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Forfeiture Support Associates

Justice Management Division...Serving Justice - Securing Results



Type of Contract

The Forfeiture Support Associates (FSA) Contract is an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity contract. The Contractor provides support services on a delivery order basis. The labor hour rates are firm and fixed for performance at Government-provided sites. Individual orders may be issued on a time-and-materials, labor-hour, or firm-fixed-price basis.


Scope of Work

The primary purpose of this contract is to support for law enforcement related investigations. The Contractor shall provide support services to the DOJ Asset Forfeiture Program and AFMS approved Agency Support as designated in Section C.3. This contract will provide personnel, supervision and other related services and incidental items necessary to perform the work as defined in each requestor's performance work statement. The Contractor shall principally perform work on Government premises for the performance of the tasks under this contract.

Although the Asset Forfeiture Management Staff is the sponsoring office for this contract to support the Department's Asset Forfeiture Program, the contract may be used at the Government's discretion to satisfy the needs of any Department of Justice component or in support of any other Government agency's law enforcement mission. Notwithstanding the sponsorship, tasks other than those specifically identified in this contract may be ordered by the Government so long as they fall within the general scope of work, have appropriate funding, and have the express approval of the Asset Forfeiture Management Staff.

The following labor categories are available from this contract: clerical, records examiners, data analysts, cashiers, drivers/messengers, legal clerks, paralegals/legal assistants, law clerks, property custodians, procurement technicians, training technicians, civil investigators, and supervisors for the various functions.


Section C - Description/Specifications/Statement of Work


C.1 General
C.1.1 Definitions
C.1.2 Introduction
C.1.3 Mission
C.1.4 Scope of Work
C.1.5.1 Key Personnel
C.1.5.2 Training of Contractor Staff
C.1.5.3 Employee Qualifications and Conduct
C.1.5.4 Labor Categories
C.1.5.5 Pension Plan
C.1.6 Security Clearances
C.1.7 Quality Control
C.1.8 Performance Evaluation Meetings
C.1.9 Contract Phase-In
C.1.10 Contract Phase-Out
C.1.11 Contingencies
C.2 Contractor Furnished Items
C.2.1 Order Entry and Tracking System
C.3 Specific Tasks
C.3.1 General Requirements
C.3.1.1 Coordination with Other Government Organizations
C.3.1.2 Ordering Productive Hours
C.3.2 Management and Supervision
C.3.3 Recruitment and Retention
C.3.3.1 Recruitment
C.3.3.2 Retention
C.3.4 Training
C.3.4.1 GeFneral
C.3.4.2 Conduct of Training Courses
C.3.4.3 Attendance of Training Courses
C.3.5 Clerical Support
C.3.6 Data Analysis
C.3.7 Legal Process Support Analysis
C.3.8 Property Custody
C.3.9 Procurement Assistance
C.3.10 Mail Room Operation
C.3.11 File Room Operation
C.3.12 Fiscal Operations
C.3.13 Reports
C.3.13.1 Performance Issues
C.3.13.2 Labor Hours Delivered
C.3.13.3 Labor Costs
C.3.13.4 Travel Cost
C.3.13.5 Invoice and Payment Summary
C.3.13.6 Training Report
C.3.13.7 Staffing Report
C.3.13.8 Expenditure Report

C.1 General

  1. This work statement describes support service requirements for the Department of Justice (DOJ) Asset Forfeiture (AF) Program and Agency support for law enforcement related investigations (Agency Support). The technical administration of this contract will be performed by the Justice Management Division's Asset Forfeiture Management Staff (AFMS). The support services may be provided to any or all of the following federal organizations:
    • Department of Justice
      • Executive Office for United States Attorneys
      • Criminal Division, Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section
      • Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
      • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
      • U.S. Attorney's Offices (USAO)
      • U.S. Marshals Service (USMS)
      • Justice Management Division
      • Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)
    • United States Postal Service (USPS)
    • Department of Homeland Security
    • Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
    • Any other Federal agency or organization participating in programs approved by the AFMS
  2. The specific required services are outlined in Section C.1.4, detailed in Section C.3, and summarized by Component in Attachment (3), Work Center Descriptions. The support services represent a broad range of clerical, administrative and technical support activities.

C.1.1 Definitions

The following terms and acronyms are provided to facilitate understanding of the requirements of this solicitation.

Asset Forfeiture Program The Department of Justice program is executed by the organizations listed in C.1, above. Other organizations internal and external to DOJ may be added to the program during the term of this contract.

ACOTR - Assistant Contracting Officer's Technical Representative. Responsible for day-to-day management of individual task orders.

COTR - Contracting Officer's Technical Representative. Responsible for day-to-day management of contract.

Contractor - includes the prime contractor, subcontractors, and employees of the prime and subcontractors who are performing services under this contract.

Data Entry - The posting of information incidental to the management of assets or agency support missions.

Productive Hours - Those hours ordered by the Government and from the Contractor for an equivalent number of actual hours received.

Quality Assurance (QA) - The functions and associated actions performed by the Government to ensure that contract requirements are performed in accordance with specified standards, and that an appropriate level of Contractor quality control activities is in place and operational.

Quality Assurance Evaluator (QAE) - The specific on-site Government representative delegated authority for the day-to-day managerial and technical interaction with the Contractor personnel. The assignment may be made on an office, district, or regional basis.

Quality Control (QC) - The Contractor's internal management functions that include, but are not limited to, training, documented procedures, inspections, and tests (taken at the point of performance) necessary to ensure that Contractor products and services conform to requirements, specifications, and standards.

Site - A geographic location where work is to be performed. Generally, its will be any of a number of Government controlled spaces at a single address. Synonyms used in this document include "work site", "office", and "work center".


