Boehner, House GOP Unveil Chart Outlining Democrats’ Government Takeover of Health Care

Posted by Kevin Boland on July 15th, 2009

This morning, Fox News highlighted a press briefing House Republican Leaders called to discuss the bureaucratic nightmare that the House Democrats’ government-run plan would create:

House Republicans, led by Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) and House Republicans on the Joint Economic Committee (JEC), today outlined a chart detailing the bureaucratic nightmare of the House Democrats’ $1.5 trillion health care plan that relies on massive tax hikes on small businesses and job creators in the midst of a deepening economic recession - and will cause as many as 114 million Americans to lose their current coverage to boot.

Dem Health Care Chart 7-15-09

The chart identifies at least 31 new federal programs, agencies, commissions and mandates that accompany the unprecedented government takeover of health care in America. 

Americans want health care reform - and House Republicans agree - but the Democrats’ go-it-alone, tax and spend attitude isn’t the way to improve the best health care system in the world.  House Republicans have a plan that will reduce costs, expand access and increase the quality of care in a way we can afford - without raising taxes on small businesses or middle class families.  To read more about the House Republicans’ plan, click HERE.

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22 Responses to “Boehner, House GOP Unveil Chart Outlining Democrats’ Government Takeover of Health Care”

  1. More Bureaucracy Will Increase Health Care Costs, Not Lower Them | The Neophyte Says:

    […] care will lower costs. However, states with public health care plans have seen costs skyrocket. John Boehner has studied the draft legislation in the House of Representatives and found that it will create […]

  2. Carolyn Strong Says:

    Please….I am begging you, please get to the media…some way….We have to stop this. We are going to kill our economy. That is why Obama is offering loans…so small business can buy their health insurance with loans from the government. They lose either way. Small business will go out of the country, go out of business or raise prices. More importantly to me, I do not want rationed healthcare. This is being rammed down our throats…AND NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO US.

    Thank you

  3. William Murphy Says:

    If government health care is so great why did our military privitize much of its’ medical system with Tri-care and now sends our troops to private medical facilities?

  4. maryanne PA Says:

    Thank you for developing this schematic of the Dems healthcare bill proposal. these diagrams make it very easy to see what’s going on… excellent work.

  5. Alo Konsen Says:

    Thank you for putting this together. Hopefully it can help cut through the Dems’ propaganda smokescreen.

  6. Frank J. Piper, M.D. Says:

    Before I retired, I treated a federal employee. After the treatment, I asked him to make sure our billing clerk saw his Medicare card. His response: ” I don’t have that Medicare crap—I have private insurance!”
    When I retired, I could not buy a plan similar to that of the Congress because I had under 29 employees. I was required to take Medicare as my primary care. I ask the President: What if I am not happy with what I have? Why can’t I purchase, with my own money, a plan like he and the WH janitor has? Why should the Congress and the federal employees have more freedom to chose a variety of plans than millions of taxpayers? I would like to purchase a prescription drug plan like that of the Congress; there cannot be a worse prescription plan than that of Medicare (part D).

  7. Mark Dee Says:

    Loyal Conservative.
    Don’t Be Stupid.
    Publish this in a format easily convertible to a ScreenSaver or Desktop Background !

    HELLO !

  8. Be John Galt Says:

    Organizational Chart of the House Democrats’ Health Plan: Rube Goldberg Does Health Care

    Wikipedia defines a Rube Goldberg machine as:
    A Rube Goldberg machine is a deliberately overengineered apparatus that performs a very simple task in a very complex fashion, usually using a chain reaction. The expression has been dated as originating in…

  9. Gary Leicht Says:

    America already has the best health care system in the world. Why do we want, why do we need, to deconstruct something that already addresses the needs of the vast majority of Americans? While there are some problems that should be examined and fixed in our present system, the strategy to adopt an entirely new health care system at such a high cost in lives, in jobs, and in the economic prosperity of the nation will ultimately destroy the Great American Dream.

    The nationalization of our health care system is a ludicrous quest to obtain a “nationalized solution” will result in greatly increased taxation for all along with less health care availability and rationing for all. It will be a nightmare the country can and will never overcome!

