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Umatilla Basin Ground-Water Study

In Cooperation with the Oregon Water Resources Department
and The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation

image: morr501a_sm.jpg

The Umatilla Basin is located in northcentral Oregon in an area of rolling hills covered in grasslands and desert vegetation in the lowland, and of forested mountains to the south in the Blue Mountains. The semiarid 5,800-square-mile basin supports a growing population and agriculture industry. Water demand is increasing, resulting in critical water-management problems. Issues facing water managers include long-term water-level declines in basalt aquifers and potential streamflow depletion from ground-water withdrawals. This Website describes a cooperative study by the USGS, the Oregon Water Resources Department, and the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation to assess ground- and surface-water conditions in the basin and share the results with water managers and the public.

Oregon Water Science Center Studies
Oregon Water Science Center Home Page
Contact: Terrence Conlon
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