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March 20, 2003
Stacey Farnen

House Democratic Whip Hoyer Says Nation Stands United Behind Our Troops

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD), the House Democratic Whip, released the following statement today regarding our military efforts to disarm Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein:

    “Today, we are not Democrats or Republicans.  We are American citizens who stand united as one in support of our brave men and women in uniform who are answering freedom’s call in Iraq.  It is vital that our armed forces and their families know that a grateful nation honors their sacrifice and will do whatever it can to support them.

    “The debate that has preceded this military action represents democracy in action.  Dictators and despots like Saddam Hussein can never understand that and instead mistake our democratic debate for disunity.  In fact, it is our strength.

    “Now that Hussein has failed to seize his final opportunity for peace, we pray for a quick end to this conflict.  We also assure the Iraqi people that our quarrel is not with them, but with the international criminal who has brutalized them and others, and threatened the security of the region and the world.  We are committed to a liberated and free Iraq where democracy may flourish.

    “Our thoughts and prayers are with our brave armed forces and their loved ones who are making this tremendous sacrifice for our country, our people and our security.  We pray for a successful mission and their safe return.”


