March 27, 1997

Steven R. Bisker, Esquire
616 South Washington Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Re: Roll Call Votes
(Your March 18, 1997, Letter)

Dear Mr. Bisker:

You have asked two questions concerning roll call votes for federal credit unions (FCUs). Although not stated in your letter, we assume you are referring to voting by the FCU's board of directors.

First, you ask whether NCUA would object to an FCU's board of directors establishing a rule by resolution as to when a roll call vote may be called. Since the FCU Bylaws are silent on this matter and this is the procedure recommended in Robert's Rules of Order, NCUA would not object.

Second, you ask, if a rule is not established, would an FCU be required to follow Robert's Rules of Order which states that "[i]n the absence of such a special rule, a majority vote is required to order the taking of a vote by roll call." It is NCUA's policy to refer FCUs to Robert's Rules of Order when the bylaws are silent on a particular matter. See FCU Standard Bylaw Amendments and Guidelines, pp. 26 and 42.

I hope that we have been of assistance.


Sheila A. Albin
Acting Associate General Counsel

SSIC 3700