.2002 Exhibit 52B FY 2004 Template HTML Version (August 19, 2002) OMB .html
08.19.2002 Exhibit 52B FY 2004 Template (August 19, 2002) N/A .doc
09.04.2002 FY 2004 Exhibit 52A Template Excel Version (Revised Sept 4, 2002) N/A .xls
09.04.2002 FY 2004 Exhibit 52A Template HTML Version, Revised Sept 4, 2002 N/A .html
09.04.2002 FY 2004 Exhibit 300: Principles Of Budgeting For Capital Asset Acquisitions OMB .pdf
09.05.2002 Section 57, Erroneous Payments, Exhibit 57A Not Available .html
09.25.2002 Security Guide for Interconnecting Information Technology Systems (SP 800-47 September 2002) NIST .pdf
10.21.2002 Statement of Mark Everson and Mark Forman Before the House Subcommittee on Technology and Procurement Policy (S. 803 - Egov Testimony), September 18, 2002 CIO Council .html
10.21.2002 Statement of Mark Forman Before the House Subcommittee on Technology and Procurement Policy (Homeland Security Testimony), October 1, 2002 CIO Council .html
10.30.2002 E-Gov Enterprise Architecture Guidance (Common Reference Model) Version 2.0 (July 25, 2002) CIO Council, Interagency FEA Working Group .pdf
10.30.2002 Guidelines for the Security Certification and Accreditation of Federal Information Technology Systems Initial Draft (Pub. 800-37 October 2002) NIST .pdf
10.30.2002 Assessing the Security of Federal Information Technology Systems Tutorial (October 2002) NIST .pdf
10.31.2002 Creating a Performance Based Electronic Government FY 2002 Progress Report (October 30, 2002) N/A .pdf
11.05.2002 Architecture and Infrastructure Subcommitttee Charters (October, 2002) CIO Council .html
11.13.2002 GPEA 2002 Process Survey N/A .pdf
11.14.2002 Memorandum From Mark Forman On GPEA 2002 Process Survey CIO Council .html
11.14.2002 Mark Forman Memorandum on FEDCIRC Incident Reporting, November 14, 2002 OMB .doc
11.19.2002 Statement of Mark Forman Before the House Subcommittee on Government Efficiency, Financial Management, and Intergovernmental Relations (Security Testimony) November 19, 2002 Not Available .pdf
11.19.2002 Computer Security: Progress Made, but Critical Federal Operations and Assets Remain at Risk, November 19, 2002 GAO .pdf
11.21.2002 NIST Cyber Security Resources and Update NIST .pdf
11.25.2002 P.L. 107-296 The Homeland Security Act of 2002 (November 25, 2002) Not Available .pdf
11.26.2002 Value Measuring Methodology: Highlights CIO Council, Best Practices Committee .pdf
11.26.2002 Value Measuring Methodology: How-to-Guide CIO Council, Best Practices Committee .pdf
11.27.2002 P.L. 107-305, Cyber Security Research and Development Act of 2002 Not Available .pdf
12.17.2002 P.L. 107-347 E-Government Act of 2002 Congress .pdf
12.17.2002 The E-Government Act of 2002 .pdf
12.20.2002 Electronic Government: Selection and Implementation of the Office of Management and Budget's 24 Initiatives, November 2002 GAO .pdf
12.27.2002 Integrated Acquisition Environment Best Practices White Paper CIO Council, Best Practices Committee .pdf
12.30.2002 Best Practices Committee E-Training White Paper CIO Council, Best Practices Committee .pdf
01.02.2003 Memorandum from Mark Forman, Karen Evans and Vance Hitch on Securing Enterprise Architecture Software, January 2, 2003 CIO Council .doc
01.05.2003 Memorandum from Karen Evans on the Memorandum of Understanding between the CIO Council and the National Academy Foundation (January 5, 2003) CIO Council .pdf
01.31.2003 Protecting Information Systems Supporting the Federal Government and the Nation's Critical Infrastructures, January 2003 GAO .pdf
02.06.2003 FY 2004 Report on Information Technology Spending for the Federal Government (Exhibit 53) CIO Council .html
02.20.2003 The National Strategy to Secure Cyber Space, February 20, 2003 Office of the White House .pdf
02.24.2003 Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2004 CIO Council .html