    Please urge all our elected officials, at least those open to the truth, to vote against this very dangerous bill that undermines the innate value of human life by dismantling a health care system what already works and replacing it with sub-par, dysfunctional governmentalism in the guise of health care reform!

    America’s future, and our very lives, depend on it.

  10. Mistie Thompson Says:

    Thank you so much for putting this together. I’m sending it out to everyone I know, blogging and Tweeting about it. We’ve got to get the word out and get everyone calling their legislators! Rep. Boehner, please keep fighting - don’t give up!!

  11. James Says:

    Please provide chart for GOP plan so Americans can view them side by side! I’ve posted the Democratic plan on my Facebook page, but would appreciate an alternative plan to demonstrate the absurd amount of bureaucracy is in this monster.

  12. Dennis Snelson Says:



  13. Roanne Clayton Says:

    I am the dependent wife of a retired military member. Although I am covered by TriCare, I am unable to find doctors in my city who will accept this insurance. Why should they? The U.S. government pays only a portion of what other patients must pay, and disbursement is often not made for years after the initial visit. Medicare patients and patients on state assistance have the same challenge. This is what socialized medicine is like. We have insurance but no medical care. After medical school, I will be joining the grass roots movement to abandon insurance altogether, which will cut my costs considerably, and will accept installment plans from patients. Leave the choice of buying insurance for catastrophic care to the individual consumer.

  14. Scott McKay Says:

    I’ve been saying for the last 10 years that California style policy on everything from education and taxes to health care will bring down the state as well as the economy of the rest of the nation (CA was, prior to the Washington D.C. spending spree over the last 8 years the 5th largest economy in the world).

    Those of you who believe that gov’t was created to solve our problems haven’t studied your history as to why we had a 1776 Revolution in the first place (to break from a tyrannical England), nor the wisdom of the Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution (the document that was written to protect us citizens from elected and corrupt officials in gov’t that has been trampled by them anyway, including the All Mighty Supreme Court). I’ve been working in politics for nearly 20 years with a specialty in economics and I will say this; if this happens, America is finished. It will take some time BUT we will be finished. So will the world economy, for awhile. Then the winner of the dogfight will be countries like China where human rights have no meaning other than serving the purpose of the State. That may change over time but not before many will be affected negatively.

  15. Elaine Biggerstaff Says:

    Americans need to wake up and demand that the people they elected represent their best interests rather than figuring out how much more debt, regulations and control the federal government can unconstitutionally create.

    The Democrats plan to “reform” health care is nothing more than a smokescreen to ensure the federal government has more control over the economy and the lives of Americans.

    I agree with those who suggest that if the Democrats plan is so great than Obama and Congress should be the guinea pigs before foisting their plan on the rest of Americans.

  16. Julianne Elliott Says:

    I have been trying to follow a path through the chart and all I can say is, they have got to be kidding. Every citizen of the United States should write and/or call their US Representative and Senators and demand they do not support this mess.

    As James has requested, please provide the Republican plan in chart form also.

  17. Maydell Lessen Says:

    Please do NOT let this happen to the
    people of America.

    Our President has shown that he is only concerned about
    getting his agenda through period. He does not care
    about the American people as he said he has his own
    personal doctor following him around.

    The only plan that should pass is one that the president, his cabinet, congress, and senate are willing to have has their ONLY source of health care.

  18. george b corson Says:


  19. Joe Says:

    Looks more complicated than “person goes to doctor, pays, leaves” huh?

  20. Jan Lathrop Says:

    I’m totally against this health care plan and would like our president to know my disgust with it.

  21. bgjacks Says:

    there is a solution to affordable health care. if you put a limit on the amount one can sue for on malpratice case you would save billions of $$$$. The insurance that doctors have to carry is ridiculous. So you put cap on it. lets say $500,000 no matter what goes wrong. problem solved prices of procedures go down insurance goes down. more people have the ability not to go bankrupt from cost of health care.

  22. Larry Says:

    Who’s on First? I don’t know. Third base! Please let my family and I work with the free market insurance companys and my employer to make the right deal. More middlemen (government) just raises the costs. Let’s try simplification 1st. How about a 3×5 card for a tax form.

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