ACOTR   Assistant Contracting Officer's Technical Representative
AF   Asset Forfeiture
AFF   Assets Forfeiture Fund
ACOTR   Assistant Contracting Officer's Technical Representative
AF   Asset Forfeiture
AFF   Assets Forfeiture Fund
ATF   Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
CCF   Office of Chief Counsel, DEA
CO   Contracting Officer
COTR   Contracting Officer's Technical Representative
DHS   Department of Homeland Security
DOL   Department of Labor
DEA   Drug Enforcement Administration
DOJ   Department of Justice
FBI   Federal Bureau of Investigation
FDA   Food and Drug Administration
PRS   Performance Requirement Summary
PWS   Performance Work Statement
QA   Quality Assurance
QAE   Quality Assurance Evaluator
QC   Quality Control
USMS   United States Marshals Service
USAO   United States Attorney's Office
USPS   United States Postal Service

C.1.2 Introduction

  1. The Asset Forfeiture Program has outgrown the informal systems and control processes that were adequate when the program was small. The program's dramatic growth in the subsequent years has presented DOJ's management and leadership with a number of significant management challenges. A key component of the management solution has been the use of a support contract to provide clerical, administrative and professional support.
  2. The Department of Justice's Asset Forfeiture Program is a nationwide law enforcement program that has proven to be an effective and powerful strategy in the fight against crime. The primary mission of the Asset Forfeiture Program is to employ asset forfeiture powers in a manner that enhances public safety and security. This is accomplished by removing the proceeds of crime and other assets relied upon by criminals and their associates to perpetuate their criminal activity against society.
  3. The key to operating an efficient and effective asset forfeiture program is the ability to deliver quality administrative support services to the Program's investigative agencies, prosecutors and property custodians in a timely and cost effective manner. These support services include clerical, administrative, and professional support.
  4. The AFMS may approve, as within scope of this contract, "Agency Support Services" which are not directly related to the administrative and technical processing of assets for forfeiture. When approved, "Agency Support Services" tasks and associated labor hours delivered will be reported separately in order for the Government to reimburse the Contractor from the appropriate fund accounts. Agency Support includes all tasks performed prior to the identification of specific assets for possible seizure, through the seizure, management, disposition, and post-disposition accounting and case closure. Agency Support also includes a pro-rata share of labor on cases wherein labor is expended to support the case as well as to seize associated assets. Agency support will also include a pro-rata share of general office support, management and supervision. Agency Support Services may also include projects that are related to a DOJ or other Federal agency law enforcement mission that requires clerical, administrative, or professional support. The reporting requirements established in Section C.3.13 provide for the separate identification of this labor.
  5. It is expected that law enforcement agencies involved in the Asset Forfeiture Program, both within and outside the Department of Justice, will continue to seek services through DOJ contracts due to the close requirement for interagency coordination or because specialized services available through DOJ contracts precisely meet their program requirements, thereby mitigating the need for their own separate, duplicative procurements.
  6. It is further expected that the growth of this contract's use outside of the Asset Forfeiture Program will continue in the Federal law enforcement community for the same reason. Although the Asset Forfeiture Management Staff is the sponsoring office for this contract to support the Department's Asset Forfeiture Program, the contract may be used at the Government's discretion, to satisfy the needs of any Department of Justice component or in support of any other Government agency's law enforcement mission. Notwithstanding the sponsorship, tasks other than those specifically identified in this contract may be ordered by the Government so long as they fall within the general scope of work, have appropriate funding, and have the expressed approval of the Asset Forfeiture Management Staff.

C.1.3 Mission

Although the required tasks in Section C.3 are generically the same for all components, the individual mission of each component in the Asset Forfeiture Program does affect the emphasis and procedures of the tasks. There may be a very wide range of law enforcement related missions supported by the required labor categories. This support may be provided to any organization approved by the AFMS.

C.1.4 Scope of Work

  1. The Contractor shall provide personnel, supervision and other related services and incidental items necessary to perform the work as defined in this Statement of Work (SOW). The Contractor shall principally perform work on Government premises for the performance of the tasks under this contract. The Contractor shall provide support services to the DOJ Asset Forfeiture Program and AFMS approved Agency Support as designated in Section C.3.
  2. Although the Asset Forfeiture Management Staff is the sponsoring office for this contract to support the Department's Asset Forfeiture Program, the contract may be used at the Government's discretion to satisfy the needs of any Department of Justice component or in support of any other Government agency's law enforcement mission. Notwithstanding the sponsorship, tasks other than those specifically identified in this contract may be ordered by the Government so long as they fall within the general scope of work, have appropriate funding, and have the express approval of the Asset Forfeiture Management Staff.

C.1.5 Personnel

The Contractor shall provide a sufficient number of qualified personnel who have sufficient experience, education, training, and skills to satisfactorily perform the requirements of this SOW. The ACOTRs and QAEs have authority to review the qualifications of personnel proposed to perform work under this contract at their specific locations.

C.1.5.1 Key Personnel

  1. The Contractor shall assign and identify the following key personnel who will provide management, administrative, and technical interface with Government personnel in the day-to-day performance of the contract:

    Program Manager         Regional Directors
    Agency Manager         Project Director

  2. Individuals assigned to these labor categories shall be designated as key personnel upon ordering of services and approval of the position by the COTR. Replacement of these individuals must be approved by the COTR. The responsibilities and qualifications for these positions are defined in Attachment (4), Labor Category Descriptions.
  3. All key personnel are subject to the following:
    1. Replacement is subject to the prior written approval of the COTR.
    2. Requests for replacement shall include a detailed resume containing a description of position duties and qualifications, information about the qualifications of the individual(s) proposed, and any additional information requested by the Contracting Officer in sufficient detail to permit the Contracting Officer to evaluate the impact on the work the Contractor is obligated to perform hereunder.
    3. Contractor proposals to move any key personnel off the contract shall be submitted in writing at least 15 days in advance of proposed moves, and are subject to the approval of the COTR, including approval of proposed replacements. No diversion shall be made by the Contractor without the written consent of the COTR.
    4. The Government reserves the right to review the qualifications of key personnel selected to work on this contract before assignment, including the individuals proposed (in the Contractor's proposal) and any replacements for these individuals, and to reject individuals whom it determines are not suitable for the program. The Government also reserves this right in certain circumstances when specific non-key personnel are required for specific tasks.
  4. The list of key personnel set forth may be amended from time to time during the course of the contract to either add or delete personnel, as appropriate. The base location of the Regional Directors shall be defined by the proposal leading to the award of this contract. Changes to the base location of the Regional Directors must be approved by the Contracting Officer. The Program Manager shall be located within the metropolitan Washington, D.C.