02.24.2003 Recreation One-Stop White Paper (February 24, 2003) CIO Council .pdf
03.01.2003 Workforce and Human Capital for IT Committee Update, February 2003 Workforce & Human Capital for IT Committee .pdf
03.13.2003 Statement of Mark Forman Before the House Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations, and the Census (Egov Testimony) March 13, 2003 CIO Council .html
03.14.2003 Workforce and Human Capital for IT Committee Update, February 2003 Workforce & Human Capital for IT Committee .pdf
03.20.2003 Contracting for IT services, February 2003 GAO .pdf
03.20.2003 Information Technology Training: Practices of Leading Private-Sector Companies, March 2003 GAO .pdf
03.31.2003 Statement of Mark Forman Before the House Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations, and the Census (data mining testimony) March 25, 2003 CIO Council .html
04.08.2003 Statement of Mark Forman Before the Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental relations, and the Census (Security Testimony) April 8, 2003 CIO Council .html
04.14.2003 GPEA Training Registration 04/14/2003 N/A url
04.15.2003 The New E-Government Equation: Ease, Engagement, Privacy and Protection The Council for Excellence in Government .pdf
04.15.2003 Value Measuring Methodology: Highlights CIO Council, Best Practices Committee .pdf
04.15.2003 Value Measuring Methodology: How-to-Guide CIO Council, Best Practices Committee .pdf
05.01.2003 Implementing the President's Management Agenda for E-Government, April 2003 E-Gov .pdf
05.01.2003 Draft FY 2005 Exhibit 53 Not Available .pdf
05.01.2003 Draft FY 2005 Exhibit 300: Principles of Budgeting for Capital Acquisitions Not Available .pdf
05.13.2003 Statement of Mark Forman Before the House Committee on Government Reform (Homeland Security Testimony), May 8, 2003 CIO Council .html
05.16.2003 Memorandum from Mark Forman on the Progress Report on Implementing the Government Paperwork Reduction Act, May 15, 2003 OMB .pdf
05.27.2003 2003 Government Paperwork Elimination Act Data Call Information CIO Council .html
06.03.2003 2002 GPEA Submissions CIO Council .html
06.13.2003 FEA-PMO Press Release OMB .pdf
06.23.2003 The Value of IT Investments: It's not just Return On Investment CIO Council, Best Practices Committee .pdf
06.24.2003 Draft Update of Clinger Cohen Competencies and Draft White Paper on Enterprise Architecture Workforce and Human Capital for IT Committee .doc
06.24.2003 Commerce Department's Report to Congress on Education and Training for the IT Workforce Secretary of Commerce .pdf
07.10.2003 VMM Frequently Asked Questions GSA, Office of Electronic Government and Technolog .pdf
08.08.2003 FY 2005 Budget Guidance CIO Council .html
09.17.2003 • IT Roadmap Career Planning Tool* CIO Council .html
09.26.2003 Guidance for Implementing the Privacy Provisions of the E-Government Act of 2002, M-03-22 OMB .pdf
10.01.2003 OMB Guidance for Implementing the Privacy Provisions of the E-Government Act of 2002 OMB .pdf
10.08.2003 Statement of Karen Evans Before the Committee on Government Reform and Subcommittees on Technology (IT Policy Testimony), October 8, 2003 OMB .doc
11.06.2003 Statement of Karen Evans Before the Committee on Government Reform and Subcommittees on Technology (IT Policy Testimony), November 6, 2003 OMB .doc
11.10.2003 Reporting Instructions for the E-Government Act of 2002 Not Available .pdf
12.05.2003 • CIO Council Charter, December 5,2003 * .htm
01.30.2004 2004 Clinger-Cohen Core Competencies and Learning Objectives IT Workforce Committee .doc
02.25.2004 Clarifying OMB's FY 2005 Budget Guidance on the SmartBuy and E-Gov initiatives OMB .pdf
03.02.2004 Procedures for Requesting Funds from the E-Government Fund OMB .pdf
03.03.2004 Statement of Clay Johnson Before the Subcommittee on Technology (IT Policy Testimony), March 24, 2004 OMB .doc
