NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. All Articles

    August 2009

    AbSciCon 2010 First Announcement

    ASTEP ASTID Exobiology NAI / August 7

    July 2009

    Planetary Science Decadal Survey: White Papers Posted for Comment

    ASTEP ASTID Exobiology NAI / July 27

    Wanted: Easy-Going Martian Roommates

    Exobiology Feature Stories / July 13

    Lead Astrobiology Civil Servant Position Now Available

    ASTEP ASTID Exobiology NAI / July 10

    Phoenix Results Point to Climate Cycles

    Exobiology Feature Stories / July 5
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    June 2009

    Salt Discovered in Saturn's Outermost Ring

    ASTEP ASTID Exobiology NAI Feature Stories / June 24
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    Rock Bands Spin an Oxygen Record

    Exobiology Feature Stories / June 21
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    A New Way to Keep Clean

    ASTEP Exobiology NAI Research Highlights / June 9
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    May 2009

    Microbial Habitability During the Late Heavy Bombardment

    Exobiology NAI Research Highlights / May 20

    Darwin in a Test Tube

    Exobiology Feature Stories / May 1
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    April 2009

    Reanimating Extinct Genes

    Exobiology Feature Stories / April 27
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    Planetary Science Decadal Survey

    ASTEP ASTID Exobiology NAI Feature Stories / April 24

    Life at Blood Falls

    Exobiology Research Highlights / April 21

    Evidence for the Great Oxidation Event Challenged

    Exobiology NAI Research Highlights / April 17
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    NASA Astrobiology Website is Official Webby Honoree

    ASTEP ASTID Exobiology NAI / April 15

    Invisible Yellowstone

    ASTEP ASTID Exobiology NAI Feature Stories / April 9

    NPR's Science Friday on Origins of Life and the Universe

    ASTEP ASTID Exobiology NAI Feature Stories / April 7

    How Life Shatters Chemistry's Mirror

    Exobiology NAI Feature Stories / April 6

    NASA's 21st Annual Planetary Science Summer School

    ASTEP ASTID Exobiology NAI Feature Stories / April 3
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    March 2009

    Early Oxygen

    Exobiology NAI Feature Stories / March 28
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    "The State of Astrobiology, 2009" A report from Mary A. Voytek, Senior Scientist for Astrobiology (Interim), NASA Headquarters

    ASTEP ASTID Exobiology NAI Feature Stories / March 27

    Too Salty to Freeze

    Exobiology Feature Stories / March 20
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    New Evidence for an Earlier Origin of Oxygenic Photosynthesis

    Exobiology NAI Research Highlights / March 17
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    A Clue to the Molecular "Handedness" of Life on Earth

    Exobiology NAI Research Highlights / March 17

    February 2009

    Kepler's Search for "Alien Earths" Covered by CNN

    ASTEP ASTID Exobiology NAI Feature Stories / February 25

    Unlocking the Combination

    Exobiology Feature Stories / February 18

    Echoes of Extinction

    Exobiology Feature Stories / February 12
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    Oldest Evidence for Animals in the Fossil Record

    Exobiology NAI Research Highlights / February 4
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    January 2009

    Great Oxidation Event Got Earlier Start

    Exobiology NAI Research Highlights / January 29

    Goldschmidt Session on Exobiology

    Exobiology Feature Stories / January 29

    Hiding from Jupiter's Radiation

    Exobiology Feature Stories / January 18
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    Replicating RNA

    Exobiology Feature Stories / January 15
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    Examining a SLIce of the Arctic

    ASTEP Exobiology Feature Stories / January 4

    November 2008

    Jill Tarter Receives TED Prize

    ASTEP ASTID Exobiology NAI Feature Stories / November 25

    Life's Boiling Point

    Exobiology Feature Stories / November 11
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    October 2008

    Magnetic Death Star

    Exobiology Feature Stories / October 24

    Shooting Life on Mars

    Exobiology Feature Stories / October 17

    Miller-Urey Revisited

    Exobiology NAI Research Highlights / October 16
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    Measuring the Weight of Ancient Air

    Exobiology Feature Stories / October 10

    Mirror-Image Clues to Life's Origins

    Exobiology NAI Research Highlights / October 8

    September 2008

    New 2008 NASA Astrobiology Roadmap Available

    ASTEP ASTID Exobiology NAI Feature Stories / September 23

    Molecules in the Atmospheres of Extrasolar Planets - A Workshop in Paris

    ASTEP ASTID Exobiology NAI Feature Stories / September 19

    Cyanobacterial Biomarkers in Ancient Rocks

    Exobiology NAI Research Highlights / September 19

    Evolution of the Gut

    Exobiology NAI Research Highlights / September 19

    NASA's Carl Sagan Fellows to Study Extraterrestrial Worlds

    ASTEP ASTID Exobiology NAI Feature Stories / September 8

    July 2008

    Reading Archaean Biosignatures

    Exobiology Feature Stories / July 30

    Machine Evolution

    Exobiology Feature Stories / July 24

    Washington Post Covers Astrobiology

    ASTEP ASTID Exobiology NAI Feature Stories / July 21

    Signals from an Infant Earth

    Exobiology Feature Stories / July 15

    June 2008

    Extraterrestrial Nucleobases in the Murchison Meteorite

    Exobiology NAI Research Highlights / June 25
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    Deep Hydrogen

    Exobiology Feature Stories / June 16
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    Making Sense of Mars Methane

    Exobiology / June 9
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    April 2008

    New Round of Exo-Evo Grants Awarded

    Exobiology Research Highlights / April 27

    Molybdenum and the Rise of Complex Life

    Exobiology Research Highlights / April 1
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    March 2008

    Biologists Surprised To Find Parochial Bacterial Viruses

    Exobiology / March 4

    February 2008

    New Astrobiology Roadmap Due in '08

    ASTEP ASTID Exobiology NAI / February 13

    Astrobiology Prospects ROSE-y

    ASTEP ASTID Exobiology NAI / February 13

    January 2008

    Astrobiology Researchers Earn Kudos

    Exobiology NAI / January 31
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    Procaryotes Are so Over: Pace Makes the Case

    Exobiology / January 31

    MISSes on Mars? Let’s look

    Exobiology / January 22

    July 2007

    Discovering a New Life Form in the Hot Springs of Yellowstone

    Exobiology Research Highlights / July 27
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    May 2007

    NASA Astrobiologists Elected to National Academy of Sciences

    Exobiology NAI / May 1
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