C.1.5.2 Training of Contractor Staff

  1. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing trained, experienced staff for performing the work ordered under this contract, and for continuously monitoring, managing and controlling the work. The Contractor shall make its best efforts to retain staff members who have gained experience on this contract, and to minimize staff turnover.
  2. The Contractor shall train its own staff so as to ensure that all personnel are able to perform their duties under each task/delivery order satisfactorily. Upon request, the Contractor shall furnish the COTR with formal documentation of the training provided to Contractor staff including testing tools for determining whether individual employees have achieved required competence levels. Except where specifically approved by the COTR, training of Contractor staff is not separately billable. Specialized training requested by the COTR beyond that which would normally be required to perform under the contract is billable.
  3. In addition to job-specific or professional training, the Contractor shall ensure its employees on this contract are trained on "contract-specific" issues such as DOJ ethics, standards of conduct, individual conflicts of interest, confidentiality requirements, DOJ security requirements, understanding of the function of reporting, and the importance of quality control and quality assurance. In addition, Contractor managers shall be educated in the terms and conditions of the contract.

C.1.5.3 Employee Qualifications and Conduct

  1. The Government reserves the right to require the Contractor to reassign from this contract any Contractor employee(s) who is deemed incompetent, careless, unsuitable or otherwise objectionable, or whose continued use under the contract is deemed contrary to the best interests of the Government.
  2. The Contractor shall remove any employee from performance of contract work within five (5) working days of receiving notice from the Contracting Officer that the employee's performance is unsatisfactory. The Contractor shall immediately remove any Contractor employee found to represent a threat to the safety of government records, government employees, or other Contractor employees; if this occurs the Contractor shall reimburse the Government for the cost of any Government-provided or funded training given to the Contractor employee who ceases to perform Contract duties within six (6) months after receiving that training. In instances where the removal of an employee is for substandard performance or behavior negatively impacting delivery of services, the Contractor will be given an opportunity to address the situation prior to removing the employee.

C.1.5.4 Labor Categories

  1. Attachment (4) provides labor category descriptions and minimum qualifications for each labor category. Additional labor categories may be added during the contract period via contract modification.
  2. All contractor personnel assigned for this work must be fully capable of reading, writing, understanding, and speaking common English and must be computer literate. These minimum requirements are not subject to the waiver process below.
  3. Qualification Requirement Waiver Request. During contract administration, and under certain circumstances, the Government reserves the right to waive specific qualification requirements for any given labor category if issuing a waiver is determined to be in the best interest of the Government. The issuance of waivers will not be a routine practice. In each case, a waiver request shall be submitted by the Contractor, along with the resume for the individual for whom the waiver is being requested, giving a description of and full justification for the proposed waiver. The waiver request package shall include a synopsis of the recruitment leading up to the request to include a complete list of the pool of candidates from which the subject individual was selected. The waiver request will be reviewed and approved by the Contracting Officer. The Contracting Officer may delegate the approval authority to the COTR. If the waiver is granted, the position description is not changed, but the individual person granted the waiver is authorized to work under that specific title with all the duties and benefits conferred upon it. However, the waiver is not transferable to another labor category.

C.1.5.5 Pension Plan

The Contractor shall maintain a modern style pension plan as part of its Total Compensation Plan. For any newly established pension plan or modification to an existing pension plan, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer at least sixty (60) days in advance and describe the new pension plan and/or modification. Prior to implementing the new plan or modification to the existing plan, the Contractor shall meet with Government representatives to discuss the new plan or modification and resolve any Government concerns, if such a meeting is deemed necessary by the Contracting Officer.

C.1.6 Security Clearances

  1. Each employee of the Contractor working under this contract is subject to the security clearance requirements as set forth in Section H.18 or the individual task order. Prior to assigning an employee to the contract, the Contractor must submit for that employee the completed forms as specified in Section H.18 or the task order.
  2. The Contractor is responsible for screening all prospective employees for suitability for work on this contract as delineated in the Contractor's proposal. Guidelines for this screening function are also provided in Section H.18.

C.1.7 Quality Control

  1. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the quality of services provided. The Contractor shall also be liable for Contractor employee negligence, and any fraud, waste or abuse.
  2. The Contractor shall utilize a Quality Control (QC) System to ensure that services are completed in accordance with acceptable principles of internal control, and meet specified, acceptable levels of quality. The operation of the Quality Control Program shall be described in a written plan maintained and made available to the COTR. The Contractor shall maintain this plan and revise it as necessary throughout the life of the contract.

C.1.8 Performance Evaluation Meetings

  1. At a minimum, performance evaluation meetings shall be held quarterly during the contract performance period, or as agreed to by the COTR and the Contractor. Performance meetings will be required on a weekly basis during the transition period and initial implementation.
  2. The Contractor shall be prepared to discuss contract performance at these meetings. These meetings shall be conducted as specified by the COTR. Meetings will be held during hours that are mutually agreeable between the COTR and the Contractor. At a minimum, these meetings shall include the Contractor's Program Manager and the COTR. A mutual effort will be made to resolve any problems which arise during the performance of the contract. Written minutes of these meetings shall be prepared by the Contractor for the COTR's approval.
  3. COTR approved performance meetings may also occur between the Contractor and a specific component. Minutes of all such performance evaluation meetings shall be prepared by the Contractor for the COTR's approval.

C.1.9 Contract Phase-In

  1. The continuing provision of support services covered under this solicitation is essential to continuity of the program. Therefore, it is critical that the transition from the current operation to a new contract be accomplished in a well planned, orderly and efficient manner. The Contractor shall be responsible for the phase-in of Contractor personnel and the assumption of ongoing tasks in accordance with the Government phase-in schedule (see Section B.1(d)). Phase-in activities will include, but not be limited to, placement of any necessary subcontracts, mobilization of staff and other resources, obtaining of necessary clearances, execution of the Confidentiality Agreement included as Attachment (5), and any other activities required to put the Contractor in a position to accept and perform task orders for AFPS services. Certain current staff of the incumbent contractor will be available during this period to provide administrative and technical orientation to new Contractor personnel, familiarize the Contractor with required services, and provide other guidance and assistance as mutually determined by the Government and the Contractor.
  2. The Contractor shall provide required phase-in assistance in accordance with the transition plan included in Section 5.0 of the Contractor's Technical Proposal, dated August 05, 2003. The specific phase-in assistance to be provided shall be determined by the Government. The Government will issue a task order to the Contractor for the specific phase-in effort. The cost of the phase-in assistance shall not exceed $400,000.