03.03.2004 Statement of Karen Evans Before the Subcommittee on Technology (IT Policy Testimony), March 24, 2004 OMB .doc
03.03.2004 Information Technology Investment Management: A Framework for Assessing and Improving Process Maturity GAO .pdf
03.08.2004 Managers' Guide to Competitive Sourcing OMB, Deputy Director of Management .pdf
03.15.2004 Developing the Action Plan for Citizen-Centered Government OMB .pdf
03.16.2004 Statement of Karen Evans Before the Subcommittee on Technology (IT Policy Testimony), March 16, 2004 OMB .pdf
03.18.2004 Memorandum For The Presidents Management Council on Regulations.Gov OMB .pdf
03.18.2004 Information Security:Technologies to Secure Federal Systems GAO .pdf
03.18.2004 HIGHLIGHTS: Information Security: Technologies to Secure Federal Systems GAO .pdf
03.24.2004 Statement of Karen Evans Before the Subcommittee on Technology (IT Policy Testimony), March 24, 2004. CIO Council .doc
04.30.2004 Lines of Business CIO Council .html
05.19.2004 Lessons Learned on Information Technology Performance Management CIO Council, Best Practices Committee, Community o .pdf
05.19.2004 Privacy Seminar CIO Council and American Council for Technology .html
05.28.2004 Clinger-Cohen Assessment Survey (2003) Analysis of Survey Results CIO Council .pdf
05.28.2004 Executive Summary for the Clinger-Cohen Assessment Survey (2003) CIO Council .pdf
05.28.2004 2-Page Summary pamphlet or flyer which describes the survey results Not Available .pdf
06.01.2004 FY 2006 Budget Guidance CIO Council .html
06.02.2004 Statement of Karen Evans Before the Committee on Government Reform (IT Policy Testimony), June 2, 2004. CIO Council .doc
06.16.2004 Cybercorp Program CIO Council .html
07.02.2004 Project Manager Validation and Levels CIO Council .doc
07.02.2004 Project Manager Validation and Levels CIO Council .doc
07.06.2004 SmartBUY Waiver Process CIO Council .doc
07.06.2004 IT Project Manager (PM) Guidance Matrix CIO Council .ppt
07.06.2004 Federal IT Project Management Validation Initiative CIO Council .doc
07.19.2004 White Paper on Service Component-Based Architectures GSA .pdf
07.19.2004 White Paper on Service Component-Based Architectures Memo from Karen Evans and Dan Matthews CIO Council .pdf
07.21.2004 Statement of Karen Evans Before The Committee on Government Reform Subcommitte on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations, and the Census U.S. House of Representatives, July 21. 2004 CIO Council .doc
07.21.2004 Statement of Clay Johnson, III, Before the Committee on Government Reform (IT Policy Testimony), July 21, 2004. CIO Council .doc
07.21.2004 Information Technology (IT) Project Manager (PM) Qualification Guidance OMB .pdf
07.21.2004 Information Technology (IT) Project Manager (PM) Qualification Guidance OMB .pdf
07.21.2004 Federal Chief Information Officers: Responsibilities, Reporting Relationships, Tenure, and Challenges GAO .pdf
07.22.2004 A-11 Exhibit 52 Posting CIO Council .html
08.25.2004 Section E - FY04 FISMA Reporting Template OMB .xls
08.25.2004 FY 2004 Reporting Instructions for the Federal Information Security Management Act OMB .doc
10.13.2004 Avoiding Duplication of Agency Activities with the Presidential E-Government and Lines of Business Initiatives OMB .pdf
10.13.2004 Attachment to Avoiding Duplication of Agency Activities with the Presidential E-Government and Lines of Business Initiatives OMB .pdf
12.17.2004 Policies for Federal Agency Public OMB .pdf
01.05.2005 Executive Order Strengthening the Sharing of Terrorism Information to Protect Americans CIO .doc
01.13.2005 FEA Security and Privacy Profile Phase I Final CIO Council .pdf
01.27.2005 IT Quarterly Forum IT Workforce Committee .doc
03.25.2005 IT Workforce Capability Assessment Survey Analysis for 2004 IT Workforce .doc
04.01.2005 EPA EVM Lessons Learned - FY 2004 Best Practices .pdf
04.06.2005 A Strategy for Effectively Applying the Provisions of FISMA CIO .ppt
