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Gray Panthers on the prowl
Maggin Kuhn

Speak your mind - even if your voice shakes. Well aimed slingshots can topple giants.
-- maggie kuhn, founder

Private health insurance is like a hospital gown! Chances are you are not covered!
The 19th Annual Commemoration of the International Day of Older Persons
"Aging Activism: A Global Tool to Create a Society for All Ages"
9:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Economic and Social Council Chamber
United Nations Headquarters, New York
>> for information and to register click here

Myths and Facts about America's Affordable Health Choices Act
Gray Panthers believe that the only REAL health care reform that would be fair and equitable to ALL people and would eliminate administrative and economic waste would be a single payer health care system. We have advocated this position since our inception in 1970 and the Gray Panthers have not stop fighting for a single payer system. But unfortunately, the legislation being most discussed this month is H.R. 3200: America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 and because of the blatant lies being spread about this legislation, we feel the need to address the Myths and Facts.
>> read "25 Myths and Facts" about America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009

Help Support a Single Payer Health Care Program
President Obama has said that now is not the time to implement a single payer health care program in America but we DISAGREE. And the Gray Panthers needs to keep banging the single payer drum and letting President Obama know that there are people who elected him into office that demand he do the right thing!

Gray Panthers can make it easy for you to contact your Senators, representatives and President Obama. Please visit our Action Center. We have added a new Action Alert on single payer.

Please also sign your name on this petition and send it or fax it to your two Senators and Representative. You can find your legislators by clicking here.

Exhibit in NYC to Promote upcoming DPI/NGO conference
Gray Panther Joan Davis has put together an exhibit of photography and other media at the Epiphany Branch of the New York Public Library to promote the upcoming 62nd Conference of the United Nations' Department of Public Information and the Non-Governmental Organizations (DPI/NGO). The conference is title For Peace and Development: Disarm Now! and takes place Sept. 9th thru the 11th in Mexico City.
>> view exhibit flyer!
>> learn more about the conference!

"Take the profit out of healthcare" Window Sign
Download Sign.Gray Panthers continue to support progressive healthcare reform as an issue priority. We believe that healthcare is a human right, not an option. The current corporate healthcare system is driven by greedy and profit-hungry interests while over 47 million Americans are left uninsured or underinsured. To protest these healthcare profits,
click here to get your window sign.

gray panthers are
Age and Youth in Action. We are an intergenerational, multi-issue organization working to create a society that puts the needs of people over profit, responsibility over power and democracy over institutions.

get involved
Do you want to make a difference? Have your voice heard? Be a part of a unique group of activists? Sign up to receive periodic information from us!

The Longevity Revolution by Robert N. Butler
THE LONGEVITY REVOLUTION Gray Panther and Pulitzer Prize winner Dr. Butler seeks to lay out the origins of the revolution in longevity, describe the challenges created, the many adjustments that have already been made, those which will be necessary to meet present concerns and the possible threats to longevity.
>> learn more
Gray Panthers featured in Z Magazine
Eric Laursen takes a look at Roger Sanjek's book on the Gray Panthers in the July 2009 issue of Z Magazine.
>> read the article

Maggie Kuhn Featured in the Philadelphia Inquirer
The Philadelphia Inquirer published an article called "Never one to go gentle into that good night" about Maggie Kuhn. >> read more

Silence is Consent
Speak Out to End the War

Don’t be lulled by the swelling public mood against the war—that’s only half the story. Even if the troops come home tomorrow, this war’s immense costs will weigh down the next generation(s).
>> more

older americans act appropriations
The Older Americans Act (OAA) is the backbone of services to America's aging population. The OAA helps seniors to stay independent and healthy through a wide range of services and programs.
>> learn more

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