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Dr. Koji Mukai

Employer: Universities Space Research Association
Job Description: Astrophysicist
Phone: (301) 286-9447

Koji Mukai is an USRA Research Scientist at the Astro-E2 Guest Observer Facility (GOF). He was born and educated in Japan, graduating from University of Tokyo in 1983 with a Bachelor's degree in Physics. Dr. Mukai then moved to England, obtaining a Doctorate in astrophysics from the University of Oxford in 1986 with a thesis entitled "Spectroscopic Studies of AM Her Type Systems."

Dr. Mukai has since worked at Mullard Space Science Laboratory in England and the Center for EUV Astrophysics in California before coming to GSFC at the beginning of 1992. He initially worked as a support scientist at the ASCA GOF. Since about 1998, he has also become a member of the ASTRO-E (now Astro-E2) GOF. This is now his primary responsibility although he continues to support users of archival ASCA data.

His main research interests are accreting binaries, in particular magnetic cataclysmic variables. He has observed with satellites such as ROSAT, EUVE, ASCA, RXTE, and Chandra, among others, as well as many world-class optical telescopes. As aresult, Dr. Mukai has more than 70 publications in refereed journals.

Follow the link for more on Dr. Mukai's research interests.

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