House GOP Conference Releases Video on Democrats’ “Cap and Tax” Scheme

Posted by Kevin Boland on April 23rd, 2009

Today, the House Republican Conference, led by Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN), released a web video highlighting the stark differences between the Democrats’ energy plan of “cap and tax” and the House Republicans’ “all of the above” energy strategy:

The Democrats’ plan on energy is to impose a new national energy tax on every American household in hopes of forcing families to use less energy.  Republicans reject that notion, and have put forward a better solution to increase production of American energy in an environmentally safe manner, promote more conservation and efficiency, and encourage the use of alternative and renewable fuels.  The Republican strategy would promote a cleaner, healthier environment, and utilize all of our natural resources - wind, solar, natural gas, and environmentally responsible American energy production to create American jobs and help spur economic growth.

The House Republican Conference is continuing to live blog the Energy and Commerce Committee hearings this week.  Visit the House Republican Conference’s blog at for more info.

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Boehner to Dem Leaders: Welcome Back … Now Give the American People their Energy Vote

Posted by Nick on September 8th, 2008

House Republicans today welcomed their well-rested Democratic colleagues back to work after their five week break.  Gathering on the steps of the Capitol, Leader Boehner and House Republicans continued to demand, as they did through the month of August, that Speaker Pelosi schedule a vote on the American Energy Act (H.R. 6566), an “all of the above” plan to lower gas prices by increasing American energy production, encouraging conservation, and promoting development of alternative fuels.

Photos from the event can be seen below or on Leader Boehner’s Flickr photostream. More information on the event here.

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8-11 GOP Uprising Live Blog [2:45]

Posted by Nick on August 11th, 2008

More from Rep. Mike Pence:

“Thanks to the leadership of John Boehner and Roy Blunt and thanks to the sacrifice being made by dozens of members of Congress and their families, we have held this Hill for one week. But still, there is no sign of Speaker Nancy Pelosi or any House Democrats in the People’s House.

“Republicans in Congress have taken this stand on Capitol Hill and across the nation in town halls and coffee shops to protest the fact that Congress took a five-week paid vacation without ever taking a vote on giving the American people more access to American oil. From the floor of Congress, to the farm fields of Indiana, I have heard from everyday Americans and they are with us…they think this Congress should go back to work immediately and pass energy legislation that allows more drilling into our domestic resources.

“We will stand our ground. We will take our case to the American people and we will not relent until the Speaker of the House calls Congress back into session and allows a vote on a comprehensive energy bill that includes more drilling.”

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Video: Rep. Mike Pence (R-IA) on the GOP Revolt

Posted by Nick on August 11th, 2008

Rep. Pence speaks to Erick Erickson of

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