C.1.10 Contract Phase-Out

At the conclusion of the contract, the functions performed under this contract may convert to an in-house Government operation or may be awarded through another contract. In either case, the Contractor may be required to assist in the phase-out of this contract. The price and terms of the assistance required will be negotiated as a separately priced task order.

C.1.11 Contingencies

  1. Special and emergency situations shall include, but not be limited to, structural fire, accidents, civil disturbances, disaster warnings, acts of God, national emergencies and international crises, and adverse weather conditions which may require that the Contractor operate on an emergency basis. The Contractor shall provide contingency services as requested by the CO. If a requirement arises for the Contractor to operate on an emergency basis due to a situation defined as a contingency, an adjustment to the existing order will be negotiated.
  2. The Contractor shall maintain the strike contingency plan included in its proposal to ensure continuity of operations in the event of strike by Contractor personnel. While the work force under the current contract is not unionized, the Government needs to plan for the continuity of operations in the event of a generalized interruption by contractor employees. Contractor services under the strike contingency plan shall be at no additional cost to the Government.

C.2 Contractor Furnished Items

C.2.1 Order Entry and Tracking System

  1. The Contractor shall make available an automated delivery order entry and tracking system. This system will be utilized by both the Government and the Contractor to capture and track the status of a purchase request from the time of initiation through the time it becomes a task order and through the term of the order. Individual task orders will be issued by the Government utilizing the system.
  2. The Government has no need to "own" this system; however, the data and information therein or its derivations shall at all times be considered Government Property. Any cost associated with furnishing, utilizing, and maintaining the system shall not be separately billable under this contract.

C.3 Specific Tasks

The Contractor shall provide the necessary management, supervision, and labor to satisfactorily perform the specific tasks described in this section of the solicitation.

C.3.1 General Requirements

C.3.1.1 Coordination with Other Government Organizations

The Contractor shall coordinate activities and communicate with a wide variety of organizations. This coordination shall be maintained to achieve the dual objectives of specific support requirements and broader program goals. These organizations may include: DOJ components; other Federal agencies; state and local organizations; DOJ management, divisions, employees, consultants, contractors, and grantees performing services for the Asset Forfeiture Program; and, International Government Organizations.

C.3.1.2 Ordering Productive Hours

  1. Each individual task order will include the component, location, pricing table, CLIN, labor category, and billing rate. The quantity of hours ordered will be designated in terms of productive hours.
  2. Productive hours are defined as those hours ordered by the Government and provided by the Contractor for an equivalent number of actual labor hours received, except when a condition described below applies.
  3. Productive hours do not include:
    1. Leave time (holiday, sick, vacation, administrative).
    2. The time required for "qualification" training of new or substandard contractor employees or "upgrade" training which is provided by the Contractor.
    3. The times when, prior to the employee arriving at the workplace, the operations of the Federal agency have been shut-down or curtailed due to unusually severe weather, other Acts of God, budgetary reasons, or other unforeseeable circumstances. The Contractor's Management Plan shall address how the contract employees will be compensated during these periods of time.
  4. Productive hours do include:
    1. The time required to attend training specifically ordered by the Government, including reasonable travel time as determined by the ACOTR or QAE.
    2. The intermittent time or times, when Government operations are closed for the balance of a work day that has already commenced. The closing of operations during these periods is usually related to concerns regarding the safety of employees.
    3. Special Holiday Time provided by Executive Order from the President of the United States.

In these rare instances provided in subparagraph (d) above, the contractor may bill for the balance of the scheduled workday(s) with the specific written authorization of the ACOTR.

C.3.2 Management and Supervision

  1. The Contractor shall provide supervision of its contract personnel and consistent and timely management of the support services to be provided under this contract. The labor categories listed below have been specifically designed to provide the required levels of management and supervision by the Contractor:

    Program Manager - Responsible for total contract management.
    Regional Director - Supervise and recruit for designated geographic area.
    Agency Manager - Supervise and recruit for one specific agency.
    Project Director - Manage offices with over 50 full time equivalent contract positions filled.
    Operations Supervisor - Manage offices with more than two first-level supervisors and over 20 full time equivalent contract positions filled.
    File Room Supervisor and Mail Room Supervisor - Manage large file and mail operations.
    Supervisory Paralegal, Paralegal III, Supervisory Records Examiner/Analyst, Supervisory Financial Analyst, Supervisory Technical Writer - Supervise offices with less than 20 full time equivalent contract positions filled.

  2. The Contractor shall appoint an individual who will be the Contractor's Authorized Representative for technical and administrative performance of all services required hereunder. This Authorized Representative shall provide the single point of contact through which all Contractor/Government communications, work, and technical direction shall flow. The Authorized Representative shall receive and execute, on behalf of the Contractor, all orders for work and technical direction as the COTR and authorized ordering officials may issue within the terms and conditions of the contract. All administrative support of Contractor technical personnel required to fulfill the tasks assigned under this contract shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
  3. The Contractor shall ensure that an appropriate level of management and supervision is provided to accomplish the following:
    1. Day-to-day supervision of Contractor assignments
    2. On-site supervision for Contractor work force
    3. On-the-job training for new personnel
    4. Periodic training of Contractor personnel
    5. Scheduling of Contractor employees
    6. On-site quality control of work performed by Contractor personnel

C.3.3 Recruitment and Retention

C.3.3.1 Recruitment

The Contractor shall implement and maintain the recruitment plan included in its proposal to provide for quality and timely services in accordance with this contract. Proper recruitment provides personnel quicker to respond to Government performance requirements. The recruitment services shall specifically include the following:

  1. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for advertising for personnel. The advertisement should include security requirements and specify the requirement for a background investigation. Advertisements should describe the specific position being recruited -- not a generic labor category description.
  2. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the recruiting of candidates. The Contractor shall utilize established procedures for recruitment, including personal interviews, checking references, and matching candidates to offices. Recruitment shall be managed to provide quick identification of recommended personnel for QAE review and security review.
  3. The Contractor shall not perform any recruitment activities at Government locations, nor shall the Contractor utilize any Government resources/equipment for any recruitment activities.