04.06.2005 Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems CIO .ppt
04.06.2005 How It All Fits Together in an Enterprise Security Program CIO .ppt
04.11.2005 Use of Brand Name Specifications OMB .pdf
04.15.2005 IT Workforce Capability Assessment CIO .pdf
05.06.2005 Human Capital Planning for the IT Workforce IT Workforce Committee .doc
05.18.2005 CIO Council's Event and Logo Use Policy CIO Council .doc
06.13.2005 FY2005 FISMA Reporting Instructions OMB .pdf
06.30.2005 Regulation on Maintaining Telecommunication Services During a Crisis or Emergency in Federally-owned Buildings OMB .pdf
07.22.2005 The FEA Data Reference Model:Business Case and Dimensions CIO .ppt
07.22.2005 Enterprise Architecture as a Decision-making Tool at USDA CIO .ppt
07.22.2005 Enabling Results Oriented Government CIO .ppt
07.28.2005 FY 2005 E-Government Act Reporting Instructions OMB .pdf
08.02.2005 Transition Planning for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) OMB .pdf
08.02.2005 Transition Planning for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) OMB .doc
08.04.2005 Improving Information Technology (IT) Project Planning and Execution OMB .pdf
08.05.2005 Implementation of Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) 12 OMB .pdf
08.11.2005 Buying Accessible Electronic and Information Technology OMB .pdf
08.15.2005 IT Exchange Program Regulation Federal Register .pdf
08.16.2005 IT Exchange Program Summary IT Workforce Committee .doc
08.31.2005 FISMA 2005 Best Practices Best Practices Committee .ppt
08.31.2005 FISMA and GAO Best Practices Committee .ppt
08.31.2005 C&A Tools and FISMA Reporting Systems Best Practices Committee .ppt
08.31.2005 FISMA Evaluation Framework Best Practices Committee .ppt
08.31.2005 Commerce FISMA Evaluations Best Practices Committee .ppt
08.31.2005 FISMA: Lessons in Determining Effectiveness Best Practices Committee .ppt
09.09.2005 Responsibilities and Information and Technology Governance at Leading Private Sector Companies GAO .pdf
09.16.2005 FY 2006 Information Collection Budget (ICB) Data Call OMB .pdf
10.20.2005 The Federal Electronics Recycling and Reuse Challenge OFEE .pdf
10.24.2005 IT Workforce Management Resource Package IT Workforce Committe .ppt
11.15.2005 CIOC Leadership Awards Call for Nominations CIO .doc
11.17.2005 Management Operational Issues HSPD-12 IT Workforce Committee .pdf
11.17.2005 Personal ID Verification Standards HSPD-12 IT Workforce Committee .pdf
11.17.2005 Interagency Partnership Working Group HSPD-12 IT Workforce Committee .pdf
11.17.2005 Federal Identity Credentialing Challenges HSPD-12 IT Workforce Committee .pdf
11.28.2005 Governance Process AIC .doc
12.01.2005 OMB Enterprise Architecture Assessment Framework 2.0 OMB .pdf
12.05.2005 Framework for Developing EVMS Policy Best Practices Committee .pdf
12.15.2005 FEA Records Management Profile, Version 1.0 AIC .pdf
12.16.2005 Improving Public Access to and Dissemination of Government Information and Using the FEA DRM OMB .pdf
12.22.2005 Efficient and Effective Information Retrieval and Sharing (EEIRS) RFI Response Analysis GSA .pdf
12.22.2005 Integrating IPv6 into Agency EA Planning AI Committee .doc
01.01.2006 Sample Privacy Documents for Agency Implementation of Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) 12 OMB .doc
01.11.2006 Enterprise Architecture Assessment Framework, Version 2.0 OMB .zip
01.27.2006 FEA Geospatial Profile, version 1.1 AIC .pdf
02.10.2006 CIOs and Records Management BP Committee .doc
02.15.2006 IPv6 Frequently Asked Questions OMB .pdf
02.17.2006 FEA PMO Detailee Program OMB .doc
03.20.2006 National Capital Regional First Responder Initiative ITQF .pdf
03.20.2006 National Capital Region Technical Vision and Framework ITQF .pdf
03.20.2006 National Capital Regional Overview Key Challenges and Current Issues ITQF .pdf
