United States Senate Committee on
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Contact: Jena Longo - Democratic Deputy Communications Director 202.224.7824
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Chairman Rockefeller's Opening Remarks for Blue Economy Hearing

Our oceans and coasts are sources of great economic and environmental wealth for the nation.   Nearly 80 percent of U.S. import and export freight is transported through seaports. Our 3.4 million square mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), the largest in the world, covers an area greater than the entire United States. 

The Blue Economy – jobs and economic opportunities that emerge from our oceans, Great Lakes, and coastal resources – generates more than 50 percent of our nation’s Gross Domestic Product and provides over 70 million jobs to Americans.  Simply put, the economic health of America is undeniably linked to the riches of our oceans and coasts.

Today’s witnesses have compelling stories to tell us about the Blue Economy and its importance.  From food to fuel, we rely on oceans for goods and services that drive the economy.  America is on the cusp of major developments that could produce new “blue” jobs in renewable ocean energy development, aquaculture, marine drugs and products, and ocean exploration – I look forward to hearing from each individual here. 

Before we begin, I want to take a moment to highlight what is, in my view, the most prominent threat to our Blue Economy – climate change.  Climate change is acidifying the waters, warming oceans, and creating giant dead zones – jeopardizing the $111 billion commercial seafood industry and the promising development of new products from our oceans.  Sea-level rise is threatening coastal communities and the maritime industries that provide millions of jobs. 

There are key steps that we must take now to sustain and grow our nation’s blue economy. 

We must strengthen the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).  It is my strong hope that the Administration will commit to doubling the budget of NOAA by 2012.  Currently, NOAA operates through more than 200 separate authorizations creating overlaps and disconnects among different parts of the agency.  The U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy recommended that Congress establish an organic act for NOAA to codify its mission.  I support this goal and look forward to working with my colleagues and the Administration to enact legislation establishing NOAA. 

We also must look for new and innovative ways to plan for uses of our oceans and coasts that supports economic growth, protects ecological services and unique marine areas, and reduces conflicts among users. 

Balancing use and protection of marine resources for current and future generations requires strong science-based management of our oceans and coasts, interagency coordination, and federal-state-local partnerships. 

For this reason, I sent a letter to President Obama urging the Administration working through the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the Council of Environmental Quality, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to develop a comprehensive science-based federal marine planning framework to guide decisions on ocean use and conservation and to promote ecosystem-based management.

In closing I want to state very clearly – for those who live on our coasts and those who do not, like my state – we must all be a part of the effort to improve the health and well-being of our oceans.  America’s economic growth and the livelihood of so many workers depend on the decisions we make now.   What is good for the health of our coastal communities and oceans is good for the nation. 

Thank you.


