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April 01, 2003
Stacey Farnen

Hoyer: In Major Win for Democrats, House GOP Walks Away from Its Own Budget

WASHINGTON– House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after House Republicans switched from opposition to the Democratic motion to instruct conferees on the fiscal year 2004 budget to support in the middle of debate on the Floor:

“The overwhelming bipartisan support today for the Democratic motion to instruct conferees on the budget resolution clearly demonstrates that even the House GOP doesn't support its own budget.   Once it became clear that moderate Republicans would not and could not walk the political gang plank and vote for draconian funding cuts for children, the elderly, veterans and others, practically every Republican voted for this motion.

“House Republicans are simply trying to paper over the fact that their budget is a political and practical fraud.   They never intended to really impose the funding cuts that their budget proposed.  They simply concocted sweeping funding cuts that bore no relation to reality so that they could create room for the President's ill-conceived $1.4 trillion tax plan.  Today, House Republicans effectively said: 'Our budget is a fraud, an April Fool's joke designed solely to pretend that we can afford the President's tax plan.'"