05.03.2006 IPv6 Transition Guidance AI Committee .doc
05.22.2006 Safeguarding Personally Identifiable Information OMB .pdf
06.01.2006 The Federal Enterprise Architecture Security and Privacy Profile v2.0 AI Committee .pdf
06.21.2006 Federal CIO Job Shadow Day ITW Committee .doc
06.21.2006 Job Shadow Day Brochure ITW Committee .pdf
06.21.2006 High School Outreach Team for IT (HOT-IT) ITW Committee .doc
06.23.2006 Protection of Sensitive Agency Information OMB .pdf
06.30.2006 Acquisition of Products and Services for Implementation of HSPD-12 OMB .pdf
07.12.2006 Reporting Incidents Involving Personally Identifiable Information OMB .html
07.13.2006 Career Development & Certification for Program and Project Managers TW Committee .pdf
07.16.2006 FY 2006 Reporting Instructions for the Federal Information Security Management Act and Agency Privacy Management OMB .pdf
07.20.2006 General Information on the IT Quarterly Forums ITQF .doc
08.08.2006 Cost Savings Achieved Through E-Government and Line of Business Initiatives OMB .zip
08.25.2006 FY 2006 E-Government Act Reporting Instructions OMB .pdf
10.04.2006 2006 Federal IT Summit ITW Committee .pdf
10.04.2006 Solving Business Problems Using Enterprise Architecture 2006 Federal IT Summit .ppt
10.04.2006 The Role of APPEL at NASA 2006 Federal IT Summit .ppt
10.04.2006 Learning that Facilitates Management of High Performance Teams 2006 Federal IT Summit .ppt
10.04.2006 Creating High Performance Project Teams 2006 Federal IT Summit .ppt
10.04.2006 Get Involved and Remain Vigilant - One CISO’s Viewpoint 2006 Federal IT Summit .ppt
10.04.2006 US-CERT: Get Plugged in! 2006 Federal IT Summit .ppt
10.04.2006 Innovation & Transformation: Enabling Information Superiority for the Warfighter 2006 Federal IT Summit .ppt
10.04.2006 Wireless Security Attack and Defense 2006 Federal IT Summit .ppt
10.04.2006 Information Systems Under Attack 2006 Federal IT Summit .ppt
10.04.2006 How to Manage Data Across Agencies Using the FEA DRM 2006 Federal IT Summit .ppt
10.19.2006 HSPD-12 Executive Session OMB .zip
10.20.2006 • Confirming Agency Compliance with 10/27/2006, Deadline to Begin Issuing HSPD-12 PIV Cards* OMB .pdf
11.03.2006 • IT Project Management Training Providers* IT Workforce Committee url
12.15.2006 FEA Practice Guidance OMB .pdf
12.22.2006 Agency Enterprise Architecture Self-Assessments OMB .pdf
12.22.2006 Use of Commercial Credit Monitoring Services Blanket Purchase Agreements, M-07-04 OMB .pdf
12.29.2006 2006 Clinger-Cohen Core Competencies and Learning Objectives IT Workforce Committee .pdf
12.29.2006 2006 Clinger-Cohen Core Competencies IT Workforce Committee .pdf
01.09.2007 Scholarship for Service Job Fair 2007 ITW Commitee .pdf
01.11.2007 Validating and Monitoring Agency Issuance of Personal Identity Verification Credentials OMB .pdf
01.17.2007 IT Quarterly Forum - IPv6 IT Quarterly Forum .doc
01.17.2007 CIO Council Strategic Plan, 2007-2009 CIO Council .pdf
01.17.2007 IPv6: The Next Generation Internet IT Workforce Committee .ppt
01.17.2007 The Evolution of Networking IT Workforce Committee .ppt
01.17.2007 North American v6 Task Force IT Workforce Committee .ppt
02.01.2007 IT Job Shadow Day 2007 IT Workforce Committee .ppt
02.20.2007 2007 CIO Council Leadership Awards Call for Nominations CIO Council .doc
03.01.2007 Moving IT Forward (Recruitment Video) CIO Council .html
03.20.2007 Managing Security Risk By Using Common Security Configurations OMB .doc
03.22.2007 Implementation of Commonly Accepted Security Configurations for Windows Operating Systems OMB .doc
03.30.2007 • SmartBUY Notices And Updates* SmartBUY url
03.30.2007 • SmartBUY Policy Corner* SmartBUY url
03.30.2007 • SmartBUY Agreements* SmartBUY url
03.30.2007 • SmartBUY Contact* SmartBUY url
05.01.2007 IT Quarterly Forum – Wireless Security IT Workforce Committee .doc
05.01.2007 Wireless Threats and Vulnerabilities IT Workforce Committee .ppt