C.3.3.2 Retention

The Contractor shall implement and maintain the retention program included in its proposal to encourage continued employment of qualified personnel. Objectives of the retention program should include the following:

  1. Reduced or minimum turnover.
  2. Identification and advancement of employees with promotion potential within the Contractor's organization.

C.3.4 Training

C.3.4.1 General

The development or modification of training curricula specific to the asset forfeiture program will be negotiated with the Contractor prior to issuance of an order for said training. The specific training to be provided shall be determined by the Government. The Government will request a proposal from the Contractor for the cost attributable to the training, negotiate a price for said training, and issue a task order to the Contractor for that training.

C.3.4.2 Conduct of Training Courses

  1. The Contractor shall deliver training courses in accordance with the requirements of this contract or individual orders. The order will specify course title and number, class size, length of course, number of hours of class room training, and course unit price. The Contractor shall deliver a course of instruction meeting the order requirements to include classroom facility, equipment and course materials in sufficient numbers for class size, instructor(s) and on-site administrative and logistics support for course attendees. No labor or travel costs for attendees or students are to be included in the invoices for course delivery. Contractor employees attending these courses report their hours in their labor category as training and report their travel costs at their place of employment.
  2. The Contractor may be required to provide job-related training to Government as well as Contractor personnel. However, such courses will be primarily developed for contractor employees, and the Government may take advantage of the course to train its own personnel.

C.3.4.3 Attendance of Training Courses

  1. The Contractor shall ensure that the proper personnel attend all required training. The Government will specifically authorize reduction of delivery of direct performance to attend authorized training. This will require coordination of training and performance requirements with the QAE or ACOTR. The following are examples of courses that may be required.
    1. Initial training in the AF Program and component mission
    2. Specific training in AF Program or related skills
    3. Recurring training required for AF Program and component requirements
    4. Specific component requirements
    5. New systems or processes
    6. New laws or procedures
  2. The Government will be responsible for the cost of the types of specific training identified above in Section C.3.4.3. However, the Contractor shall provide employees that fully meet the qualifications required under each labor category initially, and shall ensure that the employees' training remains current with industry standards so that they remain fully qualified. The Contractor shall bear the cost of ensuring that its employees meet the requirements under each labor category of this contract. The Government will not reimburse the Contractor for the basic qualifying training of its employees.

C.3.5 Clerical Support

The Contractor shall provide support services to include the following:

  1. Filing - The contractor shall file and retrieve letters, memorandums, reports and other documentation from files, safes, data processing equipment and other storage areas. The Contractor shall answer inquires regarding case-related information or status as maintained in the files or a data base.
  2. Handling Mail - The Contractor shall sort received mail by office or individual. The Contractor shall stuff outgoing mail into envelopes and containers, postage affixed and bulky items wrapped or packaged.
  3. Receptionist - The Contractor shall provide telephone services to include answering, referring calls, taking messages, providing information and scheduling appointments.
  4. Operate Office Equipment - The Contractor shall operate personal computers, printers, scanners, copiers, fax machines, phone answering systems, and shredders.
  5. The Contractor shall provide documentation creation and support services to include the following:
    1. Type routine forms
    2. Type general office correspondence (letters, memorandums, reports, etc.)
    3. Type forms
    4. Generate form letters
    5. Merge form letters with mailing lists
    6. Apply specialized terminology
    7. Perform on-line data update and verification of existing records
    8. Perform on-line creation of new record
    9. Perform on-line modification of records to correct mis-keyed or misrelated data
    10. (10) Enter data into data base
    11. (11) Print predetermined management reports
    12. (12) Retrieve data from database.

C.3.6 Data Analysis

The Contractor shall provide support services to include the following:

  1. Receipt - Receive suspense petitions, claims, process equitable sharing requests and other documentation. Extract data from data base as required or directed. Obtain additional information from other investigative agencies or other data bases. Extract data from various agency data bases for management and program reports.
  2. Support - Conduct and reconcile inventories of data and assets. Perform word processing and data entry relevant to case documentation. Enter and retrieve data from data bases. Prepare and format management reports. Manipulate, transfer, compute and print information. Prepare and correct reports and correspondence.
  3. Review - Review information, including legal instruments, for completeness of information and proper execution. Reconcile inconsistencies in the type or substance of the data. Verify case files and the accuracy of the data in the case tracking systems. Review data and information from multiple sources.
  4. Maintenance - Establish and maintain physical files, establish case or project files, reconcile inconsistencies, gather information and organize investigative packages, maintain internal status information on the disposition of all seized and forfeited assets, distribute and receive documents. Conduct validation and verification of case files and case data system. Assist lead analyst or official in obtaining or collecting all documents and information to complete case file.
  5. Analysis - Ensure information is accurate and perform analytical computations necessary to process data. Create and manipulate spreadsheets and data bases. Review for consideration of case and stated analysis requirements.
  6. Report - Prepare notices and advertisements and declarations. Report findings concerning the information verbally or in writing. Update data bases, files and case files. Provide administrative information and assistance concerning case to other investigative agencies, state or local law enforcement agencies, U. S. Attorney's Office, other DOJ components, and higher headquarters.
  7. Driver/messenger services, as required. This may include delivery or receipt of documents or property, including seized assets. This property may include high value and confidential items. In no case will the property include illegal drugs or evidence. This function may also include the transport of seized conveyances. In no case will seized conveyance be used for any other purpose. The conveyance used for driver/messenger services may be Government-owned, Contractor-owned, or Contractor personnel owned. The Contractor shall follow specific QAE direction concerning all authorized stops and potential routes of travel. The Contractor shall abort driver/messenger services if any danger is apparent. In no case will the Contractor personnel be armed. Contractor personnel performing this service must have a current driver's license and an active security clearance; they cannot be performing on a security waiver.

