United States Senator Jay Rockefeller for West Virginia
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December 15, 2008


“Our country is facing the greatest economic crisis of our lifetime and people all across America are struggling.  Six weeks ago a majority of the American people sounded a clarion call for change - working families voted for real solutions and I believe that is exactly what they deserve. 
“President-elect Obama is committed to a results-based agenda and I look forward to working with him in the Congress.  We agree that the first order of business for us all is to work together to revive our economy.
“As I begin my fifth term in the United States Senate I am proud to have been asked by my colleagues to become the chairman of the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation and I am honored to accept.  The Commerce Committee has a major role to play in rebuilding our economy and our sagging infrastructure, making America more competitive, and delivering prosperity for families in West Virginia and throughout the United States. 
“This new post will require me to step away as chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, though I will remain an active member under the able leadership of Senator Dianne Feinstein.  I will also remain a member of the Finance Committee, and the chairman of its Health Care Subcommittee, and I will very proudly continue my 24-year service on the Veterans Committee.
“My service as chairman of the Intelligence Committee has been extraordinarily rewarding and the decision to step down was not an easy one.  Since the attacks of 9/11, the Committee has taken a lead role in reforming and strengthening our nation’s intelligence capabilities.  The Committee investigated the tragically flawed intelligence used to justify the invasion of Iraq and was instrumental in enacting landmark legislation strengthening the surveillance of foreign terrorists while protecting the privacy and civil liberties of all Americans. 
“Now more than ever, national security and economic security go hand-in-hand – we simply cannot be strong around the world unless we are strong here at home.  As Commerce Committee chairman I intend to focus the Committee’s attention on strengthening our economy, and improving our security, building nationwide technology infrastructure, promoting clean energy research, protecting American consumers and instituting comprehensive oversight. 
“I approach this new chairmanship with the fundamental belief that every American deserves a voice, and in Congress we must work every day to ensure that each generation lives better than those who came before.  The decisions we make in the coming years will affect our young people for decades – our agenda must be aggressive and our work substantial.  These are challenging times and together with my colleagues, I look forward to addressing these critical issues head on – we don’t have a moment to lose.”
Senator Rockefeller will assume his new chairmanship of the Commerce Committee on January 6, 2009 when the 111th Congress officially convenes.  He has named his longtime aide Ellen L. Doneski as Staff Director of the Committee.