05.22.2007 Safeguarding Against and Responding to the Breach of Personally Identifiable Information, M-07-16 OMB .pdf
05.31.2007 Proud To Be on July 1, 2009 OMB .pdf
06.01.2007 Ensuring New Acquisitions Include Common Security Configurations OMB .pdf
06.08.2007 Guidance for Quarterly Enterprise Architecture Progress Reports OMB .pdf
06.26.2007 Guidance on Protecting Federal Employee Social Security Numbers and Combating Identity Theft OPM .pdf
07.18.2007 Top 10 Risks Impeding the Adequate Protection of Government Information OMB .pdf
07.31.2007 Establishment of Windows XP and VISTA Virtual Machine and Procedures for Adopting the Federal Desktop Core Configurations OMB .pdf
07.31.2007 FY 2009 Unique Project Identifier Codes OMB .pdf
08.14.2007 E-Discovery ITQF IT Workforce Committee .pdf
08.14.2007 Who is Afraid of E-Discovery? Cautionary Tales Every CIO and Every IT Person Needs to Know to Survive into FY2008, and Beyond IT Workforce Committee .ppt
08.14.2007 Email and Records Management Overview IT Workforce Committee .ppt
08.24.2007 Architecture Principles for The U.S. Government CIO Council .pdf
10.01.2007 Consolidated Reference Model Version 2.3 OMB .pdf
10.01.2007 Consolidated Reference Model XML OMB
10.09.2007 Federal IT Summit IT Workforce Committee .doc
10.09.2007 Identity Theft Task Force and Personally Identifiable Information 2007 Federal IT Summit .ppt
10.09.2007 Building on Project Management Principles—Anatomy of a Successful Federal IT Project 2007 Federal IT Summit .ppt
10.09.2007 Electronic Records 2007 Federal IT Summit .ppt
10.09.2007 IPv6 2007 Federal IT Summit .ppt
10.09.2007 Certification for Federal IT Project Managers—What Every IT Worker Should Know 2007 Federal IT Summit .ppt
10.09.2007 Spectrum Management 2007 Federal IT Summit .ppt
10.09.2007 HSPD-12 2007 Federal IT Summit .ppt
10.09.2007 OMB’s Watch List and High Risk Lis 2007 Federal IT Summit .ppt
10.23.2007 HSPD-12 Implementation Status OMB .pdf
10.31.2007 CIO Council Organizational Chart CIO Council .pdf
11.01.2007 IT Job Shadow Day Communications Kit IT Workforce Committee .zip
11.01.2007 FEA Practice Guidance, November 2007 OMB .pdf
11.20.2007 Implementation of Trusted Internet Connections (TIC) OMB .pdf
11.21.2007 Requirements for Enterprise Architecture and IPv6 Progress Reports OMB .pdf
11.26.2007 Federal Acquisition Certification for Contracting Officer Technical Representatives OMB .pdf
12.10.2007 Trusted Internet Connections OMB .zip
12.12.2007 Scholarship for Service Job Fair 2008 OPM .pdf
12.19.2007 Ensuring Competition When Acquiring Information Technology and Using Common Security Configurations OMB .pdf
01.01.2008 IT Job Shadow Day 2008 IT Workforce Committee .pdf
01.01.2008 2008 CIO Council Leadership Awards Call for Nominations CIO Council .doc
01.03.2008 Transmitting FY2007 Annual FISMA reports OMB .pdf
01.18.2008 FISMA Privacy Reporting Requirements for FY 2008 OMB .pdf
01.29.2008 Section 508 IT Quarterly Forum IT Workforce Committee .doc
01.29.2008 Section 508 – Demystifying How IT and Acquisition Personnel Can Collaborate to Implement the Law IT Workforce Committee .ppt
01.29.2008 Section 508 and the Buy Accessible Wizard IT Workforce Committee .ppt
01.30.2008 IPv6 Demonstration Plan Architecture & Infrastructure Committee .pdf
02.04.2008 Use of Commercial Independent Risk Analysis Services Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA) OMB .pdf
02.08.2008 IT Job Shadow Day 2008 Pictures CIO Council .pdf
03.01.2008 Information Technology (IT) Workforce Capability Assessment 2006 IT Workforce Committee .doc
03.01.2008 Information Technology (IT) Workforce Capability Assessment 2006 Executive Summary IT Workforce Committee .doc
03.01.2008 Fiscal Year 2007 Report to Congress on Implementation of The Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 OMB .pdf