C.3.7 Legal Process Support Analysis

The Contractor shall provide support services to include the following:

  1. Examination of Legal Instruments - Review legal instruments for completeness and accuracy of information and proper execution. Obtain additional information from files, data bases and individuals. Review for correctness of action per Government regulations, procedures, and documentation. Research records to ascertain conditions that might preclude action. Provide information on instruments and related data. Provide assistance on instruments and related data. Gather facts for case and routine reports from file data bases and individuals. Extract data from forfeiture files and data base files. Perform initial review of petitions for remission and mitigation of forfeiture.
  2. Assistance to an Attorney - Perform research into factual aspects of portions of a case by reviewing and analyzing questions under issue, law reviews, published studies, and financial reports. Prepare summaries and digests of pertinent data. Compile indices, summarize disposition transcripts and prepare trial material. Perform legal research for trial staff, including use of automated research tools such as LEXIS, WESTLAW, etc.
  3. Driver services, as required. This may include delivery or receipt of documents or property. In no case will the property include illegal drugs or evidence. The conveyance used may be Government-owned, Contractor-owned, or Contractor personnel owned. The Contractor shall follow specific QAE direction concerning all authorized stops and potential routes of travel. The Contractor shall abort driver services if any danger is apparent. In no case will the Contractor personnel be armed. Contractor personnel performing this service must have a current driver's license and an active security clearance, i.e., can not be performing on a security waiver.

C.3.8 Property Custody

This service will primarily be in support of a Government employee assigned the authority and responsibility for seized assets. The Contractor shall provide support services to include the following:

  1. Receiving property
  2. Deliver items for appraisal
  3. Deliver property for disposal
  4. Maintaining inventory
  5. Conducting inventories
  6. Storing property
  7. Provide quality assurance for items in storage
  8. Assist in financial records maintenance
  9. Assist with the preparation for auctions and sales

The custodian assistance must be focused on accountability and ensuring that the property retains as much of its value as possible.

C.3.9 Procurement Assistance

This service will primarily be in support of a Government employee assigned the authority and responsibility for contract preparation and management. The Contractor shall provide support services to include the following:

  1. Assist with the development of work statements
  2. Assist with the development of technical requirements
  3. Providing contract quality assurance for items such as property appraisal, safe storage, warehouse, etc.

C.3.10 Mail Room Operation

The Contractor shall operate designated mail rooms. Mail room operation includes the following:

  1. Safeguard accountable mail (registered, certified, insured)
  2. maintain mail records
  3. Advise on mail matters
  4. Maintain mail equipment (scales, postage meters)
  5. Sort incoming mail for distribution and dispatch outgoing mail
  6. Sort mail according to destination and type, such as returned letters, adjustments, bills, orders, and payment
  7. Weigh mail to determine that postage is correct
  8. Maintain record of registered mail
  9. Maintain logs as required

Mail room operation normally requires only part-time clerical support at most offices.

C.3.11 File Room Operation

The Contractor shall operate designated file rooms. File room operation includes the following:

  1. Establish new files
  2. Maintain current files
  3. Implement file accountability system
  4. Develop disposal procedures
  5. Classify and index file material such as correspondence, reports, technical documents, etc., in an established filing system containing a number of varied subject matter files
  6. Maintain records of various types in conjunction with the files

File room operation normally requires only part-time clerical support at most offices.

C.3.12 Fiscal Operations

This service will primarily be in support of a Government employee assigned the authority and responsibility for the preparation and management of fiscal documents such as disbursement requests, voucher examinations, cashier receipts, etc. The Contractor shall provide the following support services:

  1. Assist in financial records maintenance
  2. Enter data into designated Financial Management Systems or other related ADP systems
  3. Conduct inventories
  4. Perform cashier duties for non-cash operations such as filling out deposit slips and bundling checks for deposit.
  5. Maintain logs as required
  6. Classify and index file material such as correspondence, reports, technical documents, etc., in an established filing system containing a number of varied subject matter files
  7. Maintain records of various types in conjunction with the fiscal files

The fiscal assistance must be focused on ensuring accountability and accuracy of Government fiscal records.

C.3.13 Reports

  1. The Contractor shall deliver monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual management reports to the COTR and the various ACOTRs. The requirements for these reports are presented in this section. These reports are required by the Government to effectively manage this contract and may be modified by the Government for new or additional information.
  2. The Contractor shall submit a complete set of all required reports to the COTR by the 15th of each month following the applicable reporting period. The Contractor shall submit agency specific extracts of the reports to the ACOTRs at the same time. Contract period reports will be satisfied by submission of the cumulative reports for the contract period.
  3. The Contractor shall organize reports by agency. The Contractor shall deliver all required reports to the COTR via either electronic messaging or CD-ROM. Agency specific reports may be delivered via electronic messaging or CD-ROM based on guidance provided by the cognizant ACOTR. (Program format instructions will be provided by the COTR and the ACOTRs after consultation with the Contractor.) The Contractor shall furnish the required application program for all reports except the Performance Issues Report. The contractor shall design all required reports; however, the reports must be coherent and directly related to the Contractor's approved invoice system and human resource management system. The Government will approve the Contractor's proposed reporting format(s). The following are the required reports:

C.3.13.1 Performance Issues

This report shall be prepared in a Contractor designed standard format and include at a minimum:

  1. Security clearances initiated, granted and denied.
  2. Number of employees scheduled for training, the source of funding for the training, number of employees who attended training, and the reason for any differential between the two numbers.
  3. Performance Issues. The Contractor shall provide location, describe the issue, action taken, status of issue, e.g. resolution, pending action by whom, possible solution.

This report shall be submitted to the Government on a monthly basis.

C.3.13.2 Labor Hours Delivered

Part I shall include the hours delivered for each labor category at each location.

