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2009 Releases

August Releases
» FAST FACT: News on the Recovery and Reinvestment Act, August 12, 2009
So far, nearly 32 percent of the funds have been put to work in about 26 percent of the days of the Recovery Act.
» Hoyer Statement on the Passing of Eunice Kennedy Shriver, August 11, 2009
The world mourns a great loss today with the passing of Eunice Kennedy Shriver.
» FAST FACT: News on the Recovery and Reinvestment Act, August 11, 2009
» FAST FACT: News on the Recovery and Reinvestment Act, August 10, 2009
» Hoyer Statement on July Unemployment Report, August 07, 2009
Today’s numbers are a sign that the Recovery Act is beginning to take hold and have a real effect across the nation.
» Hoyer Statement on Sotomayor Confirmation, August 06, 2009
I want to offer my congratulations to Judge Sonia Sotomayor on her confirmation.
» Hoyer Statement on New GI Bill, August 03, 2009
Today marks the beginning of a new, richly-deserved opportunity for our service members and veterans.
July Releases
» Hoyer Statement on Energy and Commerce Passage of House Health Reform Bill, July 31, 2009
The action by the Energy and Commerce Committee to approve legislation that gives Americans the peace of mind of affordable quality health care they can count on is truly historic.
» Hoyer: GDP Report Shows Promising Signs for Economic Recovery, July 31, 2009
Today’s news on America’s gross domestic product includes some promising signs for our economic recovery.
» Hoyer Op-Ed: Health Reform Too Good to Pass Up, July 31, 2009
History shows that the chance to reform the American health care system is a once-in-a-generation opportunity. So reform is absolutely worth the time it takes to get it right.
» Hoyer Statement on the Food Safety Enhancement Act, July 30, 2009
This bill gives the Food and Drug Administration the authority and resources it needs to ensure that all Americans can be confident that the food they are putting on their family tables is free of contamination.
» Hoyer Statement on the 44th Anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid, July 30, 2009
On July 30, 1965, President Johnson signed Medicare and Medicaid into law, providing a lifeline to millions of elderly Americans and low-income families who would otherwise not have been able to afford health care
» Pelosi and Hoyer Statement on Progress of Health Reform Legislation, July 29, 2009
Congress is closer than ever before in history to passing comprehensive health insurance reform.
» Small Businesses, Middle-Class Families Need Health Care Reform, July 28, 2009
The rising cost of health care is one of the biggest drags on our economy, and small businesses and middle-class families are struggling to keep their heads above water.
» Hoyer Statement on National Minimum Wage Increase, July 23, 2009
Tomorrow’s increase in the minimum wage comes as much-needed relief for families and our economy.
» Hoyer: Americans Need Health Reform That Ends Denial of Coverage Based On Pre-Existing Conditions, July 23, 2009
For far too many decades, we have labored under a health care system that is unworthy of our great country.
» Hoyer Statement on President Obama's Press Conference on Health Care Reform, July 22, 2009
Tonight, President Obama demonstrated that health care reform is urgent on multiple fronts.
» Will Republicans Vote For PAYGO?, July 22, 2009
Republicans Say They Want Fiscal Discipline. Will They Vote For PAYGO?
» Q&A: House PAYGO Restores Fiscal Responsibility, July 21, 2009
This week, the House will consider legislation reestablishing statutory “pay-as-you-go” (PAYGO).
» Republican Strategy on Health Care Is Clear, July 21, 2009
Republican strategy on health care is clear.
» House to Act on Statutory “Pay-As-You-Go” Legislation, July 20, 2009
On June 14, President Obama transmitted legislation to Congress establishing a statutory “pay-as-you-go” (PAYGO) requirement, and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer introduced the legislation as H.R. 2920.
» Hoyer Statement on 40th Anniversary of Moon Landing, July 20, 2009
Forty years ago today, American astronauts walked on the surface of the moon.
» Hoyer Statement on CBO Score of House Health Reform Bill, July 18, 2009
In keeping with our commitment to creating policy in a fiscally responsible manner, Congressional Democrats pledged that health care reform would be fully paid for and would not contribute to the federal deficit.
» Health Care Update: Reform Policies of America’s Affordable Health Choices Act Are Deficit Neutral, July 18, 2009
» Democratic Congress Renews Commitment to Fiscal Responsibility, Protects Democratic Values, July 15, 2009
Next week, the House will consider legislation reestablishing statutory “pay-as-you-go” (PAYGO) requirements that helped turn deficits into surpluses during the Clinton Administration.

Displaying Releases 1 to 25 of 239
» 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201-225 | 226-239

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