GES Distributed Active Archive Center

UARS HALOE Level 2 Data Pool

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NOTE: the daily data files are now packaged into monthly gzip compressed tar files.

To download the HALOE level 2 data (all the geophysical parameters are combined in a single file):

  1. set a time range using the pulldown menu
  2. click the "Start Granule Search" button
Product Summary
Name Version Description Begin Date  End Date 
L2 FINAL 19 vertical profiles of methane, water vapor, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ozone mixing ratios, as well as atmospheric temperature, pressure and aerosol extinction at 2.45, 2.80, 3.40, 3.46, and 5.26 µm 1991-10-11 07:14:50 2005-11-21 23:36:58

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