Dem Deception as “Barely Noticed” Budget Campaign Fizzles

Posted by Bill Greene on April 2nd, 2009

On March 16 Politico reported that senior White House and Democrat party officials were gearing up for a massive campaign-style effort in support of President Barack Obama’s proposed FY2010 budget.  The article reported that “the White House will harness every part of the Democratic Party’s machinery to defend President Obama’s budget…”

The effort, called Organizing for America, launched a massive, e-mail “pledge drive” to generate support for the Obama budget.  Tapping a 10 to 13 million-strong database of Obama’s supporters, the grassroots army would help Democrats “deflect attention from the size of Obama’s budget and blunt attacks on the ambition of his agenda.”

But according to news reports today, the massive effort appears to have fizzled.  The McClatchy news service reports, “Members of Congress barely noticed.”  One Democrat House member, Rep. Health Schuler (D-NC) is quoted as saying “I’ve never even heard of this.”  Another, Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) told McClatchy, “We get bombarded all the time…I haven’t seen any big uptick in my e-mails since they knocked on doors.  It’s not that effective.”

Just how ineffective?  Apparently Democratic operatives have resorted to deception in calculating the number of pledges secured on-line and in street canvassing.  Organizing for America yesterday claimed 642,000 Americans had signed their pledge drive.  But according to CNN and the Washington Post, Democrats actually tripled the real number of pledge signers.  The Post noted: “The DNC got to 642,000 by making three photocopies of each pledge so that each signer’s senators and representative could get one.”

While the Huffington Post gloated over a clearly rigged number, the Post pointed out that “the canvassing of Obama’s vaunted e-mail list of 13 million people resulted in just 114,000 pledges — a response rate of less than 1 percent.”

So much for harnessing the vaunted Democrat party machinery.

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One Response to “Dem Deception as “Barely Noticed” Budget Campaign Fizzles”

  1. SFC(R) Buck Thrailkill Says:

    Very good post Bill, but we are missing the bigger message here. We all know how very partisan the most, not all, Dem’s are, but this is a wake up call for us, ALL OF US, to get OUR OWN FACT BASED information out to not only our party, but all Americans, in a way that they will want to read. We need to pull our party together from all corners with a plan for the current fight we can all contribute to, and a PLAN for 2010 to get our voice back in the Halls. We need this now!!! If we wait, the far left will keep control long enough to make there agenda irreversible for the whole country. We need to not only professionally pose a competent face to the country as a party, but represent the concerns of the very high price the entire country is going to pay. We need to push our Budget into the public view better than we are doing now. We have the right people, and all the tools we need. The TEA PARTIES, the 912 PROJECT, the multitude of Talk Shows and Writers. If all our efforts got back to the core values the Republican Party was born from, we cannot be defeated, and the true bi-partisan, We the People, party that we are will prevail.

    Thanks and keep up the Good Fight…

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