  1. Asset Forfeiture Support-Direct
  2. Asset Forfeiture Support-Overtime
  3. Asset Forfeiture Training
  4. Asset Forfeiture Total
  5. Agency Support-Direct
  6. Agency Support-Overtime
  7. Agency Support Total
  8. Location Total
  9. Cumulative Total for Contract Period

Part II shall include a summary of the hours delivered for each Labor Category for the agency:

  1. Asset Forfeiture Support-Direct
  2. Asset Forfeiture Support-Overtime
  3. Asset Forfeiture Training
  4. Asset Forfeiture Total
  5. Agency Support-Direct
  6. Agency Support-Overtime
  7. Agency Support Total
  8. Agency Total
  9. Cumulative Total for Contract Period

C.3.13.3 Labor Costs

Part I shall include the costs for each labor category at each location:

  1. Asset Forfeiture Support-Direct
  2. Asset Forfeiture Support-Overtime
  3. Asset Forfeiture Training
  4. Asset Forfeiture Total
  5. Agency Support-Direct
  6. Agency Support-Overtime
  7. Agency Support Total
  8. Location Total
  9. Cumulative Total for Contract Period

Part II shall include a summary of the costs for each labor category for the agency:

  1. Asset Forfeiture Support-Direct
  2. Asset Forfeiture Support-Overtime
  3. Asset Forfeiture Training
  4. Asset Forfeiture Total
  5. Agency Support-Direct
  6. Agency Support-Overtime
  7. Agency Support Total
  8. Agency Total
  9. Cumulative Total for Contract Period

C.3.13.4 Travel Cost

This report shall be a summary of the agency travel costs for the reporting period:

  1. Asset Forfeiture Local Travel
  2. Asset Forfeiture Non-local Travel
  3. Agency Support Local Travel
  4. Agency Support Non-local Travel
  5. Total Local Travel
  6. Total Non-local Travel
  7. Cumulative Total for Contract Period

In addition, the Contractor shall provide detailed travel information at the local/site level upon request from the Government.

C.3.13.5 Invoice and Payment Summary

Part I will include a list of invoices for the current contract period with the following information for each invoice:

  1. Agency
  2. Invoice Number
  3. Invoice Date
  4. Invoice Type (Asset Forfeiture Support or Agency Support)
  5. Invoice Amount
  6. Date payment received

Part II will be a list of unpaid invoices from the previous contract period with the following information for each invoice:

  1. Agency
  2. Invoice Number
  3. Invoice Date
  4. Invoice Type (Asset Forfeiture Support or Agency Support)
  5. Invoice Amount
  6. Date payment received if paid since last report

The Labor Hours Delivered, Labor Costs, Travel Costs, and Invoice and Payment Summary Reports (C.1.13.1 through C.1.13.5) shall be submitted to the Government on a monthly basis. In addition, the Contractor shall keep this information current and provide it at any time upon request from the Government.

C.3.13.6 Training Report

Part I will provide the costs of training for the current reporting period and shall include the following:

  1. Course Developed (Course Title, Course Number and Cost)
  2. Course Conducted (Course Title, Course Number, Course Location, Unit Cost and Total Cost)
  3. Total Cost of Training for the Current Reporting Period

Part II will provide the cumulative costs of training and shall include the following:

  1. Course Developed (Course Title, Course Number and Cost)
  2. Course Conducted (Course Title, Course Number, Course Location, Unit Cost and Total Cost)
  3. Total Cost of Training

The Contractor shall submit the Training Report twice per year. The first report shall be delivered no later than six months after commencement of the contract period, and the second report shall be delivered at the end of the contract period.

C.3.13.7 Staffing Report

The Staffing Report shall include the following information by labor category:

  1. Number of Full Time Equivalents ordered by agency
  2. Number of Full Time Equivalents on board by agency
  3. Totals for all Full Time Equivalents ordered and assigned
  4. Cumulative totals for all Full Time Equivalents ordered and assigned

The Staffing Report shall be submitted on a quarterly basis. In addition, the contractor shall keep this information current and provide it at any time upon request from the Government.

C.3.13.8 Expenditure Report

The Expenditure Report shall include the following information:

  1. Dollar amount of services ordered by agency
  2. Dollar amount invoiced by agency
  3. Total dollar amounts of services ordered and invoiced
  4. Cumulative total dollar amounts of services ordered and invoiced

The Expenditure Report shall be submitted on a quarterly basis. In addition, the contractor shall keep this information current and provide it at any time upon request from the Government.


NOTE: Customers will maintain direct control over their own projects and will be responsible for taking receipt of any deliverables and paying all task related invoices.

Contracting Officer (CO): The DOJ Contracting Officer has the overall responsibility for the administration of this contract. Only he/she can amend, modify or deviate from contract terms, conditions, and requirements.

The CO works, as necessary with the COTR, the Contractor, and customer organizations to ensure that Contractor performance conforms to the terms and conditions as specified in the contract and all task orders issued under the contract.

The CO maintains a file for every task order issued under the contract. The task order file contains a copy of the Statement of Work (SO W), technical and cost proposals submitted by the Contractor, a copy of the task order issued to the Contractor, all task order modifications, monthly progress reports, all task order related documentation, and the customer's evaluation of the Contractor's past performance on the task order at its completion.

The CO for this contract is:

Dave Johnson
US DOJ Justice Management Division
Procurement Services Staff
1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
National Place Building, Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20530

Telephone: 202/307-1967, Fax:: 202/307-1933
Email Address:

Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR): The COTR acts as a liaison between customer organizations, the Contractor, and the Contracting Officer, and coordinates the technical aspects of the contract. As necessary, the COTR works with the CO, the Contractor, and customer organizations to ensure that the Contractor's performance conforms to the terms and conditions as specified in the contract and all task orders issued under the contract.

The COTR maintains a file for every task order issued under the contract in a manner similar to that used by the CO, except that the COTR's file also contains information related to monthly invoice payments and subsequent financial reimbursements from customer organizations. The COTR's file may also contain information related to the Contractor's technical performance activities.

The COTR works very closely with customer organizations and the Contractor to make sure that the customers are satisfied with Contractor performance on each task and that there are no outstanding technical or contractual issues that need to be resolved. The COTR maintains a database that contains information on the status of each task order, the Contractor's expenditures, invoice payments, reimbursements billed to the customer organization, and the Contractor's past performance.

