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March 30, 2004
Stacey Farnen

Refuting Republican Rhetoric, Republicans Spend More Than Democrats

"Facts are a stubborn thing," President Reagan famously said.

And despite all the hot rhetoric from Republicans during the debate on the 2005 budget, a look at the past four White House Administrations shows Republicans spend more than Democrats.

The facts show that Republican Administrations over the past 25 years have run bigger deficits and spent more as a percentage of GDP than the Democratic Administration.


Avg. Outlays as % of GDP = 22.26%

Avg. Discretionary Spending as % of GDP= 9.76%

Avg. Domestic Discretionary Spending as % of GDP = 3.41%

Avg. on Budget Deficit as % of GDP = 4.58%

Bush I

Avg. Outlays as % of GDP = 21.95 %

Avg. Discretionary Spending as % of GDP= 8.63 %

Avg. Domestic Discretionary Spending as % of GDP = 3.33%

Avg. on Budget Deficit as % of GDP = 5.08%


Avg. Outlays as % of GDP = 19.54 % (lowest)

Avg. Discretionary Spending as % of GDP= 6.79 % (lowest)

Avg. Domestic Discretionary Spending as % of GDP = 3.19% (lowest)

Avg. on Budget Deficit as % of GDP = 1.26% (lowest)

Bush II

Avg. Outlays as % of GDP = 19.54 %

Avg. Discretionary Spending as % of GDP= 7.55 %

Avg. Domestic Discretionary Spending as % of GDP = 3.55%

Avg. on Budget Deficit as % of GDP = 4.53%


