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Supertwins Statistics

MOST conducts a number of in-house research studies on a variety of issues related to higher-order multiple births.   To learn about MOST research and respondent privacy, please see MOST's Privacy Policy.

For additional information about any of the MOST research surveys or to request specific statistics from these databases, see our Research Study page or contact the MOST office.


NOTICE: MOST provides these statistics for informational purposes only, and cautions visitors not to use data to make treatment decisions without the approval of a qualified health care provider.

See the MOST Media Exposure and Multiple Births Policy Statement (PDF)

Read the June 2005 press release about MOST research

MOST Research Surveys
Other Research Studies
The odds of spontaneous triplets

The odds of identical triplets

The odds of spontaneous quadruplets

The odds of identical quadruplets

And much more

*The MOST Medical Birth and Subsequent Pregnancy surveys are both ongoing studies in which families can still participate.


New participants who complete MOST's Medical Birth Survey will receive a

small token of appreciation from MOST.

MOST is recognized as a trusted and recommended link for health information on multiple births by HealthFinder, a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website that provides reliable online health information.


We ask that you please consider making a tax deductible donation to

help MOST continue

this valuable research.

Updated 7/27/09

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