House GOP Conference Releases Video on Democrats’ “Cap and Tax” Scheme

Posted by Kevin Boland on April 23rd, 2009

Today, the House Republican Conference, led by Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN), released a web video highlighting the stark differences between the Democrats’ energy plan of “cap and tax” and the House Republicans’ “all of the above” energy strategy:

The Democrats’ plan on energy is to impose a new national energy tax on every American household in hopes of forcing families to use less energy.  Republicans reject that notion, and have put forward a better solution to increase production of American energy in an environmentally safe manner, promote more conservation and efficiency, and encourage the use of alternative and renewable fuels.  The Republican strategy would promote a cleaner, healthier environment, and utilize all of our natural resources - wind, solar, natural gas, and environmentally responsible American energy production to create American jobs and help spur economic growth.

The House Republican Conference is continuing to live blog the Energy and Commerce Committee hearings this week.  Visit the House Republican Conference’s blog at for more info.

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