The COTR for this contract is:

Garland Sharp
US DOJ Justice Management Division
Asset Forfeiture Management Staff
20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 6400
Washington, DC 20530

Telephone: 202/305-7735, Fax: 202/616-8100
Email Address:

Assistant COTR: The Alternate (ACOTR) serves as a focal point on activities on a task order that he/she manages. The ACOTR is appointed by the customer organization. The ACOTR prepares statements of work, coordinates an evaluation of technical proposals, obtains funding for the project, ensures that all Contractor personnel have proper security clearances before they start working on the project, provides technical guidance to Contractors, reviews Contractors' performance (technical, timeliness, and cost control) on all task orders, accepts deliverables to ensure tat all requirements set forth in the contract as well as the task order have been met, certifies all task order invoices, and evaluates the Contractor's past performance.

The ACOTR ensures that the Contractor's project management is effective, quality of work meets or exceeds the Government's requirements, scheduled deadlines are met, work is completed within the authorized budget, and the Contractor has an acceptable business relationship with the Government.

The ACOTR is responsible for reviewing and accepting the Contractor's monthly progress report that documents accomplishments and expenditures during the month and plans for the next month's work. The ACOTR's acceptance of a monthly progress report is his/her certification that the Contractor accomplished the work as reported, and that labor hours and dollar expenditures are accurate as reported.

At the completion of the task, the ACOTR conducts an evaluation of the Contractor's past performance and submits it to the COTR.

Contractor: When the CO issues an executed (signed) task order which authorizes the Contractor to start working on the task, the Contractor will perform work as described in the SOW of the awarded task order. Contractor performance must conform to all terms and conditions of the contract as well as the task order.

On all task orders, the Contractor must ensure that its personnel do not perform any work which is outside the scope of the SOW, outside the period of performance, and above the authorized budget as stated in the task order. The Contractor will submit monthly progress reports and invoices in a timely manner.

At the Government's request, Contractors may provide comments on the customers evaluation of a completed task.

Financial Administration: FSA may perform work, submit invoices, and be paid only for work that has been authorized by a task order. To initiate a task order, the customer agency first must provide the Contracting Officer with proof that agency funding has been committed to the task.

Obligating Funds: Funds for services to be obtained under a task order are obligated separately for each individual task order. The ACOTR prepares a Requisition/Order for Supplies or Services, DOJ Form 551, OBD 186, or other agencies' approved funding document, to obligate funds for the task, and forwards it to the CO for issuance of a task order.

Paying Contractor Invoices: Each customer Office/Bureau/Division or Agency is responsible for reviewing and certifying invoices for all work performed under this contract. The AFMS will only be responsible for invoices for tasks performed for and managed by the Asset Forfeiture Management Staff.

Electronic Commerce: DOJ intends to use electronic commerce methods to the maximum practical extent in conducting business with FSA and all customer organizations, including for the following:

To receive Statements of Work (SOWs) from customers;
To issue requests for preparation of technical and cost proposals;
To receive technical and cost proposals from the Contractor;
To receive monthly progress reports and invoices from the Contractor;
To receive customer approval of monthly progress reports, and,
To communicate information among all parties on issuance of task orders and contract/program administration.


A. Asset Forfeiture Support

Participants of the DOJ Asset Forfeiture Program may order support under this contract by coordinating with the DOJ Contracting Officer and providing him/her with a funded request for the support required. This request should include a brief general description of the services required, the labor categories/staffing desired to deliver the support, a stated period of performance, and a level of effort that corresponds with the aforementioned staffing and performance period.

B. Non Asset Forfeiture Support

Non-participants of the DOJ Asset Forfeiture Program may order support under this contract by basically following the steps outlined in paragraph "A" above. However, an important additional step, which must be taken prior to any other action is a formal written request made to the Asset Forfeiture Management Staff (AFMS) to allow use of the contract for non-asset forfeiture purposes. The preparation of this non-asset forfeiture request may be accomplished through coordination with the DOJ/AFMS COTR.


SECURITY REQUIREMENTS: Security information applicable to this contract is located in the Contract Statement of Work, Section C.16 and in the Contract Section H, Special Contract Clauses. Customer agencies may add to or delete from these requirements for their specific task orders, in which case security requirements must be clearly stipulated in the task order statement of work. Customer agencies are responsible for obtaining security clearances, if necessary and as required, for Contractor personnel designated to work on their task orders. Customers are also responsible for costs associated with obtaining such security clearances.

OVERTIME: Overtime may be authorized and reimbursed under this contract.

TRAVEL: As a general rule, local travel will not be reimbursed under this contract. Examples of local travel which will not be subject to reimbursement are: travel to and from normal job site; supervisory personnel traveling to a Government site or alternative facility to oversee operations. Personnel temporarily working at a Government site or alternative facility will consider such facility his/her normal job site.

All reimbursable long distance travel shall be part of the task proposal, with specific trips approved in advance by the COTR. Reimbursement for actual (approved) travel costs incurred during the performance of support services shall be in accordance with Part 31 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations. Travel requirements under this contract shall be met using the most economical form of transportation available. If economy class transportation is not available, the Contractor must submit to the COTR a request for advance approval to utilize higher class travel. All travel should be scheduled sufficiently in advance to be able to take advantage of offered discount rates. Individual 'travel authorization letters' may be provided to the Contractor (for all Contractor personnel who are required to travel) which may allow Contractor personnel to receive Government rates when on long distance travel.

MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORTS: The Contractor shall deliver monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual management reports to the COTR and the various ACOTRs. The requirements for these reports are presented in Section C, Statement of Work, paragraph C.3.13, Reports. These reports are required by the Government to effectively manage this contract and may be modified by the Government for new or additional information.

CONTRACTOR'S TASK ORDER PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: FAR 42.1502 requires Federal agencies to develop a cost-effective way to record and distribute Contractor performance information. In evaluating past performance, factors employed include quality of product or service, timeliness or performance, cost control, business practices, customer agency satisfaction, and key personnel performance. Pursuant to FAR 42.1503(b), evaluations must be shared with the Contractor, and the Contractor must be permitted to provide written comments where the Contractor disagrees with the rating.

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