03.01.2008 FY 2007 Report to Congress on Implementation of The E-Government Act of 2002 OMB .pdf
03.01.2008 FY 2007 Report to Congress on Implementation of the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 OMB .pdf
03.31.2008 Tools Available for Implementing Electronic Records Management OMB .pdf
04.04.2008 Guidance for Trusted Internet Connection Statement of Capability Form (SOC) OMB OMB .pdf
05.07.2008 Designation and Sharing of Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) OMB .pdf
05.19.2008 Expanding E-Government Results Report OMB .pdf
05.23.2008 Guidance for HSPD-12 Implementation OMB .pdf
06.04.2008 Trusted Internet Connections (TIC) Initiative Statement of Capability Evaluation Report OMB .pdf
06.05.2008 ITI LOB IT Quarterly Forum IT Workforce Committee .doc
06.05.2008 Evolution and Status of the ITILOB IT Workforce Committee .ppt
06.05.2008 Federal Enterprise Architecture (ITI LOB) IT Workforce Committee .ppt
06.05.2008 SmartBUY (ITI LOB) IT Workforce Committee .ppt
06.25.2008 2008 Report to Congress on the Human Resources Line of Business OMB .pdf
06.26.2008 OMB Circular A–11 Section 53 OMB .pdf
06.26.2008 OMB Circular A–11 Part 7 (section 300) OMB .pdf
06.27.2008 Initial Implementation Guidance for Controlled Unclassified Information NARA .pdf
06.30.2008 Practical Guide to Service Oriented Architecture (PGFSOA) v1.1 AIC .pdf
07.14.2008 FY 2008 Reporting Instructions for FISMA and Agency Privacy Management OMB .pdf
08.01.2008 FEA Reference Model Mapping Quick Guide, FY2010 Budget Preparation OMB .pdf
08.22.2008 Securing the Federal Government's Domain Name System Infrastructure OMB .pdf
08.28.2008 Transition from FTS2001 to Networx OMB .pdf
08.29.2008 SmartBUY Enterprise-wide BPA for Situational Awareness and Incident Response GSA .zip
09.21.2008 2008 Federal IT and Privacy Summit CIO Council .pdf
09.30.2008 Guidance for Trusted Internet Connection (TIC) Compliance OMB .pdf
10.01.2008 Scholarship For Service Briefing ITW Committee .pdf
10.21.2008 2008 Federal IT and Privacy Summit Agendas CIO Council .pdf
10.21.2008 Information Technology Management Structure and Governance Framework OMB .pdf
10.22.2008 2008 Federal IT and Privacy Summits Registration CIO Council .pdf
10.22.2008 Architecting Next-generation Internet Technologies IT Workforce Committee .ppt
10.22.2008 Importance of Effective Performance Metrics IT Workforce Committee .ppt
10.22.2008 Identity Management and HSPD-12 IT Workforce Committee .ppt
10.22.2008 Attracting the Next Generation Information Technology IT Workforce Committee .ppt
10.22.2008 Integration of Acquisition, Project Management, and Performance Management IT Workforce Committee .ppt
10.23.2008 Responding to a Data Breach IT Workforce Committee .pptx
10.23.2008 Privacy 101: An Overview of Privacy for Beginners 2008 Federal Privacy Summit .pptm
10.23.2008 Employee Training: Be Clear, Be Creative, Be Everywhere IT Workforce Committee .ppt
10.23.2008 Complying with OMB 06-16 and M-07-16 and Reporting to FISMA IT Workforce Committee .ppt
10.23.2008 Using Technology to Protect Privacy IT Workforce Committee .ppt
10.23.2008 An Introduction to HIPAA IT Workforce Committee .ppt
10.23.2008 An Introduction to HIPAA 2 IT Workforce Committee .pdf
10.23.2008 Technology for Privacy Professionals 101 IT Workforce Committee .ppt
10.23.2008 Complying with the Privacy Act of 1974 IT Workforce Committee .pptm
11.14.2008 Improving Agency Performance Using Information and Information Technology: Enterprise Architecture Assessment Framework OMB .pdf
11.18.2008 Scholarship for Service_Briefing CIO Council .doc
11.18.2008 .GOV DNSSEC Deployment GSA .ppt
11.18.2008 Trusted Internet Connection Assessment DHS .ppt
11.18.2008 Networx Support for Trusted Internet Connections GSA .ppt
12.01.2008 Enterprise Architecture Assessment Framework v3.0 OMB .pdf
