The Facts

>>> Acreage

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Map

The total acreage of ANWR is 19.6 million acres. Energy exploration and production would occur on 2000 acres of the coastal plain, or just 0.01% of the total ANWR acreage.

For comparison:

    • The size of the average farm in South Dakota is 1400 acres.
    • The size of Washington’s Dulles Airport is 11,000 acres.
    • The size of the National Audubon Society’s Paul J. Rainey Wildlife Refuge, where the Society produced natural gas safely for 50 years, is 26,800 acres.
    • The size of the Michigan Audubon Society’s Bernard N. Baker Sanctuary, where the Society produced oil safely for 13 years, is 900 acres.

When approved, environmentally-sensitive ANWR exploration and production on 2000 acres would create over 1 million jobs, lessen our dependence on foreign sources, and stimulate the economy.

>>> The Many Uses of Oil

Ban Gas Now?
Oil makes life easier.

Oil is a key ingredient in making thousands of products that make our lives easier – and in many cases – help us live better and longer lives. Only 45 percent of every barrel of oil, 19 out of 42 gallons, goes to make gasoline. The rest produces food, heating homes, and making products like medicines, plastics, surgical devices, and more.

Here are just a few examples:

Artificial Hearts
Baby Strollers
CD Players
Compact Discs
Credit Cards
Digital Clocks
Eyeglass Frames
Food Preservatives
Food Storage Bags
Foul Weather Gear
Garbage Bags
Golf Balls
Hair Dryers
Hang Gliders
Heart Valve Replacements
House Paint
Infant Seats
Life Jackets
Medical Equipment
Nylon Rope
Patio Screens
Photographic Film
Piano Keys
Roller Blades
Safety Glass
Shaving Cream
Shower Curtains
Soft Contact Lenses
Surgical Equipment
Vitamin Capsules

If the U.S. banned gasoline and the passenger vehicles that use it, we would still need oil.

American oil is essential to our economy, our national security, and our way of life.

ANWR’s 10.4 billion barrels of oil would lessen our dependence on foreign sources, increase national security, and create 1 million new jobs in the U.S.

>>> Environmental Hypocrisy

Environmental Hypocrisy

We live in a global environment.

But the so-called environmental community in the U.S. prefers to send American money and American jobs overseas to import oil from countries with no environmental technology and no environmental protections.

Does their hypocrisy know no bounds?

American ingenuity and American technology at work in ANWR would produce energy safely, protect the global environment and increase our national security.

>>> Environmental Myths and ANWR

The environmental fundraising community is feeding Americans a lot of misinformation about the ANWR debate. Think about it: Why would they present the facts when the scare tactics net them tens of millions of dollars in fundraising campaigns?

Here’s some facts about their misinformation:

“There is only a six month supply of oil in ANWR, so it’s not worth it.”

*According to the Energy Information Administration, ANWR would produce nearly 1.5 million barrels a day or more, everyday for roughly 30 years. This would replace roughly 30 years of Saudi Arabian oil imports, increasing our national security for 30 years.*

“Energy exploration in ANWR would harm the caribou deer.”

*Based on scientific research conducted at existing North Slope oil fields only 80 miles
west of ANWR, exploration and production have had no detrimental effects on caribou herds. In fact, the central artic caribou herds have increased nearly 1000% since development, from 3,000 in the 1970’s before oil production to nearly 32,000 today.*

“ANWR won’t create a significant amount of jobs.”

*According to a new study conducted by the National Defense Council Foundation, safe energy exploration and production would lead to more than 1 million new jobs in the United States.*

“The ‘BIG OIL’ industry is intensely lobbying Congress to open ANWR.”

*The biggest ANWR advocacy organization is Artic Power. Arctic Power is a grassroots, non-profit citizen's organization with 10,000 members founded in April of 1992 to educate and expedite congressional and presidential approval of oil exploration and production within the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

More than 92% of Arctic Power’s funding comes from the people and the State of Alaska. More than 75% of Alaskans want ANWR open to responsible production.

“Energy exploration and production would devastate the environment.”

*According to the Clinton Administration’s 1999 report, Environmental Benefits of Advanced Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Technology, we can produce oil in the arctic safely and with actual environmental benefits.*

>>> NO! Is not an Energy Plan

Energy is not immaculately conceived. We have to produce it.

Unfortunately, as Congress debates a National Energy Plan, the radical environmental community and their allies in Congress refuse to consider wise energy production opportunities for Americans.

In lawsuits, rhetoric, official votes, and fundraising missives, they continue to say NO!

• “No” to more clean natural gas

• “No” to more hydropower energy

• “No” to more clean coal energy

• “No” to new Outer Continental Shelf gas & oil exploration

• “No” to more energy exploration in Alaska

• “No” to more energy exploration in the Intermountain West

• “No” to more transmission lines

• “No” to more power plants

• “No” to more energy pipelines

• “No” to ANWR

• “No” to LNG ports

• “No” to offshore wind energy farms

• “No” to onshore wind energy farms

Opening ANWR to safe energy exploration would provide Americans with the energy they need at affordable prices. For our economy, for over 1 million new jobs, and for our national security, Congress must say

YES! to increased domestic energy production.