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EPHLI LogoEnvironmental Public Health Leadership Institute - Be a part of this exciting leadership program for EPH professionals. Applications for the class of 2010–2011 will be accepted through October 31, 2009.

Image: Jerrold M. Michael teaches graduate engineers the process of measuring stream flow and field water analysis in Chamblee, GA, 1957. Photo by Training Branch, Communicable Disease CenterRecalling CDC's Field Training Era [PDF 105 KB] EH retirees CAPT Frank Bryan, CAPT Richard Clapp, and RADM Jerrold Michael were instrumental in laying the foundation for CDC's field training program, which is still an integral part of EH programs today.

Image of the front cover the Journal of Environmental Health
Public Health and Drought [PDF 200 KB] CDC is developing a guidance document on public health and drought. This document is an important step in providing much-needed public health guidance and information on this emerging area of concern. Read the EHS column in the July-August issue of the Journal of Environmental Health.

EH Workforce: Protecting Public Health and the Environment - Read about the challenges facing the environmental health workforce and some CDC strategies to meet these challenges.

New! Board of Health Recommendations for Hiring Qualified Environmental Health Practitioners [PDF 1.5 MB] - CDC funded NALBOH to develop recommendations to address EH workforce issues.

EHTER Training - CDC partnership provides free training to state and local environmental health practitioners.

Register Now! 2009 National Environmental Public Health Conference -
Healthy People in a Healthy Environment, October 26-28, 2009, Atlanta. Discounted early registration fee is extended until October 9th.

  • A resource for Sanitarians, Environmental Health Specialists, Environmental Health Officers, Students and other Public Health Professionals. This information is available to anyone in the public interested in the field of Environmental Health and reducing illness and death due to environmentally related disease and injury.
  • About EHS
    The objective of Environmental Health Services is to strengthen the role of state, local, and national environmental health programs and professionals to better anticipate, identify, and respond to adverse environmental exposures and the consequences of these exposures to human health....more

EHS Fact Sheet : Enhancing and Revitalizing Environmental Public Health [PDF 147 KB] – describes EHS work in six areas: building capacity, supporting research, fostering leadership, communicating and marketing, developing the workforce, and creating strategic partnerships

EHS Resources Fact Sheet [PDF 98 KB] – list of the range of EHS resources by topic

Major Activities, Environmental Health Services