Boehner Offers Privileged Resolution on Stolen Ethics Vote

Posted by Nick on March 12th, 2008

One of the few tools available to the minority party, the privileged resolution calls into question actions affecting the rights of the House collectively, its safety, dignity, and the integrity of its proceedings. When brought before the House, privileged resolutions take precedence over all other proceedings except motions to adjourn.

Last night, the Democratic leadership violated its own rules while holding open a roll call vote for the purpose of reversing the outcome in order to pass a flawed “ethics” scheme. The privileged resolution offered by Republican Leader Boehner today outlines the hypocrisy by Democratic leaders and their failure to live up to the ethics rules they put in place.

Ethics Sham


Boehner Calls for Investigation of Dem Leaders After They Break House Ethics Rules…In Order to Pass “Ethics” Sham (3-12-08)

What They’re Saying: Media Reports Highlight Dissent Among Democrats Over Pelosi-Capuano “Ethics” Plan (3-11-08)


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Democrat Opposed to Faux “Ethics Reform” Silenced by His Own Party

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on March 11th, 2008

Tonight, House Democrats began debate on the Pelosi/Capuano “ethics” sham by refusing to allow one of their own members to speak – Rep. Neil Abercrombie, Democrat from Hawaii.

Rep. Abercrombie just happens to oppose the scheme, which would create an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy between Members of Congress and entities such as the Department of Defense and the FBI that exist to fight corruption at the highest levels.

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Examiner Editorial: Oink! Oink! Murtha’s porkfest

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on February 27th, 2008

From today’s

“Murtha is one of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s closest allies and one of the leading earmarkers in Congress. Tickets for the “Evening with Jack and Joyce Murtha” dinner cost $1,500 per person. Murtha and cohorts like Rep. James Moran, D-Va., and Rep. Peter Visclosky, D-Ind., have refined the earmark-for-a-contribution process to a fine art. A Roll Call investigation last year found, with assistance from Taxpayers for Common Sense and the Sunlight Foundation, that the three Democrats funneled millions of dollars in earmarks for firms whose executives then contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to their re-election campaigns.”

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Wash Times Boehner Op-Ed: Broken Promises

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on July 2nd, 2007

“In November, House Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, triumphantly declared that ‘Democrats are prepared to govern and ready to lead.’ She said Democrats would make the 110th Congress ‘the most honest, ethical and open Congress in history.’ That was then.”

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Wash Times Editorial: Jack Murtha, Venture Capitalist

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on June 26th, 2007

“Funny how attempts at congressional ethics reform keep running into roadblocks like Rep. Jack Murtha. … At this rate, Mr. Murtha just about torpedoes whatever chance House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has to deliver on her campaign promises.”

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The Hill: Groups balk at disclosure

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on June 21st, 2007

A central plank of congressional ethics reform appeared in danger of collapse yesterday when government watchdog groups balked at disclosing their donors
…Complicating matters, rank-and-file lawmakers have also voiced opposition to an independent panel investigating ethics complaints. “That’s what the ethics committee is for,” said Rep. John Murtha

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Boehner Speech on Earmark Reform, 6/13/07

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on June 13th, 2007

House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) delivers a speech on the House floor on earmark reform, and on real transparency and accountability in the budget process.

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Washington Post: Democrats Lose Traction on Reforms

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on June 11th, 2007

“Keeping momentum on ethics reforms is proving tough for House Democratic leaders, who are struggling to sell lawmakers on a proposal for overhauling House ethics enforcement, which is part of the party’s pledge to improve accountability in Congress.”

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Taking a step backward on earmarks

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on June 8th, 2007

After repeatedly promising the “most honest” and “most open” Congress in history, Democratic leaders have moved to make the earmark process entirely secret.

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Boehner: “A Lot of Broken Promises” By Democrats in 110th Congress

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on June 7th, 2007

With each passing day the number of Democratic promises broken multiplies, with action stalling or falling short of pledges to lead the most “open” and “ethical” Congress in history, make earmark requests and spending more transparent, be fiscally responsible, and lower gas prices for consumers.

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