The Wildlife
Opening ANWR Will NOT Have a Negative Impact on Wildlife.

>>> Caribou

Exploration in ANWR would not negatively impact Caribou.

Based on scientific research conducted at existing North Slope oil fields only 80 miles west of ANWR, exploration and production have had no detrimental effects on caribou herds.

In fact, the central artic caribou herds have increased nearly 1000% since development, from 3,000 in the 1970’s before oil production to nearly 32,000 today.

The caribou herd has grown to over 31,000 since 1977.

>>> Polar Bears

ANWR exploration would not harm nesting polar bears.

ANWR exploration will not negatively impact the Beaufort Sea polar bear population.

Dr. Steven Amstrup, Polar Bear Project Leader, National Biological Survey with the U.S. Geological Survey, completed a study from 1981 to 1992 on the responses of denning polar bears in ANWR to aircraft, over-snow vehicles, foot traffic and other disturbances. The study found polar bears “showed a substantial tolerance for human activities.”

Furthermore, the study “indicates that many denned bears exposed to human activities are likely not to be affected in ways that alter their productivity.”

Dr. Amstrup states regarding energy exploration in ANWR: “Rigorous adherence to flexible management strategies, including spatial and temporal restrictions of developments, could prevent the potential for many disruptions of dens.” *

*Amstrup, S.C., 1993. Human disturbances of denning polar bears in Alaska, Arctic.