12.01.2008 Enterprise Architecture Assessment Framework Self-Assessment Reporting Template OMB .xls
12.01.2008 Enterprise Architecture Segment Report OMB .pdf
12.01.2008 Enterprise Architecture Segment Report Template OMB .xls
12.08.2008 Federal Segment Architecture Methodology Step 1 AIC .zip
12.08.2008 Federal Segment Architecture Methodology Step 2 AIC .zip
12.08.2008 Federal Segment Architecture Methodology Step 3-1 AIC .zip
12.08.2008 Federal Segment Architecture Methodology Step 3-2 AIC .zip
12.08.2008 Federal Segment Architecture Methodology Step 4 AIC .zip
12.08.2008 Federal Segment Architecture Methodology Step 5 AIC .zip
12.09.2008 Federal Segment Architecture Methodology AIC .pdf
01.05.2009 Report to Congress on the Benefits of the President's E-Government Initiatives OMB .pdf
01.06.2009 Scholarship for Service Job Fair 2009 Agency Registration OPM .doc
01.10.2009 2009 CIO Council Leadership Awards Call for Nominations CIO Council .doc
01.11.2009 CIO Council Strategic Plan, 2008-2009 CIO Council .pdf
01.12.2009 Federal CIO Council Transition Guide CIO Council .pdf
01.15.2009 Designation of Certification and Accreditation Shared Service Centers under the Information Systems Security Line of Business OMB .pdf
01.21.2009 Freedom of Information Act Memo White House .pdf
01.21.2009 Transparency and Open Government Memo White House .pdf
02.18.2009 Initial Implementing Guidance for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 OMB .pdf
02.27.2009 IT Quarterly Forum - Cloud Computing OMB .pdf
02.27.2009 Cloud Computing Concepts IT Workforce Committee .ppt
02.27.2009 Cloud Computing: An Operational Perspective from DISA IT Workforce Committee .ppt
02.27.2009 Cloud Computing Basics IT Workforce Committee .pdf
03.01.2009 FY 2008 Report to Congress on Implementation of The E-Government Act of 2002 OMB .pdf
03.02.2009 Fiscal Year 2008 Report to Congress on Implementation of FISMA 2002 OMB .pdf
04.03.2009 Updated Implementing Guidance for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 OMB .pdf
04.07.2009 Interim Guidance Regarding Communications With Registered Lobbyists About Recovery Act Funds OMB .pdf
04.08.2009 Improving OMB .pdf
04.15.2009 Customer Information Day for C&A Shared Service Centers DHS .pdf
04.28.2009 Vivek Kundra's Testimony before the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs committee on Federal Financial Management , Government Information, Federal Services and International Security (on April 28, 2009) OMB .pdf
04.30.2009 2008 Clinger-Cohen Core Competencies and Learning Objectives IT Workforce Committee .doc
04.30.2009 2008 Clinger-Cohen Core Competencies IT Workforce Committee .pdf
05.01.2009 IT Job Shadow Day Folder IT Workforce Committee .zip
05.02.2009 IT Job Shadow Day Toolkit IT Workforce Committee .pdf
05.03.2009 IT Job Shadow Day Guide IT Workforce Committee .pdf
05.05.2009 Personal Identity Verification Interoperability for Non-Federal Issuers CIO Council .pdf
05.07.2009 AIC .zip
05.19.2009 Vivek Kundra's Testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Government reform, subcommitte on Government management, organization and procurement (on May 19, 2009) OMB .pdf
05.20.2009 Planning Guide / Roadmap Toward IPv6 Adoption in the U.S. Government CIO Council .zip
05.20.2009 Addendum to FY09 Report to Congress on the Benefits of the President's E-Government Initiatives OMB .pdf
06.01.2009 IT Dashboard Initial Guidance OMB .doc
06.12.2009 IT Dashboard Open Houses OMB .doc
06.26.2009 IT Dashboard FAQs OMB .pdf
08.11.2009 Everything You Want To Know About Security Privacy Committee .pdf
08.20.2009 FY 2009 Reporting Instructions for FISMA and Agency Privacy Management OMB .pdf
08.26.2009 IT Quarterly Forum - Social Media IT Workforce Committee .pdf
09.23.2009 CPO Boot Camp Privacy Committee .pdf
10.28.2009 2009 Federal IT and Privacy Summits CIO Council .pdf