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7/30/09 Weekly On-Camera Press Briefing

"In February, I said that the era of big government is back, and Democrats expect you to pay for it. Well, that's exactly what's happened this year."

7/21/09 Republican Leadership Stakeout

“Most Americans understand that the problem with our health care system is that it costs too much, and secondly, that there’s not affordable access for some in our system.  So, if the number one issue is that health care costs too much, why is it that the President is proposing a bill that will spend nearly $2 trillion more?"

7/16/09 Weekly On-Camera Press Briefing

"When you look at what my Democrat friends are offering on health care, you've got to watch what they do, not listen to what they say, you know.  Americans are concerned about the rising cost of health care, but this bill that they're moving through the House does nothing to address the rising cost."

7/15/09 House GOP Leadership Press Briefing on Health Care

“You can’t put mandates on individuals and employers and then put tax increases on employers expect they’re going to create jobs.  What the American people expect right now is that we find a way to work together to fix our health care system.”

7/8/09 Weekly On-Camera Press Briefing

"Vice President Biden is traveling to my home state of Ohio today to discuss the Democrats' trillion-dollar stimulus plan.  Ohio's unemployment rate is above 10 percent. The nation's unemployment continues to rise. And families and small businesses across the country are asking, 'Mr. Vice President, where are the jobs?'"

6/23/09 Press Conference w/ Gov. Barbour & House GOP Conference Chairman Pence

“The Congress shouldn’t rush through health care like we did with the ‘stimulus’ plan several months ago.  A Washington take-over of health care will limit the flexibility of our states and hurt working families around our country.”

6/2/09 Weekly On-Camera Press Briefing

“Ten days ago, Speaker Pelosi not only refused to back up her accusations against our intelligence professionals, but she actually stood by her comments that they have repeatedly lied to her and lied to Congress…Does she still believe that they're lying to her?”

5/21/09 Weekly On-Camera Briefing

“The issue of closing our Guantanamo Bay detention facility is on everyone’s mind today, and rightly so, because of how it would impact our national security.  Let me just state right up front that Republicans oppose releasing these terrorists or importing them into our local communities.  I’ve supported the President’s approach to Afghanistan and Iraq; but I think on this one, he’s dead wrong.” 

5/14/09 Weekly On-Camera Briefing 

“Last week the Administration released the results of their ‘stress tests’ for our nation’s financial institutions… I wondered what would it would look like if we gave the federal government a ‘stress test’? Taking into account some of the leading economic indicators, frankly, I think Washington fails, and fails miserably.”

5/13/09 Republican Leadership Stakeout

“The ‘stimulus’ bill was supposed to be about jobs, jobs, jobs – instead, it turned out to be more money for Jack Murtha’s empty airport. This is not what the American people expect to be done with their money.”

5/7/09 Weekly On-Camera Briefing

“The Administration’s political decision to close [the Guantanamo detention facility] begs an important question. What is the Administration’s overarching plan for defeating the terrorist threat? And, where do they plan to put these terrorists? Today we’re introducing legislation to ensure that they are not imported into the United States.”

5/5/09 Republican Leadership Stakeout

"This week we honor the legacy of our good friend and former colleague Jack Kemp.  Jack was one of those people in our party who believed that we reach out to all Americans to talk to them about our message of hope and empowerment for everyone…he was a real stalwart in our party and someone who we’ll really miss."

4/30/09 Weekly On-Camera Briefing

"Take a step back and consider what the Democrats here in Washington done during the Administration’s first 100 days – it’s nothing short of breathtaking."

4/28/09 Republican Leadership Stakeout

"As we approach the President's one hundred days in office I think it can be summed up pretty simply: an awful lot of spending, taxing, and way too much debt piled on the backs of our kids and grandkids."

4/1/09 Bicameral Budget Press Conference

“[The Democrat] budget puts all the sacrifice not on this generation, but on our kids and our grandkids.  Republicans in the House will offer a better solution – a better solution that will be less on spending, less on taxes, and a lot less on debt for our kids and grandkids.”

3/31/09 Republican Leadership Stakeout

“The President’s been on this big road trip for the last two weeks…to rally support for his budget; but it seems like the more he talks about it, the less people like it.”

3/24/09 Republican Leadership Stakeout:

“The President’s budget spends too much, taxes too much, and borrows too much from our kids and grandkids.  The Congressional Budget Office confirmed all this on Friday when they pointed out that the President’s Budget would create $2.3 trillion of additional debt over and above what he’s already called for in his budget.”

3/19/09 Republican Leadership Stakeout:

“Who in the conference between the House and Senate knew about this language? Who voted to put this language in the bill?” – GOP Leader Boehner referring to the AIG bonus language that was in 1,000 page “stimulus” bill.

3/10/09 Republican Leadership Stakeout
“I was around Ohio all last weekend.  I talked to hundreds of my constituents and they kept looking at me and asking: ‘Boehner! What in the world is going on in DC?’…They think the Budget taxes too much, spends too much, and borrows too much from our kids and grandkids.”

2/26/09 On-Camera Press Briefing
"The era of big government is back, and Democrats are asking you to pay for it."

1/14/09 Republican Leadership Stakeout
"While we believe that we do need to stimulate the economy, I think doing this in a responsible way with some fiscal discipline is also important."

1/8/09 Bicameral Press Conference

1/7/09 Republican Leadership Stakeout
"...we want to put people back to work, we want to make sure that we maintain the jobs that are there but we also have to be worried about who is going to pay the bill. Our kids and grandkids are already buried under a mountain of debt and I do believe that we’ve got to be very careful in balancing the needs of our economy today with the amount of debt that we are going to leave for our kids and theirs."

110th Congress Archive