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June 2009 Press Releases  « May | July »   « 2008 | 2010 » 
30th -  Chairman Rockefeller Calls for Further Investigation into Seafood Inspection Practices
29th -  Chairman Rockefeller Calls for Safe and Secure Disposal of Sensitive Consumer Information
26th -  Chairman Rockefeller Statement on Nominees Confirmed
25th -  Hutchison Statement on Confirmation of Larry Strickling to Lead NTIA
25th -  Hutchison Statement on Confirmation of FCC Nominees Genachowski and McDowell
25th -  Senator Hutchison Voices Support for Republican FCC Nominee Meredith Attwell Baker
24th -  Hearing Summary: Consumer Choices and Transparency in the Health Insurance Industry
24th -  Chairman Rockefeller's Remarks on Consumer Choices and Transparency in the Health Insurance Industry
24th -  BREAKING NEWS: Chairman Rockefeller Releases New Investigative Report Revealing Widespread Deceptive Health Insurance Practices
23rd -  Chairman Rockefeller's Remarks on "High-Speed Passenger Rail: How Fast Will It Get Here?"
23rd -  Hutchison: High Speed Rail is Crucial to America’s Transportation Future
22nd -  Chairman Rockefeller Statement on Travel Promotion Act
22nd -  Chairman Rockefeller and Senator Boxer Request Rail Safety Funding
18th -  Hearing Summary: Freight Transportation In America: Options For Improving The Nation’s Network
18th -  Chairman Rockefeller's Remarks on Freight Transportation in America: Options for Improving the Nation's Network
18th -  Chairman Rockefeller Statement on FCC Nominations
18th -  Commerce Committee Approves Nominees
17th -  Chairman Rockefeller Applauds President Obama’s Financial Proposal
17th -  Hearing Summary: The Consumer Wireless Experience
17th -  IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Senator Hutchison Gives Updates on GM and Chrysler Automotive Dealers on Senate Floor
17th -  Chairman Rockefeller's Remarks on the Consumer Wireless Experience
17th -  Hutchison Statement on Consumer Wireless Experience
17th -  Sen. Hutchison’s Opening Statement to NASA’s Human Space Flight Review Panel
17th -  Hearing Summary: Aviation Safety: The Role and Responsibility of Commercial Air Carriers and Employees
17th -  Chairman Rockefeller Introduces Bill To Protect Public Access To Key Information During Emergencies
17th -  Chairman Rockefeller's Opening Remarks on Aviation Safety: The Role and Responsibility of Commercial Air Carriers and Employees
17th -  IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Create fair highway-funding formula; do not institute tolls as a double tax
16th -  Chairman Rockefeller's Opening Remarks at the CPSC Nomination Hearing
16th -  Chairman Rockefeller's Opening Remarks at FCC Nominations Hearing
16th -  Senate Commerce Committee Receives Requested Responses From GM and Chrysler
16th -  Hutchison Grills FCC Nominees on Fairness Doctrine, Improved Internet Access, and Broadcast Decency
16th -  Hearing and Witness List Advisory: The Consumer Wireless Experience
16th -  Senator Hutchison Calls for Committee Hearing to Fix New CPSC Law
15th -  Sen. Hutchison: Chrysler Makes Additional Concessions for Auto Dealer Community
12th -  Chairman Rockefeller Applauds President Obama’s Efforts To Improve The Blue Economy
11th -  Today’s Hearing on the FY 2010 NOAA Budget: Opening Statement – John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV, Chairman
11th -  Hearing Summary: Aviation Safety: FAA’s Role In The Oversight Of Air Carriers
11th -  Hearing Summary: FY 2010 NOAA Budget Hearing
10th -  Statement For The Record Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV Aviation Subcommittee Hearing on Aviation Safety: FAA’s Oversight of Commercial Air Carriers
9th -  Hearing Summary: The Blue Economy: The Role of the Oceans in Our Nation’s Economic Future
9th -  Sen. Hutchison’s Statement on Texas Auto Dealership Closures
9th -  Senator Hutchison Op-Ed: With DTV Deadline Looming, Not too Late to Prepare
9th -  Sen. Hutchison’s Statement on General Motors' New Chairman Ed Whitacre, Jr.
9th -  News: Chairman Rockefeller And Senate Commerce Committee Members Release Bipartisan Letters To GM CEO And Chrysler President Demanding Action
9th -  current Press Release
5th -  Statement from Sen. Hutchison on Chrysler’s Announcement That They Will Commit to Redistribute 100% of Inventory at Dealers Forced to Close
5th -  Chairman Rockefeller Statement On The Transition To All Digital Programming
5th -  Ride The Wave To Ocean Week On Capitol Hill
3rd -  Chairman Rockefeller's Opening Statement on GM And Chrysler Dealership Hearing
3rd -  Senator Hutchison’s Statement on GM and Chrysler Dealership Closures
3rd -  Key Quotes from Hearing On Chrysler/GM Bankruptcies
2nd -  Senator Hutchison’s Statement on President’s Intent to Nominate Robert McDowell for Another Term at the FCC
1st -  Commerce Committee Takes Lead On Railroad Legislation
1st -  Chairman Rockefeller Holds Hearing On Chrysler/GM Bankruptcies
Public Information Office: 508 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg • Washington, DC 20510-6125
Tel: 202-224-5115
Hearing Room: 253 Russell Senate Office Bldg • Washington, DC 20510-6125
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